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RSS, Site Restructuring, and SMGDS Prototype

April 15, 2024 (updated April 16, 2024)

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I really should fuck around a lot less and work on the site like a good archiver. Now that I've stated that, and have gotten some shit straightened out on the Minecraft end of things, I want to address the changes that have been made to the site.

First and foremost, the news posts have been restructured both on the surface and under the hood. Not only does this make it a little cleaner to navigate the news posts, but this also lets these news posts be accessible via RSS! Yes, (You) can fire up your favorite RSS reader, add as a feed, and voila, you'll be able to read my shitty ramblings and site updates from the convenience of your preferred reader. When this was suggested to me by the other anon that works on the site, I was against the idea at first, but since it would help other anons keep track of what's been added to the archive, I went about planning how exactly I could implement it in the laziest easiest way possible. Unfortunately, the current implementation only updates the feed every 24 hours, but it works.

Second, the site has undergone some slight restructuring: the oldnews.html doc is no more, and neither is archive.html. Oldnews was removed because of RSS support being added to the site, and archive was, to put it simply, pointless. Now, the [archive] hyperlink at the top of each page simply redirects to the root of the archive directory, like it should have from the start.

Lastly, it is with great pleasure that, with the blessings of the team behind the pasta, the SMGDS Prototype pasta is now included in the archive! It's a little strange having something high quality in the archive, but I couldn't be happier. My thanks again goes out to the team for allowing it to be archived in the first place.

That should cover everything that's been done to the site. As one last aside, I hope you all have been well and allergy- and/or cold-free during this bipolar ass season we all call Spring. More updates to follow.

herobrine did it

UPDATE 4-16-2024: The RSS shit has been reworked once again to make it fucking function, and further site restructuring has been done: a proper [news] page has been made and each article has its own doc.