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Downtime Bullcrap, Visitor Counting, and Modpack Fixing

April 10, 2024 (modified April 16, 2024)

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Intermittent connection issues doesn't stop this moron from hosting a shitbox. Now that some IRL stuff is handled, there shouldn't be any more issues with connectivity for the foreseeable future. I apologize for the downtime that happened over last week, and hopefully next time it happens (if it does), I'll be able to announce what's going on in the thread.

That all said, there are a few things to note. First, the site now has a visitor counter, courtesy of! Now >we can see a number go up every time someone accesses any part of the site!

Second, the modpack has been trimmed down and reworked (yes, the skin mod works; info is on the Minecraft page). As per this vote, I'll be hosting Herobrine's Mansion: Remastered first this upcoming Sunday night, and if the map happens to be finished with some time to spare, I'll host the modpack. Subsequent Sundays will have the modpack hosted alongside the CyTube.

Lastly, a couple more things have been added to the Archive: "BOMBER", a pasta from last year written by anon from /exeg/; and Sonic PETA, by Dystychiphobia on YouTube. As always, more will be added when I can be assed to add it, and suggestions are always welcome.

*kefka laugh*