if any of (You) decide to host a minecraft server, make sure you back up frequently keep in mind that logs split themselves after so long beware of all the log editing you'll have to do in case you host logs publicly and make sure your box is hooked up to an uninterupped power supply (a.k.a. battery backup) so brownouts/blackouts don't go and corrupt shit -bug [20Apr2024 15:52:41.030] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer/]: Done (42.037s)! For help, type "help" [20Apr2024 15:52:41.032] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer/]: Starting remote control listener [20Apr2024 15:52:41.037] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.rcon.thread.GenericThread/]: Thread RCON Listener started [20Apr2024 15:52:41.037] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.rcon.thread.RconThread/]: RCON running on [20Apr2024 15:52:41.119] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.server.permission.PermissionAPI/]: Successfully initialized permission handler forge:default_handler [20Apr2024 15:52:41.120] [Server thread/INFO] [Arclight/]: Forwarding forge permission[forge:default_handler] to bukkit [20Apr2024 15:52:41.520] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering saplings 26 [20Apr2024 15:52:41.522] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering Ores 41 44 [20Apr2024 15:52:41.522] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering plantables 19 [20Apr2024 15:52:41.541] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering food 188 218 [20Apr2024 15:52:41.598] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering fuel 728 [20Apr2024 15:52:41.601] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering compostables 363 [20Apr2024 15:52:41.601] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering lucky oreBlocks 6 [20Apr2024 15:52:41.601] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering recruitment costs [20Apr2024 15:52:41.602] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering diseases [20Apr2024 15:52:42.053] [Server thread/WARN] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Running in offline mode - Voice chat encryption is not secure! [20Apr2024 15:52:42.101] [Server thread/INFO] [patchouli/]: Sending reload packet to clients [20Apr2024 15:52:42.101] [VoiceChatServerThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Using server-ip as bind address: [20Apr2024 15:52:42.123] [VoiceChatServerThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Voice chat server started at [20Apr2024 15:52:42.396] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_boots, missing knowledge for {1 cloud_armor_boots=2.0, 1 diamond_boots=1.0} [20Apr2024 15:52:42.396] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 radiator, missing knowledge for {1 water_bucket=0.25} [20Apr2024 15:52:42.399] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_helmet, missing knowledge for {1 diamond_helmet=1.0, 1 cloud_armor_helmet=2.0} [20Apr2024 15:52:42.399] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_leggings, missing knowledge for {1 diamond_leggings=1.0, 1 cloud_armor_leggings=2.0} [20Apr2024 15:52:42.399] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 free_runners_armored, missing knowledge for {1 free_runners=1.0} [20Apr2024 15:52:42.399] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_chestplate, missing knowledge for {1 diamond_chestplate=1.0, 1 cloud_armor_chestplate=2.0} [20Apr2024 15:52:42.399] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 enhanced_shadowgem_sword, missing knowledge for {1 shadowgemsword=1.0} [20Apr2024 15:52:42.400] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Finished recipe profiler for Arc Recycling, took 270 milliseconds [20Apr2024 15:52:52.810] [Server thread/INFO] [BukkitGreentext/]: New version 3.1.5 found (currently on 3.1.4); download at: [20Apr2024 15:53:44.566] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/INFO] [mixin/]: Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatPacket from nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ServerboundChatPacket [20Apr2024 15:53:44.661] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/INFO] [mixin/]: Mixing common.MixinServerStatusSerializer from nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.network.protocol.status.ServerStatus$Serializer [20Apr2024 15:53:46.519] [User Authenticator #1/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player buganon is a2e4cdb1-da27-3bc7-a9ba-b903ed3df394 [20Apr2024 15:53:54.610] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@27996bd8 [20Apr2024 15:53:54.760] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: buganon[] logged in with entity id 937 at (-6.088163674559887, 70.0, -77.69999998807907) [20Apr2024 15:53:55.034] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon joined the game [20Apr2024 15:53:55.248] [Server thread/INFO] [structurize/]: New Server UUID 4555eeda-6c92-4592-9ac9-2cef0e22c5a6 [20Apr2024 15:53:55.348] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Recipes for potions: minecraft:long_night_vision, minecraft:long_invisibility, minecraft:long_strength, cyclic:reach_distance, minecraft:regeneration, minecraft:strong_strength, minecraft:fire_resistance, minecraft:water, cyclic:resistance, quark:long_resilience, minecraft:strong_healing, minecraft:long_poison, cyclic:waterwalk, minecraft:strong_harming, minecraft:strong_slowness, cyclic:butter, cyclic:flight, minecraft:swiftness, minecraft:long_swiftness, minecraft:turtle_master, minecraft:strength, cyclic:swimspeed, minecraft:awkward, minecraft:invisibility, minecraft:slow_falling, minecraft:leaping, minecraft:long_leaping, cyclic:strong_haste, quark:strong_resilience, minecraft:night_vision, cyclic:magnetic, cyclic:attack_range, minecraft:poison, cyclic:wither, cyclic:snowwalk, minecraft:strong_swiftness, minecraft:long_water_breathing, minecraft:long_slowness, cyclic:stun, cyclic:antigravity, minecraft:healing, minecraft:long_regeneration, minecraft:harming, minecraft:strong_poison, cyclic:haste, minecraft:long_fire_resistance, minecraft:long_weakness, minecraft:strong_regeneration, quark:resilience, cyclic:strong_hunger, minecraft:long_slow_falling, cyclic:hunger, minecraft:water_breathing, cyclic:blind, cyclic:frost_walker, minecraft:weakness, minecraft:strong_leaping, minecraft:slowness, cyclic:levitation, cyclic:gravity, minecraft:strong_turtle_master, minecraft:long_turtle_master [20Apr2024 15:53:56.184] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of buganon (18) [20Apr2024 15:53:56.189] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to buganon [20Apr2024 15:54:11.675] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player a2e4cdb1-da27-3bc7-a9ba-b903ed3df394 [20Apr2024 15:54:12.668] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player a2e4cdb1-da27-3bc7-a9ba-b903ed3df394 [20Apr2024 15:54:12.676] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player buganon (a2e4cdb1-da27-3bc7-a9ba-b903ed3df394) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 15:57:42.474] [Server thread/WARN] [minecolonies/]: Writing Recipe Manager: 0 recipes! [20Apr2024 15:59:21.182] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO] [Console/]: AIE [20Apr2024 16:00:19.205] [User Authenticator #2/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 16:00:25.607] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@33b0a74f [20Apr2024 16:00:25.741] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: JimmyT[] logged in with entity id 3008 at (-13.459577283584618, 69.0, -65.18289584293052) [20Apr2024 16:00:25.816] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT joined the game [20Apr2024 16:00:26.728] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of JimmyT (18) [20Apr2024 16:00:26.729] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to JimmyT [20Apr2024 16:00:29.414] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: yo [20Apr2024 16:00:37.466] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 16:00:38.466] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 16:00:38.466] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player JimmyT (76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 16:00:45.196] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: wassup [20Apr2024 16:00:56.214] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: nm, just chillin [20Apr2024 16:00:58.059] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: wbu? [20Apr2024 16:01:12.580] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: not much, now remembering that i lost all my shit in the nether here [20Apr2024 16:01:27.881] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: rip. at least the chest spawned above the lava, right? [20Apr2024 16:01:32.700] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: i'll find out [20Apr2024 16:02:06.618] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: aw fuck i forgot to change my minecraft name goddamn it [20Apr2024 16:03:30.282] [Async Chat Thread - #3/INFO] [Console/]: the chest actually spawned like 200 blocks away from where i died on a random shore off the lava lake [20Apr2024 16:03:33.317] [Async Chat Thread - #3/INFO] [Console/]: bizarre [20Apr2024 16:03:55.169] [Async Chat Thread - #3/INFO] [Console/]: i mean, at least it spawned on shore [20Apr2024 16:03:55.859] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/4360, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 16:05:25.319] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: blurriness the classic for shitty lost episode pastas [20Apr2024 16:05:50.181] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: what do you MEAN it's ORIGINAL and KINO [20Apr2024 16:05:57.360] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: vibingleaf save us........ [20Apr2024 16:08:51.186] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: ight gonna relog so the name reflects the ng name i use [20Apr2024 16:08:53.129] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon lost connection: Disconnected [20Apr2024 16:08:53.134] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client buganon [20Apr2024 16:08:53.188] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon left the game [20Apr2024 16:09:41.967] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: [Server] wtf vampire fetishism? [20Apr2024 16:11:43.857] [User Authenticator #3/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player snugLilBugga is 04f0bdc1-bf74-36cf-999b-a5b4bc1f824b [20Apr2024 16:11:51.711] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@102d0e03 [20Apr2024 16:11:52.237] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: snugLilBugga[] logged in with entity id 5989 at (5.5, 66.0, 0.5) [20Apr2024 16:11:52.315] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga joined the game [20Apr2024 16:11:53.962] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of snugLilBugga (18) [20Apr2024 16:11:53.963] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to snugLilBugga [20Apr2024 16:12:08.318] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 04f0bdc1-bf74-36cf-999b-a5b4bc1f824b [20Apr2024 16:12:09.317] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 04f0bdc1-bf74-36cf-999b-a5b4bc1f824b [20Apr2024 16:12:09.317] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player snugLilBugga (04f0bdc1-bf74-36cf-999b-a5b4bc1f824b) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 16:12:25.282] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: i ahve been digging through netherrack with my bare hands for 5 minutes [20Apr2024 16:12:53.915] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: snugLilBugga issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://exegarbage.lol/mc/tailsdoll.png" [20Apr2024 16:12:55.982] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: snugLilBugga moved too quickly! -7.982146991975416,8.0,2.071056966045794 [20Apr2024 16:13:00.269] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: jesus you didn't bring a pick with you? [20Apr2024 16:13:04.693] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: it broke [20Apr2024 16:13:07.133] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: oh [20Apr2024 16:13:40.087] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade] [20Apr2024 16:13:51.765] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: oh right name changes nuke your progress on servers for whatever reason [20Apr2024 16:13:57.714] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: thanks microshit [20Apr2024 16:14:33.881] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Stone Age] [20Apr2024 16:16:40.469] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Diamonds!] [20Apr2024 16:16:46.279] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware] [20Apr2024 16:17:54.127] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [20Apr2024 16:18:11.012] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: watch for raiders i just killed one [20Apr2024 16:18:31.402] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Suit Up] [20Apr2024 16:18:38.228] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Voluntary Exile] [20Apr2024 16:19:05.669] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga was shot by Pillager [20Apr2024 16:19:44.559] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: swastika broke [20Apr2024 16:20:14.527] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [A Seedy Place] [20Apr2024 16:20:19.237] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wtf what happened to it [20Apr2024 16:22:14.173] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh boy vibingslop up next [20Apr2024 16:23:13.338] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: this reminds me of that saw romhack but worse [20Apr2024 16:23:28.449] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: this is lame [20Apr2024 16:23:37.972] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: >11 minutes [20Apr2024 16:23:51.612] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/9771, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 16:24:05.357] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: AIEEEEE LUIGI WITH NO EYES [20Apr2024 16:24:40.256] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: why is luigi bitching he's playable in almost all of the games [20Apr2024 16:25:12.324] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: that and there's how much fanfiction of luigi? [20Apr2024 16:25:21.057] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wtf actualbattle? [20Apr2024 16:25:33.909] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: if i were luigi and i saw the videos of daisy pegging me i would also react in this way [20Apr2024 16:25:46.970] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: not canon, luigi is a service top [20Apr2024 16:26:45.818] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: at least the boss theme was nice [20Apr2024 16:28:39.647] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ngl wasn't expecting vibingleaf to implement a fucking boss fight... [20Apr2024 16:28:45.994] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: and now we're back to wholesome 100 shit [20Apr2024 16:31:19.968] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: when other people get here you should put on the AVGN's newest video [20Apr2024 16:31:25.836] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: it's some cringe [20Apr2024 16:31:34.325] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: james rolfe is still making avgn vids? [20Apr2024 16:31:40.168] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: unfortunately [20Apr2024 16:32:32.337] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: tempting [20Apr2024 16:33:43.873] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait a minute this is the pasta with mewterror isn't it [20Apr2024 16:34:26.417] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yepo [20Apr2024 16:34:30.013] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yep* [20Apr2024 16:36:08.079] [Async Chat Thread - #13/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: gonna try to find pigs [20Apr2024 16:38:04.471] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: these guys are bad creepypasta at home [20Apr2024 16:38:33.566] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: found a backpack [20Apr2024 16:38:49.888] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: nice [20Apr2024 16:39:07.958] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: man the thread is awful slow for a saturday [20Apr2024 16:39:08.788] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: its model is fucking ugly [20Apr2024 16:39:32.073] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: it's a nu minecraft mod i'd be surprised if the model looked good [20Apr2024 16:40:23.693] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait pigs are lured by carrots now aren't they [20Apr2024 16:40:37.038] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: you growing carrots? [20Apr2024 16:40:41.565] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yeah we got a shitload [20Apr2024 16:41:56.270] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yeah it's carrots [20Apr2024 16:41:56.782] [User Authenticator #4/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player NumberCruncher is f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 16:42:02.173] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@3a01dd65 [20Apr2024 16:42:02.269] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: NumberCruncher[] logged in with entity id 16444 at (-182.24485620381128, 64.0, -44.168522870837236) [20Apr2024 16:42:02.346] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wtf when was this a thing it was always wheat before [20Apr2024 16:42:02.374] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher joined the game [20Apr2024 16:42:03.128] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of NumberCruncher (18) [20Apr2024 16:42:03.130] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 16:42:08.511] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wassup my amigx [20Apr2024 16:42:14.799] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 16:42:15.796] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 16:42:15.796] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player