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After Vacation Update

May 28, 2024

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It's been a little bit since I've written something for the site, innit. I figured I would let you all know that yes, I am still alive, and that I somehow didn't get killed while on the many Boeing planes that I took. This is a quick update; nothing more, nothing less.

I went ahead and archived a few more things from the [4pasta] Rentry at the top of the page, and have finally updated the [game] page to reflect the current state of the server shit that I have going on. Nothing too fancy, but at least the Gmod crap has been solidified (for now). I'll start including a date next to the Workshop collection link so that anyone using it can go and subscribe to anything that's been added to it and make it so nobody has to wait an egregious amount of time to download a 5MB addon.

Also, I am still weighing my options here, but I may be looking for another hand to help with archiving in the future. If I do, I'll make a separate news announcement and temporary page detailing all that's expected from any potential archivist. That said, I'm willing to hear from anyone preliminarily who will be interested in helping to archive the random bullshit that may or may not be important. (at most i think i'll seek help for keeping an up-to-date rentry first and foremost)

That's about it. Take care, fegits.

slender's a traitor detective kill him