After Easter Wishes, Modpack Troubles, and SM64BA...?
April 1, 2024
The site is undergoing some renovations. Please pardon the mess... -bug
What a fuckin' week. I hope everyone had a good Easter holiday, whether or not you chowed down on food or hung with family or whatever.
Unfortunately, several errors came up with the Minecraft modpack that did not come up during all the initial testing and setup, and myself and the other fags helping me work this out are back at square one to trim the modpack's fat a little and make it work in the way we want to (most notably, the Corpse mod has to go, and some mods that are throwing an alarming amount of errors during server startup have to be held under much closer watch, if not outright removed as well). But hey: nothing's perfect. Maybe things will be ironed out, maybe not. At least Better Than Adventure, while there are some gripes with it, functions. It's a good intermediate step until the modpack is made functional (and preferably slimmer!).
Also, SM64BA is now in the Archive. I don't know if anyone viewing this will care about it, but it's there for... Posterity. Sure. Why not. I'll be scraping some shit from /exeg/ later.