NumberCruncher (f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 16:42:17.517] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: carrot on a stick's been in the game forever [20Apr2024 16:42:25.576] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: i bet it was carrots from the beginning rather than wheat [20Apr2024 16:45:27.873] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: we have a single pig [20Apr2024 16:46:05.786] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams] [20Apr2024 16:49:43.270] [User Authenticator #5/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player yokuboSTAR_ is 495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff [20Apr2024 16:49:49.026] [Async Chat Thread - #17/INFO] [Console/]: >freaking murderer [20Apr2024 16:49:52.678] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@4049af8 [20Apr2024 16:49:52.771] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: yokuboSTAR_[] logged in with entity id 19264 at (8.730227307255175, 70.0, -54.20655591671198) [20Apr2024 16:49:52.828] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ joined the game [20Apr2024 16:49:56.130] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of yokuboSTAR_ (18) [20Apr2024 16:49:56.131] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to yokuboSTAR_ [20Apr2024 16:50:18.486] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff [20Apr2024 16:50:19.472] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff [20Apr2024 16:50:19.473] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player yokuboSTAR_ (495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 16:50:44.352] [Async Chat Thread - #17/INFO] [Console/]: mutahar is making many transphobic jokes this video [20Apr2024 16:50:47.490] [Async Chat Thread - #17/INFO] [Console/]: i'm very disappointed in him [20Apr2024 16:50:54.604] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: thats not good [20Apr2024 16:51:00.204] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: This is like the same 5 people all the time has nobody else ever joined [20Apr2024 16:51:07.125] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: also what the fuck this video sounds recent [20Apr2024 16:51:14.200] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: more recent than most of these other ones [20Apr2024 16:51:15.688] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i think mario2900 joined once, but that was about it [20Apr2024 16:51:30.000] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: exeg anons are too busy to play minecraft [20Apr2024 16:51:34.514] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [The Parrots and the Bats] [20Apr2024 16:51:59.700] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: so what are we doing [20Apr2024 16:52:08.241] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm making pigs fuck so we can have bacon and eggs [20Apr2024 16:52:09.762] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: should we get into the twilight forest stuff tonight [20Apr2024 16:52:29.555] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: we could tbh, an uncrafting table would be awesome to have around [20Apr2024 16:52:54.596] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: It's like, where are all these people I call retarded? [20Apr2024 16:53:03.815] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: There should be at least 10 others here [20Apr2024 16:53:09.692] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: i agree it feels like there should be more people [20Apr2024 16:53:13.552] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: those were all me i samefag the entire thread to argue with you [20Apr2024 16:53:19.102] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: based schizo [20Apr2024 16:53:29.107] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: i guess this is just our realm [20Apr2024 16:53:44.386] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ig not everyone is into minecraft or trusts a random fag to host a server and not do shit like scrape ips or doxx [20Apr2024 16:53:54.124] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: That's the thing though [20Apr2024 16:53:57.341] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: These people I call retarded [20Apr2024 16:54:01.406] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: They're not very intelligent [20Apr2024 16:54:05.922] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: so they wouldn't care about those things [20Apr2024 16:54:12.577] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: i do [20Apr2024 16:54:26.293] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: I only call you retarded occasionally [20Apr2024 16:54:36.194] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: The other 95% of people aren't here though [20Apr2024 16:54:52.441] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: I'm not expecting ALL of them to show up [20Apr2024 16:55:00.433] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i don't think exeg has more than like 8 people at any given time thoughever [20Apr2024 16:55:27.462] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: ip counts used to indicate there were at least 20 people, accounting for ip switching [20Apr2024 16:55:39.134] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [MineColonies] [20Apr2024 16:55:50.634] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Crops of the Wild] [20Apr2024 16:55:57.791] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: HEY FAGGOTS WHO WANTS A MOTHERFUCKING SUPPLY SHIP [20Apr2024 16:56:01.923] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: I would argue 25 due to low iq [20Apr2024 16:56:04.604] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THIS IS [20Apr2024 16:56:14.446] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: i found one of those a long time ago no idea what it is [20Apr2024 16:56:35.450] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: free supply beacon (forma de helldivers)? [20Apr2024 16:57:13.725] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: so how do we do the twilight forest [20Apr2024 16:57:17.965] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: dont we need a diamond [20Apr2024 16:58:08.304] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: THERES A FUCKING CREEPER INSIDE THE FUCKING HOUSE [20Apr2024 16:58:09.890] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yeah, one dieamond [20Apr2024 16:58:15.863] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/21861, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 16:58:16.454] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: tell jc to get out of the house then smh [20Apr2024 16:58:17.078] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: ITS IN THE BASEMENT [20Apr2024 16:58:21.022] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: i have 2 diamonds [20Apr2024 16:58:23.001] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: found 2 more earlier [20Apr2024 16:58:29.594] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: fuck me [20Apr2024 16:59:35.189] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: I was gonna propose the theory that it really is just like 6 people arguing with one another but that mathematically wouldn't make sense [20Apr2024 16:59:42.711] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: >spookiest word: death [20Apr2024 17:00:16.066] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: who wants an obsidian shield [20Apr2024 17:00:16.624] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: 7 diamonds now [20Apr2024 17:00:27.534] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: firstly do we even need obsidian for anything currently [20Apr2024 17:00:34.732] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: i can get lots anyway [20Apr2024 17:00:40.148] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: i did not know obsidian shields existed [20Apr2024 17:01:41.037] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh sick thanks [20Apr2024 17:01:42.216] [Server thread/ERROR] [STDERR/]: Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug! [20Apr2024 17:01:47.415] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5216ms or 104 ticks behind [20Apr2024 17:01:47.448] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ moved too quickly! -2.863837888129755,2.833789916361752,11.156797329203357 [20Apr2024 17:01:47.449] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: NumberCruncher moved too quickly! -4.647510625822932,-0.17542329595208628,19.865108636167186 [20Apr2024 17:01:52.278] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: sometimes exeg does an influx of people brought in through some kind of event on twitter, seen recently in the jasper dramafaggotry [20Apr2024 17:01:57.211] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: *does get [20Apr2024 17:02:19.881] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: yeah but there's always something going on [20Apr2024 17:02:32.154] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: so we already have netherite tier swords and however strong this shield is [20Apr2024 17:02:41.021] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: jimmy number come back to the house if you want one [20Apr2024 17:02:49.680] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: i'm alright for now [20Apr2024 17:02:55.738] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: i'm the one that got all the emeralds [20Apr2024 17:03:00.171] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: theyre in the bullshit chest then [20Apr2024 17:03:25.025] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: gonna waste a diamond to activate the twilight forest portal [20Apr2024 17:03:34.275] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: i've got 9 [20Apr2024 17:03:45.598] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga was struck by lightning [20Apr2024 17:03:49.053] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ow [20Apr2024 17:03:51.733] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: WHAT THE FUCK [20Apr2024 17:04:25.459] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: so sp00ky...... [20Apr2024 17:04:33.090] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.village.poi.PoiSection/]: POI data mismatch: never registered at BlockPos{x=11, y=64, z=-54} [20Apr2024 17:04:33.090] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.village.poi.PoiSection/]: POI data mismatch: never registered at BlockPos{x=11, y=64, z=-54} [20Apr2024 17:04:33.750] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: there's a cool short animation on newgrounds of a smb2usa/nightmare on elm street parody [20Apr2024 17:04:52.474] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: and it's like 30 seconds long [20Apr2024 17:04:58.366] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: nightmare in subcon and like 30 seconds long yeah [20Apr2024 17:05:12.372] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: isn't the mario 2 place called dream land? [20Apr2024 17:05:19.691] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: subcon [20Apr2024 17:05:20.366] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: i remember it being subcon [20Apr2024 17:05:21.253] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: no that's kirby [20Apr2024 17:05:29.390] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: it's like dream land [20Apr2024 17:05:31.056] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: or dream machine [20Apr2024 17:05:52.938] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: ah shit it's subcon [20Apr2024 17:05:54.776] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 timed out [20Apr2024 17:05:54.777] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Reconnecting player NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 17:05:54.777] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 17:05:54.931] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 17:05:55.926] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 17:05:55.927] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player NumberCruncher (f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 17:06:15.686] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: it's ok to get information wrong about the inferior sequel [20Apr2024 17:06:27.634] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Hunt and Gather] [20Apr2024 17:06:35.162] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: why does a gold knife have fortune 2 by default [20Apr2024 17:06:36.053] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: mario 2 japan never got a sequel [20Apr2024 17:06:43.281] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: mario 2 usa got a mario 2 2 [20Apr2024 17:06:49.985] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: what was mario 2 2 [20Apr2024 17:07:02.815] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: it was a live service game let me find the name [20Apr2024 17:07:21.763] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: BS Super Mario USA [20Apr2024 17:07:23.983] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: bug you should put that avgn video in the queue now [20Apr2024 17:07:28.791] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: ahhh yeah the BS radio games [20Apr2024 17:07:47.431] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: those were japan exclusive [20Apr2024 17:07:50.979] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: bacon n eggy :) [20Apr2024 17:07:56.018] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: So if you really think about it [20Apr2024 17:07:56.610] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: why did they make a game about the USA exclusive sequel [20Apr2024 17:08:05.514] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: mario 2 japan is actually mario 2 usa [20Apr2024 17:08:18.583] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: cause mario 2 usa got a japan sequel [20Apr2024 17:08:23.417] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: that still hasn't been translated [20Apr2024 17:08:25.915] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: so therefore it is more japanese [20Apr2024 17:08:38.606] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: that's ok america is superior than japan anyway [20Apr2024 17:08:42.147] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: superior to [20Apr2024 17:08:57.666] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: "your in america speak english" type energy [20Apr2024 17:09:10.062] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: So true! [20Apr2024 17:09:10.686] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: is there a tier of armor thats slightly above armor but also not diamond because we dont have enough diamonds yet [20Apr2024 17:09:15.778] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: iron i mean [20Apr2024 17:09:17.855] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: above iron [20Apr2024 17:09:19.723] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: emerald [20Apr2024 17:09:20.855] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: use emerald [20Apr2024 17:10:15.921] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: who was the guy i had a long argument about grammar with in the thread [20Apr2024 17:10:38.867] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait you were arguing with that esl over "an NES"? [20Apr2024 17:10:41.646] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 17:10:44.037] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: l m a o [20Apr2024 17:11:00.578] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: Actually English is my first language [20Apr2024 17:11:23.460] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: alright off i go with this shit [20Apr2024 17:11:30.982] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 6183ms or 123 ticks behind [20Apr2024 17:11:31.458] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: let's go play a MC game [20Apr2024 17:11:43.215] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/26825, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 17:11:43.955] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: You're still wrong about that btw [20Apr2024 17:11:48.639] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: my first language is retardese [20Apr2024 17:12:12.062] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: number do you want to play on a MC server [20Apr2024 17:12:12.076] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh boy vibingslop [20Apr2024 17:12:27.001] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: I see your game [20Apr2024 17:12:41.961] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: I know what you're trying to do [20Apr2024 17:12:50.006] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: i'm going to make a NG post about it [20Apr2024 17:13:20.705] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: bug queue up a NGC reading [20Apr2024 17:13:21.851] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: Hold on I have to remember what position I argued in that debate [20Apr2024 17:13:25.652] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ moved too quickly! 