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Shady's Back

July 16, 2024

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Well. It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

To put things simply: a job hunt and a (thankfully temporary) bad living situation made me suddenly lose a bunch of free time. But all that's past now, and I want to get things going once again. My thanks goes out to the other fag that's kept the CyTube going. I heard you fuckers watched Skibidi Toilet and I've never been so revolted. :^)

Anyways, it's time to pick shit up. I don't have too much planned at the moment---really, I'm looking through all my old notes to see where I left things. I heard Godotanon released AOSF, and I've been keeping tabs on the soundtrack Yokubofag's produced for it. Good work, both of ya. I'll be reaching out soon-ish to get those archived. On top of getting those squared away, I've got a few hardware upgrades for the server: a RAM upgrade to 32GB (from the pitiful 8GB the poor shitbox has) and the upgrade to a 1TB SSD. It's a far cry from the rack mount server I dream of having, but it's a significant enough upgrade to make things like modded Minecraft perform a lot better. (the Gmod server, however, may still suffer a little because of the Source Engine's hard on for using a single CPU core).

That's all I have for now. Try not to burn up during the rest of summer. I'll scrounge for some shit to throw on the CyTube and start the polls up again. As always, suggestions for what to watch and/or archive are always welcome.

dont bang dot lisall she got like sonic aids or something