6.022699679872896,59.0,-6.1725972638239455 [20Apr2024 17:13:30.172] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: queue up some fsoas videos [20Apr2024 17:13:53.601] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: wtf is this video [20Apr2024 17:13:57.211] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: bad? [20Apr2024 17:14:18.276] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ngc reading's up after two retakes not made by vibingleaf [20Apr2024 17:14:38.937] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: NO I WAS JOKING [20Apr2024 17:14:49.911] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: here where was that one place with the assload of bookshelves [20Apr2024 17:14:53.821] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: the scp [20Apr2024 17:15:06.882] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: i want to improve our enchantment shit [20Apr2024 17:15:11.768] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: AIIIIEEEE THE BLOCK IS BECOMING A SPOOKY FACE [20Apr2024 17:15:33.990] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: If you put a block bar over something that really lets the viewer think something much worse is happening [20Apr2024 17:15:35.571] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: Therefore [20Apr2024 17:15:45.946] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: If you cover the entire screen with a block bar, the viewer will imagine that you actually made something good [20Apr2024 17:15:50.600] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'd rather watch the walten files again over vibingshit [20Apr2024 17:15:51.514] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: back* [20Apr2024 17:15:59.820] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: it's over... [20Apr2024 17:16:03.968] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: black* [20Apr2024 17:16:10.055] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: amazing [20Apr2024 17:16:19.655] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aie.... reversed theme [20Apr2024 17:16:39.903] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: i think one of the first exeg posts i made was a joke max and ruby analog horror image that i made without knowing that people actually did it seriously [20Apr2024 17:16:50.133] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: do you still have it [20Apr2024 17:16:58.943] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: hold on [20Apr2024 17:17:16.265] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait the parents were actually animated for two whole seconds? [20Apr2024 17:17:16.295] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: it was just a screenshot but blacka nd white with vhs effects [20Apr2024 17:17:33.930] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: in the later seasons of max and ruby they added in the parents for some fucking reason [20Apr2024 17:17:47.350] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: where do you think children come from? [20Apr2024 17:17:53.716] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: i wouldn't know i only ever saw this show when i came home from school early and i was upset spongebob wasn't on instead [20Apr2024 17:17:54.487] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: the stork, duh [20Apr2024 17:18:01.456] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: they also made max speak actual sentences instead of only one phrase that pertains to the subject of the episode [20Apr2024 17:18:04.682] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: in other words they ruined it [20Apr2024 17:18:22.810] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: >static noise scary [20Apr2024 17:18:31.546] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: this must've been a big deal to all of the 7 year olds watching max and ruby [20Apr2024 17:18:40.386] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: look jimmy it was either an ngc reading or the wdy animatic [20Apr2024 17:18:49.219] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: ok but put on AVGN's new video first [20Apr2024 17:19:01.538] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: avgn horse prince [20Apr2024 17:19:11.006] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: based on the thumbnail it looks so bad [20Apr2024 17:19:12.554] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: OH DEAR LORD WHY [20Apr2024 17:19:22.962] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: it is [20Apr2024 17:19:26.263] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: he should just shave it all off [20Apr2024 17:19:30.763] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: his hair looks so bad [20Apr2024 17:19:39.154] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: is this vibingleaf [20Apr2024 17:19:49.506] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: no this is someone else [20Apr2024 17:19:50.854] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: i will admit that was actually kinda cool [20Apr2024 17:19:54.638] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: DeniseKazooie [20Apr2024 17:19:57.271] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: why was that cool [20Apr2024 17:20:00.986] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: are my standards that low [20Apr2024 17:20:18.761] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: avgn looks so ugly now [20Apr2024 17:20:23.758] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: the tattoo is so bad [20Apr2024 17:20:25.789] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: he should just get a wig or shave it all off [20Apr2024 17:20:30.785] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: WHERE DID THEIR HAIR GO [20Apr2024 17:20:33.873] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: it's because most analogshit doesn't even try to animate anything or make it consistent with either source materials (creepypasta and whatever the pasta is based off of) [20Apr2024 17:20:42.858] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: also the tattoo doesn't work because he's meant to be a nerd not a faggot [20Apr2024 17:20:42.963] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: ITS LITERALLY THE FUCKING IKARI WARRIORS SONG KYLE DID [20Apr2024 17:20:51.367] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: like, at least this tries to match the art style of max and ruby [20Apr2024 17:21:11.514] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: when that censored video was uploaded the west really had fallen [20Apr2024 17:21:15.634] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: where the FUCK WAS THAT HOUSE [20Apr2024 17:21:27.574] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i remember one of these 0004 retakes that was part of this shitty series called the goldman tapes or whatever [20Apr2024 17:21:37.382] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: pillagers nearby [20Apr2024 17:21:38.734] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: i saw that it was stupid [20Apr2024 17:21:44.318] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: i GUESS i could see how you could think max and ruby was creepy since they're in the middle of nowhere and there are no parents but this is gay [20Apr2024 17:21:58.263] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: its scary because dead... [20Apr2024 17:22:02.131] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: >includes paid promotion [20Apr2024 17:22:06.238] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: i assume gay until gaslighted enough to believe it's good [20Apr2024 17:22:06.339] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Not Today, Thank You] [20Apr2024 17:22:17.605] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: oh yeah avgn loves to tell you about how nordvpn can let you watch region locked movies on netflix [20Apr2024 17:22:20.845] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: no, this intro is too high quality [20Apr2024 17:22:31.328] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: AIE [20Apr2024 17:22:39.706] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: do i kill the pillagers [20Apr2024 17:22:44.346] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: i don't think geolocation is even a thing on netflix anymore [20Apr2024 17:22:47.516] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: are they being niggers? [20Apr2024 17:22:49.706] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 17:22:54.384] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: fuck em up [20Apr2024 17:23:01.475] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick] [20Apr2024 17:23:30.097] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: i think geoblocking or whatever the fuck is still a thing [20Apr2024 17:23:40.248] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: i remember in mexico they have spongebob [20Apr2024 17:23:46.898] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ngl board james was cool [20Apr2024 17:23:47.380] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: they also have that in the us [20Apr2024 17:23:51.994] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: do they? hang on [20Apr2024 17:23:53.112] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: board james was based [20Apr2024 17:24:00.543] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: waht country do you think spongebob was made in [20Apr2024 17:24:07.947] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: no im saying on netflix you dumb fuck [20Apr2024 17:24:10.399] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: argentina, duh [20Apr2024 17:24:15.513] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: they also have spongebob in canada [20Apr2024 17:24:27.924] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: yeah no its not on american netflix [20Apr2024 17:24:28.363] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: the canadians do [20Apr2024 17:24:29.666] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: that sucks [20Apr2024 17:24:41.222] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: why are you paying for netflix anyway [20Apr2024 17:24:44.681] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh yeah, while we're watching avgn, i guess i'll bring it up [20Apr2024 17:24:45.564] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: stupid goyim [20Apr2024 17:24:48.958] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: good question [20Apr2024 17:24:55.183] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: the old ass flatbed mac i've been working on has a corrupted open firmware rom [20Apr2024 17:24:57.483] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: : ) [20Apr2024 17:24:59.195] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: avgn is playing a youtube meme game from 6 years ago [20Apr2024 17:25:14.897] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: i only know this from vinny [20Apr2024 17:25:44.037] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: the guy who wrote this episode has an entire room full of gengar merchandise [20Apr2024 17:25:53.722] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i guess backpack upgrades will go in the tools chest [20Apr2024 17:26:17.887] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: he should just double down on the decay and gain 100 [20Apr2024 17:26:19.236] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: pounds [20Apr2024 17:26:28.889] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: if he made it part of a bit that'd be okay [20Apr2024 17:26:29.522] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: doesn't help he has fuckn portrait style videos [20Apr2024 17:26:39.133] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh christ i hate this [20Apr2024 17:27:00.207] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: JAMES YOUR WHOLE BIT IN LATER EPISODES WAS THAT YOU WERE BEHIND THE TIMES [20Apr2024 17:27:07.966] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: YOU HAD A FUCKING BRICK PHONE [20Apr2024 17:27:09.952] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: THAT WAS FUNNY [20Apr2024 17:28:02.100] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: this video's timing of release was really funny for me because it coincided with people shitting on reviewtechusa for wanting to fuck horses [20Apr2024 17:28:12.761] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: which was itself downstream from vaush's horse lust [20Apr2024 17:28:21.806] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: does anybody like reviewtechusa? [20Apr2024 17:28:26.696] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: no he is a fat gay retard [20Apr2024 17:28:38.983] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: ummmm actually he's a gay fat retard [20Apr2024 17:29:01.739] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: errrrrmmmmm it's not "fat" you fucking fatphobe it's "plus size" [20Apr2024 17:29:03.465] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: he swore on the life of his daughter that he did not dox detractors even though it was proven that he did,a nd then his daughter went blind [20Apr2024 17:29:31.179] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: >doesn't use luckypatcher to remove ads [20Apr2024 17:29:33.292] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: is his daughter fat this sounds like a diabetes thing [20Apr2024 17:29:42.927] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh wait he uses an apple phone [20Apr2024 17:29:57.929] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: no she's like 8 and normal from what i have seen, i have in fact seen the daughter because he brought her onto the stream once because he uses his kids as a shield from trolls [20Apr2024 17:30:27.982] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: >suppress dangerous thoughts [20Apr2024 17:30:31.630] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: this is a horsefucker game... [20Apr2024 17:30:54.605] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: actually this is a reddit game [20Apr2024 17:30:57.426] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: the comments on this video are all negative [20Apr2024 17:31:18.638] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: he could have reviewed bootleg nes or famicom games [20Apr2024 17:31:22.326] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: this is equivalent to him doing a goat simulator review [20Apr2024 17:31:22.834] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: or hell, even gulmen [20Apr2024 17:31:31.526] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: that excact comparison was made in the comments multiple times [20Apr2024 17:31:37.989] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: oh shit really? [20Apr2024 17:31:47.155] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: yes everyone can immediately see how retarded this video was [20Apr2024 17:32:12.699] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: can we watch polybius instead [20Apr2024 17:32:22.842] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: that one was the last good avgn episode i think [20Apr2024 17:32:23.586] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: i still don't know if this video is as bad as the shrek one he did [20Apr2024 17:32:26.556] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: the polybius episode was ok [20Apr2024 17:32:29.158] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: polybius was ok yeah [20Apr2024 17:32:55.538] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: what the fuck is that the supply ship? [20Apr2024 17:33:03.269] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: yep [20Apr2024 17:33:07.152] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: polybius was reddit [20Apr2024 17:33:08.560] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: huh [20Apr2024 17:33:22.411] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: it was a little reddit but it was kinda a cute video [20Apr2024 17:33:25.735] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: didn't like it, felt like it was following a trend [20Apr2024 17:33:49.779] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: >mfw no conplus fangame [20Apr2024 17:33:52.076] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh no [20Apr2024 17:33:55.218] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/60822, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 17:33:55.367] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: i didn't get that impression from it, felt like it was right up rolfe's horror movie alley [20Apr2024 17:34:11.071] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: it's something popularized from the internet [20Apr2024 17:34:18.990] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: a rumor [20Apr2024 17:34:32.195] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: yeah, but you could say that about his CDI videos as well [20Apr2024 17:34:38.135] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: or plumbers don't wear ties, or superman 64 [20Apr2024 17:34:42.762] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: i also didn't like those [20Apr2024 17:34:45.814] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: fair enough [20Apr2024 17:35:04.029] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: we got sponges? [20Apr2024 17:35:04.203] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: plumbers don't wear ties was sorta funny to watch, but that could be rose colored glasses talking [20Apr2024 17:35:07.110] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: i feel like avgn is just that kind of show where its like [20Apr2024 17:35:16.019] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: its alright to have just playing in the background [20Apr2024 17:35:30.579] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: but once you try to analyze it it kinda falls apart [20Apr2024 17:35:31.954] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: he never did town with no name, did he? [20Apr2024 17:35:32.911] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: i think the only time it would be funny for him to do a trend video is if he reviewed like cdi zelda in 2065 as a 80 year old man [20Apr2024 17:35:34.675] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: this video is not as aggressively cringe as the shrek video where you have to look at the fat retards [20Apr2024 17:35:46.801] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: he did do town with no name but it was a part of a broader console review video [20Apr2024 17:35:50.302] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: iirc [20Apr2024 17:35:52.982] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh lame [20Apr2024 17:36:00.563] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: so what i'm hearing is just watch the vargskelethor stream [20Apr2024 17:36:00.601] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: no he did town with no name as a standalone video [20Apr2024 17:36:07.644] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: as a followup to the amiga video [20Apr2024 17:36:14.217] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: no point in covering joke games like town with no name [20Apr2024 17:36:17.838] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: you mean amigx? [20Apr2024 17:36:28.363] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: i dont get it [20Apr2024 17:36:34.868] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: that's cause you're racist [20Apr2024 17:36:42.490] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: uh huh [20Apr2024 17:36:50.775] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: latin2011x [20Apr2024 17:37:48.163] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: the avgn movie broke james rolfe's mind [20Apr2024 17:39:13.155] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: i saw the comments nobody compared the game to goat simulator [20Apr2024 17:39:18.947] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: there was at least one [20Apr2024 17:39:21.346] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: there needs to be coffee in farmer's delight [20Apr2024 17:39:25.123] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: i saw it [20Apr2024 17:39:31.813] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player 495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff timed out [20Apr2024 17:39:31.813] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Reconnecting player yokuboSTAR_ [20Apr2024 17:39:31.813] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to yokuboSTAR_ [20Apr2024 17:39:36.323] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff [20Apr2024 17:39:41.525] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [A Metallur-what?] [20Apr2024 17:40:17.678] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm not sure what's worse, the game or this fucking video [20Apr2024 17:40:34.619] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: holy shit what is with my computer right now [20Apr2024 17:40:44.329] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: if james rolfe is going to do this bewildered boomer routine then he should just play 90s japanese porn games [20Apr2024 17:40:47.257] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: do a rance video [20Apr2024 17:41:07.544] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: he needs to do a tsukihime video [20Apr2024 17:41:56.155] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: i want to see james do more fighting games in his videos just so i can be mad that he cant do a 720 input with zangief [20Apr2024 17:42:16.841] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: i have never seen this gumball creepypasta shit [20Apr2024 17:42:17.164] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: alright another shitty retake video let's goooo [20Apr2024 17:42:26.887] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: 2005? [20Apr2024 17:42:31.603] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: gumball did not exist in the year 2005 [20Apr2024 17:42:40.840] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: it didnt. [20Apr2024 17:42:43.867] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: shhh stop noooooticing things [20Apr2024 17:42:52.187] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: what the fuck was even on cartoon network at that time [20Apr2024 17:42:56.823] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: courage? ben 10? [20Apr2024 17:42:58.820] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: dexter's lab or some shit [20Apr2024 17:43:00.213] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: ben 10 for sure [20Apr2024 17:43:24.668] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: i haven't thought about cartoons seriously in forever [20Apr2024 17:43:34.743] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: im looking yeah shit like kids next door [20Apr2024 17:43:37.406] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: last time i went to /co/ i immediately saw fart fetish art of tooty from fairly odd parents [20Apr2024 17:43:42.863] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: last one i actually cared for was regular show [20Apr2024 17:43:46.897] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: powerpuff girls, dexters lab, dragon ball [20Apr2024 17:44:00.437] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: old cartoons are primarily for developmentally stunted soyllenials to soyjak over because they weren't 100% slop back then [20Apr2024 17:44:04.452] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: bobobo bo bo bobo [20Apr2024 17:44:06.447] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: in other words [20Apr2024 17:44:07.710] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: agreed [20Apr2024 17:44:09.214] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: NOT FUCKING GUMBALL [20Apr2024 17:44:21.295] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: i am better than /co/fags because i like sonic [20Apr2024 17:44:37.935] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ig i still watch cartoons... but i'm a fucking weeb [20Apr2024 17:44:52.239] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: I remember seeing a "sonic prime isn't for kids" video because it has boobs and there is death in the show [20Apr2024 17:45:08.845] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: sonic 06 has rouge the bat and sonic fucking dying [20Apr2024 17:45:12.067] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: real flash animation? lmao [20Apr2024 17:45:13.200] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: i couldn't even finish sonic x, couldn't imagine wathcing prime [20Apr2024 17:45:14.004] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: and also beastiality [20Apr2024 17:45:35.835] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: beastiality and sonic go hand in hand [20Apr2024 17:45:41.283] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: No, it's still made for children, it's just the people making the show back then were a little less dumb [20Apr2024 17:45:56.888] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: ANIMATION HOLY SHIT [20Apr2024 17:46:05.155] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: cartoons were written for all audiences back then and not just kids [20Apr2024 17:46:05.784] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: AND THE BLINKING ACTUALLY KINDA LOOKS LIKE THE SHOW [20Apr2024 17:46:13.050] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: nowadays it's strictly kids for that sweet revenue [20Apr2024 17:46:34.402] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: actually it's strictly for kids and then later after season 1 gets hijacked for manchildren [20Apr2024 17:46:45.367] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: adventure time reference [20Apr2024 17:46:48.271] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: True! [20Apr2024 17:47:29.548] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: voice acting is kinda mid, but the animation is alright [20Apr2024 17:47:36.106] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: motion tweening/flash type shit, but it works [20Apr2024 17:47:45.854] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: voice acting quality being covered up by 50 effects [20Apr2024 17:47:49.891] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: wasnt the show animated in flash anyways? [20Apr2024 17:47:59.611] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yeah, like most shows [20Apr2024 17:48:02.392] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: at least for some characters because i know the show has like five different styles [20Apr2024 17:48:14.676] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: actually five is underselling it isnt it [20Apr2024 17:48:15.147] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Your First Generator] [20Apr2024 17:48:16.200] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: someone do me a favor and send the minecart down [20Apr2024 17:48:44.012] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: thanks [20Apr2024 17:48:47.999] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: yep [20Apr2024 17:49:33.161] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: if they didn't abuse the audio filters so much i'd like this more [20Apr2024 17:49:42.025] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: i hate how the audio is only in the left ear [20Apr2024 17:49:43.135] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: why [20Apr2024 17:49:43.215] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: also everything is in my left ear with this vid [20Apr2024 17:49:55.034] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: 80% of this is just nothing [20Apr2024 17:50:00.279] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: just like the story [20Apr2024 17:50:03.745] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: it has more effort than most shit is why [20Apr2024 17:50:08.080] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: but at least in that a child gets shot in the fucking face [20Apr2024 17:50:11.083] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: it has a minute worth of effort [20Apr2024 17:50:13.221] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/65816, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 17:50:17.154] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: and then that's stretched out to 10 [20Apr2024 17:50:17.188] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: at least there's animation, even if it's just ripped assets from the show [20Apr2024 17:50:32.996] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: i would be interested in this if i were 10 years old [20Apr2024 17:50:37.317] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: if you want to see the animation you gotta wait 4 minutes [20Apr2024 17:50:45.111] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: did gumball kill himself wtf [20Apr2024 17:50:47.639] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: i thought they were murdered [20Apr2024 17:50:56.552] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: just like in the story gumball kills himself for no reason [20Apr2024 17:51:06.415] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i thought it was because his siblings died [20Apr2024 17:51:12.211] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: anais and darwin were murdered by who gives a shit [20Apr2024 17:51:17.841] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: gumball kills himself [20Apr2024 17:51:20.116] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: its not explained [20Apr2024 17:51:20.453] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: vibingleaf wendigo [20Apr2024 17:51:21.067] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: ok [20Apr2024 17:51:35.398] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: gumball is the weirdest shit to make a creepypasta about [20Apr2024 17:51:37.842] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: okay 2005 was pushing it BUT FUCKING 2001 [20Apr2024 17:51:45.662] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: NO ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT [20Apr2024 17:51:54.321] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aie... red contrast face... [20Apr2024 17:51:56.775] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: was that ultima 7 guardian at the end [20Apr2024 17:51:59.393] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: okay arguing about this is tarting to get gay [20Apr2024 17:52:03.125] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: starting* [20Apr2024 17:52:24.648] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: oh it was a real life dead child too?? [20Apr2024 17:52:29.060] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 17:52:37.506] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: the writers brother no less for some reason [20Apr2024 17:52:42.489] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: AIIIEEEEE [20Apr2024 17:52:44.602] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: is that a fucking [20Apr2024 17:52:46.217] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: what was it [20Apr2024 17:52:48.825] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: tokyo ghoul [20Apr2024 17:52:53.506] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: kek [20Apr2024 17:52:59.623] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: that was literally made by a tranny that is.... [20Apr2024 17:53:02.415] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: that was the fucking tokyo ghoul mask [20Apr2024 17:53:03.841] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: trying to find how old he is [20Apr2024 17:53:04.554] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wasn't a complete tokyo ghoul mask but now that you mention it [20Apr2024 17:53:11.204] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: it didn't have the eyepatch on the mask [20Apr2024 17:53:21.439] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: alr what other trash can we find [20Apr2024 17:53:49.068] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: is this the same guy that did the fingerbones reading [20Apr2024 17:53:54.260] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i think? [20Apr2024 17:54:10.575] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: okay i can't find his age [20Apr2024 17:54:22.904] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: probably 18 i guess [20Apr2024 17:54:42.691] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: is that godzilla's theme song [20Apr2024 17:54:53.403] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait i thought we had a blast furnace [20Apr2024 17:55:06.078] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: i wish i knew more about kaiju stuff it seems extremely stupid [20Apr2024 17:57:03.618] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/67702, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 17:57:24.801] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: i fell asleep halfway through terror of mechagodzilla so i don't know what happened to titanosaurus [20Apr2024 17:57:35.847] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: hold on i wanna find the goldman tapes and queue it up after the ngc reading [20Apr2024 17:57:41.025] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: oh no [20Apr2024 17:58:02.003] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: the goldman case [20Apr2024 17:58:04.465] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: that's what it's called [20Apr2024 17:58:05.454] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: this is the worst sprite edit in the pasta [20Apr2024 17:58:44.823] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: so are we going into the forest or [20Apr2024 17:58:48.602] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 timed out [20Apr2024 17:58:48.602] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Reconnecting player NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 17:58:48.602] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 17:58:48.751] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 17:58:49.739] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 17:58:49.739] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player NumberCruncher (f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 17:58:53.350] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm about to once i make up some leather armor [20Apr2024 17:58:59.506] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: leather [20Apr2024 17:59:07.461] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yes [20Apr2024 17:59:08.607] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: ngc wins based on relativity so therefore i don't much of a reason to critique it because to do so would require me to shit on the average thing shilled a thousand times over [20Apr2024 17:59:14.457] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: i don't have much* [20Apr2024 17:59:15.736] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait wtf am i saying we have enough iron [20Apr2024 18:01:15.674] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: bring good foodstuffs [20Apr2024 18:01:51.064] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: i am going into industrial mining with drills [20Apr2024 18:01:55.912] [Async Chat Thread - #40/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: fuck yeah [20Apr2024 18:02:01.409] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm geared up to go into the twilight forest [20Apr2024 18:02:11.927] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait tf? how do you go prone? [20Apr2024 18:02:12.883] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: since the train thing requires me to scour the fucking nether for blazes [20Apr2024 18:02:37.891] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: go through the water and sprint [20Apr2024 18:03:00.429] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh right, swimming bug [20Apr2024 18:03:10.102] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: give me a moment [20Apr2024 18:03:17.059] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: same, i need to get my obby shield [20Apr2024 18:03:17.358] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: what'd you guys think of kong vs godzilla 2? [20Apr2024 18:03:31.593] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: didn't watch [20Apr2024 18:03:40.764] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: haven't seen any monsterverse besides skull island [20Apr2024 18:04:08.667] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm ready [20Apr2024 18:04:43.868] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i could be drawing/writing a really shitty comic but here i am playing minecraft :) [20Apr2024 18:05:08.207] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: same except nothing to do with drawing [20Apr2024 18:05:54.621] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: i spend at least 2 hours on my project every day so i am content to play minecraft [20Apr2024 18:06:12.631] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: back [20Apr2024 18:06:15.937] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: weba [20Apr2024 18:06:21.351] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2502ms or 50 ticks behind [20Apr2024 18:06:21.552] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: snugLilBugga moved too quickly! -5.971600619777899,-59.0,7.077078841359892 [20Apr2024 18:06:38.244] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: xaero-waypoint:portal back from ttf:P:-6:7:-66:3:false:0:Internal-dim%twilightforest$twilight-forest-waypoints [20Apr2024 18:06:41.185] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: i'm just going to mass craft create shit, this mod requires you to make all kinds of gay materials [20Apr2024 18:06:42.743] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: there's our waypoint back [20Apr2024 18:07:05.678] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: this narrator sounds like a giant dork [20Apr2024 18:07:18.295] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: who do you think reads internet fanfiction [20Apr2024 18:07:19.502] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: better than a massive fag (me) [20Apr2024 18:07:30.614] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: not like i could do any better [20Apr2024 18:07:45.037] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: only 6'5 buff chads read video game creepypasta [20Apr2024 18:08:10.088] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: it is literally a field dominated by trannys and homosexual [20Apr2024 18:08:14.581] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: s [20Apr2024 18:08:14.892] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: doesn't count [20Apr2024 18:08:30.822] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: FUCK [20Apr2024 18:09:26.083] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge] [20Apr2024 18:09:27.900] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: castle [20Apr2024 18:09:41.205] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: ok cosbydaf that line was getting dangerously close to "i heard the music from earthbound" [20Apr2024 18:09:59.228] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: cave entrance here [20Apr2024 18:10:10.300] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: yeah this narration sucks, he delivered that joke with a dead serious cadence [20Apr2024 18:10:18.460] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: makes the pasta seem worse than it is [20Apr2024 18:11:03.264] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: dead end [20Apr2024 18:11:05.210] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: if you want to be really extremely very generous you can say the sequel's introduction is like the famous movie rosebud :) [20Apr2024 18:11:22.572] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: damn [20Apr2024 18:11:29.437] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: (the joke is that it's a logical contradiction) [20Apr2024 18:12:35.362] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [Console/]: i was literally just watching a bunch of hotline miami fan films what the fuck [20Apr2024 18:12:42.302] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm collecting all the fucking flowers i can [20Apr2024 18:12:49.221] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [Console/]: water isn't wet btw because it's a condition [20Apr2024 18:12:55.676] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [The Silence of the Forest] [20Apr2024 18:12:58.269] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [Console/]: true [20Apr2024 18:13:01.217] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [Console/]: FUCKING KOBOLD WHAT THE FUCK [20Apr2024 18:13:06.295] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [Console/]: it's like saying "is clothing clothed" [20Apr2024 18:13:42.070] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [Console/]: herobrine got me [20Apr2024 18:13:43.686] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [Console/]: damn [20Apr2024 18:13:45.785] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: AIE [20Apr2024 18:15:19.143] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [The Silence of the Forest] [20Apr2024 18:15:27.897] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: "are you over 18?" "yes" "*grossed out expression*" [20Apr2024 18:15:30.317] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: what the fuck [20Apr2024 18:15:32.297] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: this was made during the obama administration [20Apr2024 18:15:36.409] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: red confirmed pedo [20Apr2024 18:15:49.034] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: BIG MIKE [20Apr2024 18:15:53.065] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: IM A BIG FAN OF BIG MIKE [20Apr2024 18:16:16.741] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: the naga arena thing [20Apr2024 18:16:17.662] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: cicadas... [20Apr2024 18:16:20.830] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: or was it the minotaur [20Apr2024 18:16:24.059] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ttf is so pretty wtf [20Apr2024 18:16:53.124] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: first boss? [20Apr2024 18:17:16.347] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: o h [20Apr2024 18:17:34.560] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: obsidian [20Apr2024 18:17:39.693] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i like hedorah [20Apr2024 18:18:08.005] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i think it's best if we take on naga with all of us [20Apr2024 18:18:15.213] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: a boss? [20Apr2024 18:18:17.515] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yeah [20Apr2024 18:18:26.964] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: ok i'll come [20Apr2024 18:18:37.010] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: ill put a waypoint [20Apr2024 18:18:39.532] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: bring some of the good foodstuffs [20Apr2024 18:18:44.176] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: gotcha [20Apr2024 18:19:03.137] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: we're gonna get fucked up and hurt and we wanna regen health fast [20Apr2024 18:19:08.433] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'll make up more when we get back to base [20Apr2024 18:19:10.740] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: xaero-waypoint:snake thing funny:S:-182:5:-3:0:false:0:Internal-dim%twilightforest$twilight-forest-waypoints [20Apr2024 18:19:26.231] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT lost connection: Internal server error [20Apr2024 18:19:26.232] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client JimmyT [20Apr2024 18:19:26.265] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT left the game [20Apr2024 18:19:29.817] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: well [20Apr2024 18:19:33.578] [User Authenticator #6/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 18:19:34.585] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i want to keep one of these ravens gdi [20Apr2024 18:19:40.003] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@2c9adf5 [20Apr2024 18:19:40.040] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: JimmyT[] logged in with entity id 97739 at (-0.9620814699196235, 65.74739280407248, -73.52710058017351) [20Apr2024 18:19:40.107] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT joined the game [20Apr2024 18:19:40.566] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of JimmyT (18) [20Apr2024 18:19:40.568] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to JimmyT [20Apr2024 18:19:47.489] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 18:19:48.482] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 18:19:48.483] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player JimmyT (76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 18:19:50.153] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: maybe it's because i own birds irl but i LOVE birds [20Apr2024 18:19:54.275] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i hope i dont accidentally kill this one [20Apr2024 18:19:58.512] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: like the dog [20Apr2024 18:20:02.531] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i still feel bad about that [20Apr2024 18:20:27.759] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: where the fuck did i get a firefly [20Apr2024 18:20:27.980] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: what is the point of this world [20Apr2024 18:20:41.972] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: WHO CARES IN WE GO MOTHERFUCKER [20Apr2024 18:20:51.816] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: wait [20Apr2024 18:21:05.055] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: keep some of the food at least i already have some [20Apr2024 18:21:17.206] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: ight i'm ready [20Apr2024 18:21:31.671] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: BRING IT ON YOU WHORE [20Apr2024 18:22:22.241] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has reached the goal [Time To Even The Scales] [20Apr2024 18:22:22.241] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [The Silence of the Forest] [20Apr2024 18:22:22.242] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has reached the goal [Time To Even The Scales] [20Apr2024 18:22:22.243] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has reached the goal [Time To Even The Scales] [20Apr2024 18:22:26.191] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: fucked [20Apr2024 18:22:31.325] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: that was easy [20Apr2024 18:22:33.945] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: barely did any damage [20Apr2024 18:22:36.552] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: did it drop anything [20Apr2024 18:22:38.960] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: maybe i overhyped the boss [20Apr2024 18:22:41.227] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i didn't get any drops [20Apr2024 18:22:46.106] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: jimmy? [20Apr2024 18:22:49.567] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i got [20Apr2024 18:22:51.355] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: polished andesite [20Apr2024 18:22:53.148] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: and 3 saplings [20Apr2024 18:22:59.306] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: sickly twilight oak saplings [20Apr2024 18:23:02.654] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: well what the fuck then [20Apr2024 18:23:12.775] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i think that's the shit the naga broke [20Apr2024 18:23:19.825] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: over here [20Apr2024 18:23:20.840] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: a trophy [20Apr2024 18:23:33.296] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: huh [20Apr2024 18:23:36.958] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: wonder what that's all for [20Apr2024 18:23:51.982] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: you make armor with the scales [20Apr2024 18:24:03.978] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: but just pants and a chestpiece for some reason [20Apr2024 18:25:52.515] [Async Chat Thread - #46/INFO] [Console/]: i gotta drop shit off, my inv is full [20Apr2024 18:26:51.984] [Async Chat Thread - #46/INFO] [Console/]: im sorry, godzilla fighting games? [20Apr2024 18:28:19.025] [Async Chat Thread - #47/INFO] [Console/]: AIIIEEE OUR IRON [20Apr2024 18:28:39.010] [Async Chat Thread - #47/INFO] [Console/]: oh well, i'll find a spot for the twilight forest chest [20Apr2024 18:29:26.649] [Async Chat Thread - #47/INFO] [Console/]: hmm, maybe it is time to expand the fuckin storage area [20Apr2024 18:29:48.666] [Async Chat Thread - #47/INFO] [Console/]: we just need to make these iron chests and above i think [20Apr2024 18:29:53.630] [Async Chat Thread - #47/INFO] [Console/]: yeah, true [20Apr2024 18:31:34.577] [Async Chat Thread - #48/INFO] [Console/]: ill go get iron [20Apr2024 18:31:42.366] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Not Today, Thank You] [20Apr2024 18:34:31.084] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Enchanter] [20Apr2024 18:34:40.606] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: after all the slop we've listened/watched this has been a nice breath of fresh air ngl [20Apr2024 18:34:44.346] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: three iron. [20Apr2024 18:34:48.786] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: herobrine you nig stop stealing our food [20Apr2024 18:35:15.605] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i think ngc is just okay [20Apr2024 18:35:37.168] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: standards were very low [20Apr2024 18:35:53.311] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: it's better than anything i made when i was 16 [20Apr2024 18:36:12.556] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: ^ [20Apr2024 18:36:15.517] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: on second thought fuck digging for iron [20Apr2024 18:36:19.134] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: cosbydaf started this at 18 i think [20Apr2024 18:36:29.521] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i heard he was 16 [20Apr2024 18:36:33.355] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: point stands though [20Apr2024 18:37:03.582] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: well hey 2 out of the 4 people here were impressed by 6 minutes of the same two frames so relatively i'm not really saying anything different here [20Apr2024 18:37:19.611] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: doesn't take much to impress in this sphere [20Apr2024 18:37:36.262] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: you could jingle keys in your average pastafag's face and they'd shit themselves in excitement [20Apr2024 18:37:43.330] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: you could be racist in your story [20Apr2024 18:37:47.271] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: that would be interested [20Apr2024 18:37:50.036] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: interesting* [20Apr2024 18:38:00.294] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: but then the xitter fags would cancel me (unimportant) [20Apr2024 18:38:09.452] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i wanted to include the word "kike" in smgds i was not allowed to [20Apr2024 18:38:15.497] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: in what context [20Apr2024 18:38:23.377] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: beginning segment [20Apr2024 18:38:25.731] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: instead of the word faggot [20Apr2024 18:38:29.554] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: ahh [20Apr2024 18:38:31.931] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: makes sense [20Apr2024 18:38:50.116] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: burger time :) [20Apr2024 18:38:59.444] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: bugs burgers [20Apr2024 18:39:12.897] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i thought kike was better than faggot now because of palestine [20Apr2024 18:39:25.456] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: well actually if we look at the chart here... [20Apr2024 18:40:46.790] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: NumberCruncher lost connection: Internal server error [20Apr2024 18:40:46.792] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 18:40:46.838] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher left the game [20Apr2024 18:40:52.354] [User Authenticator #7/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player NumberCruncher is f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 18:40:57.635] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@5de65ce9 [20Apr2024 18:40:57.677] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: NumberCruncher[] logged in with entity id 107019 at (-2.337975304934901, 66.0, -80.72428487225208) [20Apr2024 18:40:57.711] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher joined the game [20Apr2024 18:40:58.013] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of NumberCruncher (18) [20Apr2024 18:40:58.013] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 18:41:04.989] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 18:41:05.978] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 18:41:05.979] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player NumberCruncher (f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 18:41:17.027] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [We Need to Go Deeper] [20Apr2024 18:44:58.178] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: wtf why are all the moth skins people have made so ass [20Apr2024 18:45:06.463] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: it's either overly furfaggy or outright ugly [20Apr2024 18:45:09.346] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: some bullshit [20Apr2024 18:45:23.492] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: i like moths [20Apr2024 18:45:38.533] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: same [20Apr2024 18:47:13.700] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: 12 beesechurgers cooked up and more on the way [20Apr2024 18:47:31.875] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: whats going on here are you using the fucking panhandle as a dildo or something [20Apr2024 18:47:41.450] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: ew no [20Apr2024 18:47:45.454] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: that's unsanitary [20Apr2024 18:47:45.865] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: to a hammer everything is a nail [20Apr2024 18:48:00.602] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: i want people to eat clean food, goddamn it [20Apr2024 18:48:09.601] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: youre tails doll it would just be stuffing all over the handle anyways [20Apr2024 18:48:33.004] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: and blood i guess [20Apr2024 18:49:35.503] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: brb [20Apr2024 18:51:17.716] [Async Chat Thread - #53/INFO] [Console/]: 36 cheeseburgers lesgoooo [20Apr2024 18:51:54.969] [Async Chat Thread - #53/INFO] [Console/]: herobrine fuck off quit fucking the cattle [20Apr2024 18:54:26.420] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Those Were the Days] [20Apr2024 18:55:50.930] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [War Pigs] [20Apr2024 18:59:52.089] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: HI IM COMPOST [20Apr2024 18:59:57.452] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: hi compost i'm bug [20Apr2024 19:00:25.903] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: back [20Apr2024 19:00:29.999] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: weba [20Apr2024 19:01:29.702] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: AIIIEEEE [20Apr2024 19:01:31.117] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: FUCK YOU [20Apr2024 19:01:33.374] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: i remember the epic capitalism allegory in replay [20Apr2024 19:01:42.918] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: i still have not read replay [20Apr2024 19:01:48.406] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: my fucking ears fuck OFF [20Apr2024 19:01:50.433] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [A Terrible Fortress] [20Apr2024 19:01:59.049] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: THAT SHIT ISNT FUCKING SCARY ITS JUST ANNOYING [20Apr2024 19:02:00.884] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: i have seen that the pixel art is a big improvement though [20Apr2024 19:02:09.470] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: it is adventure of the week but for chapters [20Apr2024 19:02:17.301] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: i saw godzilla's driver's license [20Apr2024 19:02:18.906] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: i don't think there is an overarching story [20Apr2024 19:02:25.401] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: that's cool [20Apr2024 19:02:55.186] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Into Fire] [20Apr2024 19:03:01.709] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: 36 bowls of roasted mutton chops [20Apr2024 19:03:46.536] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: i think it's taking him forever to release the next chapter because he realized what i said [20Apr2024 19:03:56.213] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: where it's just adventure of the week for each chapter [20Apr2024 19:04:19.683] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: this multijump enchantment sucks [20Apr2024 19:06:15.982] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Spooky Scary Skeleton] [20Apr2024 19:06:45.613] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/116856, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 19:08:04.200] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: yeah that's right ye fuckin phantoms [20Apr2024 19:08:21.575] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: eh i guess i could finish up more of the tower [20Apr2024 19:10:50.747] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: what is the waypoint button [20Apr2024 19:10:54.592] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: u [20Apr2024 19:10:56.061] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: to set one? [20Apr2024 19:11:02.885] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: there are 50 different conflicting binds [20Apr2024 19:11:04.306] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: i think its all in the u menu yeah [20Apr2024 19:11:05.108] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: by default [20Apr2024 19:11:55.680] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ fell from a high place [20Apr2024 19:12:19.757] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: the multijump launched my ass after i hit the tip of that waterfall [20Apr2024 19:12:45.962] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: f [20Apr2024 19:14:59.481] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: btw bug you mentioned this like last last week i think but i played fo76 a couple days ago it hasn't gotten any better [20Apr2024 19:15:20.246] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: i figured as much [20Apr2024 19:15:48.618] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: the people trying to gaslight others into that faggot ass trend of "this game was bad but now it's GOOD" like no man's sky are wrong [20Apr2024 19:15:50.403] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: yay [20Apr2024 19:16:01.282] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: what about it [20Apr2024 19:16:09.128] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: ive never played fallout 76 [20Apr2024 19:16:12.773] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: no man's sky is still bad i agree [20Apr2024 19:16:34.084] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: they should have focused more on making space ship shit fun instead of gluing on a bunch of features [20Apr2024 19:16:35.827] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: fo76 would be a better game if it removed all the seasonal pass type shit and didn't have nufallout writers [20Apr2024 19:16:46.955] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: most shit is just fallout of duty in that game, the only actual rpg choice shit you get is literally "good vs bad" and BOS MY FAVORITE FACTION I TRANS HEART BOS [20Apr2024 19:16:53.109] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: ah, now to build all the floors [20Apr2024 19:16:58.550] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: no man's sky is still not as good of a space sim as space rogue which came out in 1990 [20Apr2024 19:17:07.870] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: i should play fallout new vegas [20Apr2024 19:17:12.366] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: i only got kinda close to beating 3\ [20Apr2024 19:17:29.837] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: fnv is good, but it's overhyped by the faggy ass fanbase [20Apr2024 19:17:41.041] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: fo3 has a better overarching story tbdesu [20Apr2024 19:17:46.925] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: actually it is literally almost perfect [20Apr2024 19:17:57.951] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: fo3 is dogshit [20Apr2024 19:17:58.132] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: there's like 5 issues in it that's it [20Apr2024 19:18:03.571] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: which are? [20Apr2024 19:18:06.826] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: i want to say fo3 is good to spite hbomberguy but i cannot, it is bad [20Apr2024 19:18:15.690] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: 1. charisma and perception are not good with the exception of better criticals [20Apr2024 19:18:16.518] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: wait really [20Apr2024 19:18:38.649] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ fell from a high place [20Apr2024 19:18:42.803] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: FUCK [20Apr2024 19:18:45.210] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: 2. if you do not first patch the game it is literally unplayable on most modern systems [20Apr2024 19:19:04.073] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: 3. caesar's legion has barely any content like more than half of the shit you do is regarding ncr [20Apr2024 19:19:11.273] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: in terms of sidequests [20Apr2024 19:19:19.180] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: even then the ncr is all fetch quests [20Apr2024 19:19:30.469] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: that's literaly only like return to sender and that's the point [20Apr2024 19:20:00.512] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: 4. hardcore mode is mostly annoying, fallout 4 does survival much better [20Apr2024 19:20:20.764] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: also hardcore mode is invalidated with the vault 13 canteen [20Apr2024 19:20:58.744] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: 5. honest hearts is actually mostly fetch quests and for lonesome road i find the concept stupid [20Apr2024 19:21:58.748] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: could we build a special base for the forest [20Apr2024 19:22:07.889] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: i'm down [20Apr2024 19:23:03.479] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: i do not remember anybody in the base game mentioning that there was a major civilization right next to new vegas that got bombed i feel like someone should've mentioned that (excluding dlcs) [20Apr2024 19:23:23.509] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: it feels very fanfictiony [20Apr2024 19:23:38.636] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: fallout 3 is comfy btw you are wrong [20Apr2024 19:23:46.596] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: no they raped fallout [20Apr2024 19:23:48.916] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: does face have a fetish for rape what the fuck is this [20Apr2024 19:23:50.601] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: the writing is shit [20Apr2024 19:24:08.078] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: OH FUCK OFF [20Apr2024 19:24:12.556] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: it takes place on the other side of the world [20Apr2024 19:24:20.169] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: FUCK THIS NARRATION [20Apr2024 19:24:20.752] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: is everyone retarded on the east coast [20Apr2024 19:24:43.641] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: play fallout 2 and then go to fallout 3 and be confronted with the steep decline in quality [20Apr2024 19:24:45.488] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: you never did any of the side quests [20Apr2024 19:25:00.295] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga fell from a high place [20Apr2024 19:25:07.190] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: i'm good at vidya [20Apr2024 19:28:04.092] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO] [Console/]: was it ever explained what the deal is with the 1973 shit [20Apr2024 19:28:29.269] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Hot Stuff] [20Apr2024 19:28:49.697] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO] [Console/]: no [20Apr2024 19:29:23.052] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO] [Console/]: from reddit: "CosbyDaf said there was no real meaning to this and it was just a meme" [20Apr2024 19:29:32.816] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO] [Console/]: number convince cobble to stop being a faggot (derogatory) and have him join [20Apr2024 19:29:39.113] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: its a good ass meme at least [20Apr2024 19:29:42.622] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: for a dope ass character [20Apr2024 19:30:08.223] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: i wanted to use water wheels to power these drills to look cool but they suck too bad [20Apr2024 19:30:13.452] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: okay i dm'd him [20Apr2024 19:30:59.045] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: 1973 is the year godzilla vs megalon came out [20Apr2024 19:31:08.263] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: reddit says that theory was disproven [20Apr2024 19:31:09.166] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: solomon is jet jaguar [20Apr2024 19:31:12.757] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: fuck reddit [20Apr2024 19:31:58.678] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Hidden in the Depths] [20Apr2024 19:32:01.777] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: fallout modpack for minecraft when? [20Apr2024 19:33:18.802] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [Console/]: modern fallout factions are "rapist killers vs not rapist killers" [20Apr2024 19:34:41.001] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: also 95% of the monetization scheme for fallout 76 is creating a problem and then making you pay to solve it [20Apr2024 19:35:16.749] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: i'm still upset with how little attention the enclave gets outside of fo2 [20Apr2024 19:35:30.397] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: they're being brought back [20Apr2024 19:35:42.816] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: also they shouldn't be brought back [20Apr2024 19:36:07.129] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: you know their name is not the enclave, they're just the american military, the enclave was the name of their base in fo2 [20Apr2024 19:36:18.077] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 3528ms or 70 ticks behind [20Apr2024 19:36:18.200] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: NumberCruncher moved too quickly! -5.048632966627255,-59.1212968405392,6.121846566540171 [20Apr2024 19:36:25.267] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: gannon calls it the enclave [20Apr2024 19:36:32.660] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: yeah they knelt to the bethesda retcon in nv [20Apr2024 19:37:34.012] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: in new vegas it was 5 old dudes [20Apr2024 19:37:52.180] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: in 4 they didn't show up except for one dude in a dlc that left a decade ago [20Apr2024 19:37:58.893] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: i actually respect fo4 for that [20Apr2024 19:39:47.153] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: the problem: i have to interact with people that play fallout 76 [20Apr2024 19:39:55.129] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: the solution: private servers (you need to pay $10 a month) [20Apr2024 19:41:46.751] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: OH FUCK OFF [20Apr2024 19:41:59.083] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: red checked him [20Apr2024 19:42:56.594] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: be back in idk [20Apr2024 19:42:57.764] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: NumberCruncher lost connection: Disconnected [20Apr2024 19:42:57.764] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 19:42:57.803] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher left the game [20Apr2024 19:43:37.846] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: the jumpscares in this arent even fucking making me jump anymore theyre just pissing me off [20Apr2024 19:44:40.875] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [Console/]: i'm yiiking out [20Apr2024 19:44:49.142] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [Console/]: alex yiik real???? [20Apr2024 19:46:43.561] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: i need to go to bed fuck [20Apr2024 19:46:45.173] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: i am tired [20Apr2024 19:46:50.522] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: aw [20Apr2024 19:47:06.474] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: quit staying up so late and jacking off to yokubo [20Apr2024 19:47:26.627] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: its 9 pm right now [20Apr2024 19:47:40.259] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: damn [20Apr2024 19:47:42.930] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: also there isnt enough art of yokubo with a giant ass for me to do that [20Apr2024 19:49:13.925] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: crazy bus music [20Apr2024 19:49:19.769] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: you guys think the NGC game will ever be finished? [20Apr2024 19:49:24.165] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: no(tm) [20Apr2024 19:49:24.651] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: YOU CANT EXPECT ME TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY WITH FUCKING CRAZYBUS IN THE BACKGROUND FUCK OFF [20Apr2024 19:49:28.832] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: IT FITS BUT FUCK OFF [20Apr2024 19:49:44.594] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: fuck i need to eat [20Apr2024 19:50:03.873] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: oh yeah right bed uhhhhh [20Apr2024 19:50:06.778] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: bye [20Apr2024 19:50:08.819] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: l8r [20Apr2024 19:50:09.390] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: g'night [20Apr2024 19:50:15.000] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: goodnight you guys [20Apr2024 19:50:22.814] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ lost connection: Disconnected [20Apr2024 19:50:22.814] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client yokuboSTAR_ [20Apr2024 19:50:22.849] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ left the game [20Apr2024 19:50:31.659] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: holy shit roast mutton chops is busted [20Apr2024 19:50:48.972] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: from 3 hunger it fills up the meter and adds full saturation [20Apr2024 19:51:08.926] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: brb [20Apr2024 19:53:31.518] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: back [20Apr2024 19:55:34.116] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga fell from a high place [20Apr2024 19:55:41.973] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: thank you email very cool [20Apr2024 19:55:51.919] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: hey red do you know candice [20Apr2024 19:55:55.912] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: your mother hung herself [20Apr2024 19:56:23.446] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: errrrmmm that's not wholesome suicide isn't allowed in my heckin' valid creepypasta [20Apr2024 19:56:53.112] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: this is true now because kister survived cancellation, this means all his decisions are now law [20Apr2024 19:57:27.302] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: shit [20Apr2024 20:00:07.016] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: if this is enough to make the protag sick to his stomach he'd hate something like the cat lady [20Apr2024 20:00:09.649] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: or that one bad game [20Apr2024 20:00:10.315] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: uh [20Apr2024 20:00:11.842] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: succubus [20Apr2024 20:00:19.240] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: agony? [20Apr2024 20:00:25.189] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yeah that one [20Apr2024 20:01:22.613] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: herobrine you fucker you almost killed me [20Apr2024 20:03:42.843] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Bonfire Lit] [20Apr2024 20:11:31.737] [Async Chat Thread - #74/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: well that took forever but the floors are done in here [20Apr2024 20:13:00.465] [Async Chat Thread - #75/INFO] [Console/]: this is like peppino vs pizzaface [20Apr2024 20:15:27.429] [Async Chat Thread - #76/INFO] [Console/]: zachbros... [20Apr2024 20:17:50.395] [User Authenticator #8/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player NumberCruncher is f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 20:17:55.924] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@69892c5c [20Apr2024 20:17:55.973] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: NumberCruncher[] logged in with entity id 137507 at (-187.9467611512695, 64.0, -44.092788862786996) [20Apr2024 20:17:56.005] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher joined the game [20Apr2024 20:17:57.148] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of NumberCruncher (18) [20Apr2024 20:17:57.149] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 20:18:01.090] [Async Chat Thread - #77/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: weba [20Apr2024 20:18:06.656] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 20:18:07.653] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 20:18:07.653] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player NumberCruncher (f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 20:18:34.253] [Async Chat Thread - #77/INFO] [Console/]: wtf cobble didn't join [20Apr2024 20:18:39.124] [Async Chat Thread - #77/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ikr? what a fag [20Apr2024 20:19:18.556] [Async Chat Thread - #77/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: did all this work on the windmill of friendship and he isn't even here to witness it [20Apr2024 20:20:17.504] [Async Chat Thread - #77/INFO] [Console/]: my browser is fighting against itself hold on [20Apr2024 20:21:39.681] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: AIEEE RED IS STILL ALIVE!?!?!?!? [20Apr2024 20:22:13.101] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: numbercruncher do you think the ngc game will be finished [20Apr2024 20:22:44.917] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: nah [20Apr2024 20:23:18.809] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: yeah i think the odds are not looking good [20Apr2024 20:23:42.948] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: i did think about the question for 15 seconds though so make of that what you will [20Apr2024 20:24:28.112] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh my god scaffold placing is so gay [20Apr2024 20:24:58.398] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: hey jimmy have you ever thought of trying to get ihw for a faker thing [20Apr2024 20:25:15.622] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: as in making a faker game myself? [20Apr2024 20:25:21.873] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: yeah basically [20Apr2024 20:25:35.984] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: the thought has crossed my mind but i don't really plan to spend any more time on sonic.exe after OSF is done [20Apr2024 20:26:03.849] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: however i have been dabbling in godot's 3d capabilities, so if i decide to make a 3d sonic physics framework, i will also make a faker game with it [20Apr2024 20:26:26.163] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: it used to be a definitive no but i kind of hate revie now and it would be motivated by spite [20Apr2024 20:26:49.689] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: well i proposed it because i think it'd be very easy to get him on the team [20Apr2024 20:27:19.996] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: also the project could possibly demotivate the main one enough to kill it [20Apr2024 20:27:20.178] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: it'd be a pretty funny series of circumstances if it did happen [20Apr2024 20:27:54.108] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: imagine if revie throws a shit fit and ends up chasing off the artists to work on it [20Apr2024 20:28:06.040] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: but with games i make, i'm not interested in scripted story sequences, all my game ideas are based around arcade-y score attack shit [20Apr2024 20:28:08.760] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: oh yeah that's also a thing you wouldn't care about permissions [20Apr2024 20:28:16.129] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: so i don't know how i'd design a faker game [20Apr2024 20:28:21.458] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: srb2? [20Apr2024 20:28:29.220] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: yeah but you want to incorporate horror elements [20Apr2024 20:28:40.497] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: it's gay to just have it be a knockoff sonic fangame you want to use the exe gimmick in some way [20Apr2024 20:28:52.732] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: isn't this osf [20Apr2024 20:28:55.153] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 20:29:06.760] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: so i guess it would be 3D osf but without playable sonic [20Apr2024 20:29:51.104] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: yes but [20Apr2024 20:30:01.290] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: it has sonic.exe chasing you and this incorporates the rpemise into gameplay [20Apr2024 20:30:16.474] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: you're not just running through levels like a normal sonic game, you have this additional gameplay consideration [20Apr2024 20:30:37.492] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: so metal sonic in mania? [20Apr2024 20:30:48.965] [Async Chat Thread - #78/INFO] [Console/]: it's not amazing or anything but it's like the bare minimum to make use of the main concept [20Apr2024 20:31:10.614] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/141267, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 20:33:46.522] [Async Chat Thread - #79/INFO] [Console/]: i don't get IHW's big attachment to the faker character anyway, but i guess it's a "you had to be there" kinda thing [20Apr2024 20:33:53.543] [Async Chat Thread - #79/INFO] [Console/]: the fnf 2.0 hype [20Apr2024 20:34:16.056] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh fuck i forgot i queued up the goldman case [20Apr2024 20:35:09.522] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: i asked him about it he said he fell for todd's lies [20Apr2024 20:35:21.268] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: there will be 200 ENDINGS FOR FALLOUT 3 [20Apr2024 20:35:30.304] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: todd the GOD [20Apr2024 20:36:13.221] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: the actual thing is that though he expected super mega ultimate kino lvdo sovl buzzword content [20Apr2024 20:37:07.287] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: clearly that's not happening now though [20Apr2024 20:37:24.918] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: and i don't really know why you would want it to happen if you were joe or revie [20Apr2024 20:37:28.256] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: he named himself faker back in 2022 when revie came and mentioned ideas on paper [20Apr2024 20:37:28.974] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait this dude used an aphex twin track in this? [20Apr2024 20:37:30.459] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: lmao [20Apr2024 20:37:37.944] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: in the thread [20Apr2024 20:37:37.999] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: who would voluntarily spend several years working on sonic.exe? [20Apr2024 20:37:52.710] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: i'm already a gigantic sperg for spending half a year on it [20Apr2024 20:37:55.248] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [Console/]: a man with aspergers [20Apr2024 20:37:58.400] [Async Chat Thread - #80/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE ALMOST ALL THE PIGS PIGMEN NOW [20Apr2024 20:38:13.867] [Async Chat Thread - #81/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ARE YOU SHITTING ME [20Apr2024 20:38:57.473] [Async Chat Thread - #81/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: fuckin ay there goes all of the bacon [20Apr2024 20:39:14.516] [Async Chat Thread - #81/INFO] [Console/]: and supposedly joedoughboi plans for pc port to be the first in a series of like 6 games [20Apr2024 20:39:29.420] [Async Chat Thread - #81/INFO] [Console/]: like do you plan to spend two decades of your life on sonic.exe [20Apr2024 20:39:39.146] [Async Chat Thread - #81/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wow this retake is ass [20Apr2024 20:39:47.933] [Async Chat Thread - #81/INFO] [Console/]: yes it is [20Apr2024 20:39:51.875] [Async Chat Thread - #81/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: SCRIMBLO FACE [20Apr2024 20:41:20.768] [Async Chat Thread - #82/INFO] [Console/]: is this max and ruby 0004 shit some old creepypasta from 10 years ago that i never heard of [20Apr2024 20:41:49.524] [Async Chat Thread - #82/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yes but it's an even worse retake of it that's incorporated into some fotm analogshit seriesz [20Apr2024 20:42:35.277] [Async Chat Thread - #82/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: man now i kinda wanna play slendytubbies multiplayer [20Apr2024 20:44:07.285] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: technically he's been working on it 4 years now i think [20Apr2024 20:44:23.760] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: "working on it" [20Apr2024 20:44:28.867] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: i don't know what these people do with all their time [20Apr2024 20:44:36.826] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: even ihw admits they spend all their time jerking each other off in discord [20Apr2024 20:44:58.945] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: from personal experience i just mostly work on irl shit [20Apr2024 20:45:27.561] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: i'd like to think that's the case for these big exe people [20Apr2024 20:45:55.480] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: though i've heard some people in the thread allude to joe admitting to cutting off social connections so he could spend more time on sonic.exe lol, don't know if this is true [20Apr2024 20:46:22.600] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i highly doubt a terminally online ((((person)))) would actually do that [20Apr2024 20:46:33.708] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: especially if he's obsessed with sonic.exe [20Apr2024 20:46:36.123] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: wouldn't it be believe? [20Apr2024 20:46:44.308] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: since he's terminally online? [20Apr2024 20:46:51.203] [Async Chat Thread - #83/INFO] [Console/]: doubt would be you don't believe [20Apr2024 20:47:13.813] [Async Chat Thread - #84/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: but i don't believe [20Apr2024 20:47:22.819] [Async Chat Thread - #84/INFO] [Console/]: so you don't believe he whiplash'd for sonic.exe? [20Apr2024 20:47:34.841] [Async Chat Thread - #84/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ^ [20Apr2024 20:48:05.007] [Async Chat Thread - #84/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: if the hearsay is true, chances are he's relapsed or is still on discord in a tighter knit group than before [20Apr2024 20:49:10.010] [Async Chat Thread - #85/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wtf is this art [20Apr2024 20:50:46.905] [Async Chat Thread - #86/INFO] [Console/]: like i don't know any of these people so the only thing i can do is just assume based on personal experience [20Apr2024 20:51:44.924] [Async Chat Thread - #86/INFO] [Console/]: but at the same time all of this is detailed in an incredibly snobby way [20Apr2024 20:52:32.119] [Async Chat Thread - #86/INFO] [Console/]: >loud=scary [20Apr2024 20:53:02.614] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/148365, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 20:54:49.532] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: i think it's partially like incredibly incompetency the likes you've never seen before [20Apr2024 20:54:55.054] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: incredible* [20Apr2024 20:55:08.901] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: i think the incompetency is probably about average for fan projects [20Apr2024 20:55:59.210] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: but what about bloody sonic fan projects? [20Apr2024 20:56:29.414] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: equally as incompetent as most of them but its failure has been prolonged for much longer and many more people were tricked into having expectations than usual [20Apr2024 20:57:12.856] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: most of these games are made by 10 year olds [20Apr2024 20:57:34.905] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: i'm not talking about the ones made by 13 year olds i'm talking about the two we were just discussing with the tranny circlejerk discord servers [20Apr2024 20:57:56.353] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: you don't think they're any more incompetent? [20Apr2024 20:58:05.813] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: what's there to compare them to? mrpixel? [20Apr2024 20:58:13.213] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: i guess they are more incompetent than mr pixel [20Apr2024 20:58:37.011] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: actually he's going pretty far [20Apr2024 20:58:52.848] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: he got in that australian government thing [20Apr2024 20:58:59.323] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: first i've heard of this [20Apr2024 20:59:01.751] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: smg4 [20Apr2024 20:59:05.775] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: ahh right [20Apr2024 20:59:32.959] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: and then he got on the project that's never gonna come out, sonic villains [20Apr2024 21:00:22.785] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: forgot dragon tales was a thing tbh [20Apr2024 21:00:24.732] [Async Chat Thread - #87/INFO] [Console/]: but still, people know of it [20Apr2024 21:02:35.141] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: could a book club be done? [20Apr2024 21:02:50.641] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: is there an opportunity for that? [20Apr2024 21:02:56.094] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: a book club? [20Apr2024 21:03:00.679] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 21:03:05.610] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: like actual horror books are read [20Apr2024 21:03:33.990] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: i mean if the cytube can do actual horror movies, why can't a book club do actual books? [20Apr2024 21:03:46.760] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: i actually haven't read much horror literature [20Apr2024 21:03:57.458] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: i read mostly non fiction [20Apr2024 21:04:05.808] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: but that's not the point [20Apr2024 21:04:08.800] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: i read dracula, phantom of the opera, jekyll & hyde, and i read lovecraft in high school [20Apr2024 21:04:10.363] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: does Roadside Picnic count [20Apr2024 21:04:24.368] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: that's a book i've been reading through recently [20Apr2024 21:04:40.981] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: the only fiction i've read in the past year is ayn rand :) [20Apr2024 21:04:56.783] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: i read anthem in middle school [20Apr2024 21:05:05.659] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: what'd you think of it [20Apr2024 21:05:39.521] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: i liked it back then but i was pretty retarded and probably only had a surface level reading of it [20Apr2024 21:05:47.869] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: i remember it being purely about individualism [20Apr2024 21:06:40.433] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: i remember not liking it as much as 1984 because i felt the big bad authoritarian government seemed pretty incompetent in anthem [20Apr2024 21:07:01.686] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: individualism is to ayn rand books what child sex scenes are to stephen king books [20Apr2024 21:07:18.586] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: they didn't even have prison guards, though i guess the poin twas to show that the mental domination of the populace was so complete that they didn't fathom the possibility of a prison escapee [20Apr2024 21:07:32.764] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: you ever watched brazil [20Apr2024 21:07:36.622] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: nope [20Apr2024 21:07:42.402] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: i've heard of it [20Apr2024 21:08:12.030] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: it's a totalitarian system but the entire thing is a big post office [20Apr2024 21:08:21.781] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: that's what the movie's about [20Apr2024 21:08:41.866] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: it's on my list, though for some reason i kept getting it mixed up with utopia [20Apr2024 21:09:15.319] [Async Chat Thread - #88/INFO] [Console/]: last of these dystopian novels i read was brave new world which i liked [20Apr2024 21:10:32.817] [Async Chat Thread - #89/INFO] [Console/]: the movie's funny because you'll have these scenes where a restaurant suddenly lights on fire and everybody not engulfed in it continue eating [20Apr2024 21:11:01.632] [Async Chat Thread - #89/INFO] [Console/]: originally i thought this was a little hyperbolic but then i saw those photos of LA people leaving signs up telling people not to break their car's windows [20Apr2024 21:11:12.591] [Async Chat Thread - #89/INFO] [Console/]: lol [20Apr2024 21:12:39.835] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: for some reason my school curriculum had a bunch of dystopian novels like fahrenheit 451, anthem, 1984, etc [20Apr2024 21:12:45.331] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: but no mark twain or shakespeare [20Apr2024 21:13:15.137] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: for school i remember reading 1984, and a little bit of shakespeare [20Apr2024 21:13:28.776] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: can't read huck finn the great american novel because it says nigger [20Apr2024 21:13:32.467] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: did you ever see the romeo and juliet movie where everybody is a wigger? [20Apr2024 21:13:37.729] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: no [20Apr2024 21:13:58.166] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: i'll put it in cytube bug queue it up when i do please [20Apr2024 21:14:06.981] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ye [20Apr2024 21:14:09.560] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: aren't there a bunch of those, retellings of romeo and juliet [20Apr2024 21:14:13.221] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: send me the link [20Apr2024 21:14:13.309] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: like westside story [20Apr2024 21:14:33.347] [Async Chat Thread - #90/INFO] [Console/]: queue it up [20Apr2024 21:14:40.002] [Async Chat Thread - #91/INFO] [Console/]: posted it in cytube [20Apr2024 21:14:41.713] [Async Chat Thread - #91/INFO] [Console/]: and skip this video [20Apr2024 21:14:45.516] [Async Chat Thread - #91/INFO] [Console/]: this video was really gay btw [20Apr2024 21:14:53.622] [Async Chat Thread - #91/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: still better than the original twf [20Apr2024 21:15:03.090] [Async Chat Thread - #91/INFO] [Console/]: never watched it [20Apr2024 21:15:15.201] [Async Chat Thread - #91/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: what the fuck is this [20Apr2024 21:16:39.357] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: trying to find other shit to watch/listen to that hasn't already been watched/listened to [20Apr2024 21:17:01.661] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: i want to watch wreck it ralph 2 at some point it sounds funny [20Apr2024 21:17:49.060] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: is this entire movie a 100% accurate transcript of romeo and juliet [20Apr2024 21:17:51.410] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 21:17:54.576] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: that is really funny [20Apr2024 21:17:56.023] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: it's just that everybody is a wigger [20Apr2024 21:18:26.376] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: play this also [20Apr2024 21:18:29.220] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: quick someone find something bad but funny [20Apr2024 21:18:47.144] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: >5s clip [20Apr2024 21:18:54.632] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: yeah but it's worth it [20Apr2024 21:19:03.611] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: all the guns are named various swords [20Apr2024 21:19:30.452] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: want to go back to mariotehplumber videos? [20Apr2024 21:19:36.013] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: sure why not [20Apr2024 21:20:11.529] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: send one through [20Apr2024 21:20:13.683] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: sent* [20Apr2024 21:20:57.925] [Async Chat Thread - #92/INFO] [Console/]: this shit again lol [20Apr2024 21:22:39.588] [Async Chat Thread - #93/INFO] [Console/]: i can't tell if he is making fun of people who hold this position or is semi-ironically stating his own opinion [20Apr2024 21:23:09.885] [Async Chat Thread - #93/INFO] [Console/]: he once said that he agrees with everything he says but he's very hyperbolic about it [20Apr2024 21:23:31.741] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: i think he is somewhat normal considering he has a wife [20Apr2024 21:23:44.620] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: lots of freaks have wives [20Apr2024 21:23:51.717] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: DSP has a wife [20Apr2024 21:24:00.935] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: yeah and he outlived kotaku [20Apr2024 21:24:22.793] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: dsp is a hero here [20Apr2024 21:24:51.410] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: dsp is a tard but i feel like most of the people who hate him so much are just mad that he shit on a game they like [20Apr2024 21:25:18.105] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: i watched "this is how you don't play metal gear solid 3" back in the day and all the comments shown in the video are from gay nerds [20Apr2024 21:26:02.388] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: i heard some tranny say that the ending of metal gear solid 2 saved his life [20Apr2024 21:26:35.475] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: a lot of trannys have said that about celeste and undertale [20Apr2024 21:26:54.217] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: you just look at the boxart of celeste and you immediately know that it's a game made by a fag [20Apr2024 21:27:26.565] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: isn't undertale about racism or some shit [20Apr2024 21:27:51.227] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: celeste was made by a guy with anxiety about anxiety and then the anxiety won [20Apr2024 21:28:03.161] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: undertale is about tolerance [20Apr2024 21:28:04.419] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i thought celeste was a trans allegory [20Apr2024 21:28:11.712] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: and the allegory is that being trans is bullshit [20Apr2024 21:28:12.537] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: :) [20Apr2024 21:28:13.589] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: no that was added in the dlc after the creator lost [20Apr2024 21:28:14.530] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: the trans allegory thing was a retcon [20Apr2024 21:28:21.849] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [Console/]: dev trooned out years after game's release [20Apr2024 21:28:25.816] [Async Chat Thread - #94/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ah [20Apr2024 21:30:24.598] [Async Chat Thread - #95/INFO] [Console/]: half of the reason undertale has the fanbase it has is because the writing is so bad that only certain types of people can like it [20Apr2024 21:31:13.645] [Async Chat Thread - #95/INFO] [Console/]: based [20Apr2024 21:31:35.504] [Async Chat Thread - #95/INFO] [Console/]: i don't like tee lopes music the instrumentation sounds very limp to me [20Apr2024 21:32:05.557] [Async Chat Thread - #95/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: this nigga would not survive fo1 or 2 [20Apr2024 21:39:27.105] [Async Chat Thread - #96/INFO] [Console/]: he's good with words unironically [20Apr2024 21:40:26.763] [Async Chat Thread - #96/INFO] [Console/]: okay want to fight the wither [20Apr2024 21:40:33.630] [Async Chat Thread - #97/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: sure [20Apr2024 21:40:57.765] [Async Chat Thread - #97/INFO] [Console/]: i need to come back home [20Apr2024 21:42:19.463] [Async Chat Thread - #98/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: bloody sword GET [20Apr2024 21:43:53.107] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm ready to get fucking deleted [20Apr2024 21:44:12.255] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: we need an epic boss theme [20Apr2024 21:44:41.336] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [Console/]: play sseth reviewing sonic ocs [20Apr2024 21:45:17.088] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i was gonna queue up battle of lil slugger but okay [20Apr2024 21:45:26.331] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [Console/]: oh shit this is 40 minutes [20Apr2024 21:45:29.585] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [Console/]: i thought this was like 10 [20Apr2024 21:45:33.970] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [Console/]: okay queue up sluger instead [20Apr2024 21:46:23.126] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [Console/]: i'll take the beepsky smash [20Apr2024 21:46:36.532] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: zir thatz only for zecoffz [20Apr2024 21:46:53.316] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [Console/]: >bugnigger bartender [20Apr2024 21:47:09.908] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: better than a poxnigger that'll poison you instead [20Apr2024 21:47:13.591] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [Console/]: true! [20Apr2024 21:47:23.378] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: or worse, date rape you in dorms [20Apr2024 21:48:14.685] [Async Chat Thread - #99/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: brb gonna get some water, also cobble's gonna be joining ig [20Apr2024 21:49:17.487] [Async Chat Thread - #100/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: back [20Apr2024 21:49:53.353] [Async Chat Thread - #100/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: alr do i order pizza like a good amerimutt [20Apr2024 21:50:18.379] [Async Chat Thread - #100/INFO] [Console/]: things have gotten so bad that the american thing to do in this situation would be getting pizza cake [20Apr2024 21:50:27.041] [Async Chat Thread - #100/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ew no i'm not that fat [20Apr2024 21:51:41.766] [Async Chat Thread - #101/INFO] [Console/]: you didn't add the mod that tells me what these enchantments do IM FREAKING OUT [20Apr2024 21:52:06.732] [Async Chat Thread - #101/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: eeerrrrmmmm it's called yiiking out [20Apr2024 21:52:11.695] [Async Chat Thread - #101/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: we stan alex yiik in this server [20Apr2024 21:52:15.025] [Async Chat Thread - #101/INFO] [Console/]: no that's a different emotion [20Apr2024 21:55:39.362] [Async Chat Thread - #102/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: some baby enderman stole a cobble block from somewhere [20Apr2024 21:57:46.366] [User Authenticator #9/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player Cobblemperor is 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [20Apr2024 21:57:54.397] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@3a74e3d6 [20Apr2024 21:57:54.479] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: Cobblemperor[] logged in with entity id 173409 at (-12.590110917256618, 74.0, -89.91659029115816) [20Apr2024 21:57:54.546] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor joined the game [20Apr2024 21:57:57.368] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of Cobblemperor (18) [20Apr2024 21:57:57.368] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to Cobblemperor [20Apr2024 21:58:15.332] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [20Apr2024 21:58:16.308] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [20Apr2024 21:58:16.308] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player Cobblemperor (8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 21:58:26.305] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: ok im done pissing where is my hud [20Apr2024 21:58:30.581] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor issued server command: /lac update [20Apr2024 21:58:30.599] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 166/INFO] [LoginSecurity/]: Downloading file LoginSecurity-3.2.0-Bukkit.jar... [20Apr2024 21:58:31.386] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 166/INFO] [LoginSecurity/]: Download complete! [20Apr2024 21:58:38.903] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: you were pissing for the last 6 hours? [20Apr2024 21:58:41.499] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 21:59:01.292] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: >not taking a 6 hour piss [20Apr2024 21:59:07.793] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: can you even call yourself an exefag at that point? [20Apr2024 21:59:27.425] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: do i want to? [20Apr2024 21:59:34.248] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: wtf [20Apr2024 21:59:36.799] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: baby enderman [20Apr2024 21:59:37.010] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: ok i have no idea what to do with windmill [20Apr2024 21:59:40.158] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: okay i have the blocks [20Apr2024 21:59:42.128] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: to make the wither [20Apr2024 21:59:46.689] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: where [20Apr2024 21:59:48.056] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: i need to fight him and then go [20Apr2024 21:59:50.522] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: in my inventory [20Apr2024 21:59:51.308] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: in the mine here [20Apr2024 22:00:05.025] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: baby enderman with gravel [20Apr2024 22:00:07.517] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: i need armor [20Apr2024 22:00:08.489] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: should i put it right next to he base [20Apr2024 22:00:11.472] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: no [20Apr2024 22:00:19.271] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: arlo the puppet nigger should die [20Apr2024 22:00:31.477] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: i don't want to see this gay retard in my recommended on yt [20Apr2024 22:00:40.396] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: okay 1 vote for spawning the wither next to the house 1 vote against fun [20Apr2024 22:01:04.877] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: spawn the wither on top of the windmill [20Apr2024 22:01:04.964] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: ok where are arrows [20Apr2024 22:01:08.997] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: don't spawn next to the house pls [20Apr2024 22:01:16.811] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: should be in the ammo chest unless someone stole them all [20Apr2024 22:01:21.022] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: fun is just a buzzword [20Apr2024 22:01:38.926] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: can i make uranium armor [20Apr2024 22:01:55.923] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: can i use it to self detonate [20Apr2024 22:02:13.360] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: half a heart [20Apr2024 22:02:15.326] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: nice [20Apr2024 22:02:56.052] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: spawning it in 5 [20Apr2024 22:03:03.061] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: 4 [20Apr2024 22:03:06.823] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: 3 [20Apr2024 22:03:09.483] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: 2 [20Apr2024 22:03:09.764] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: i genuinely belive "fun is just a buzzword" guy is correct and people just misunderstood it [20Apr2024 22:03:13.731] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: 1 [20Apr2024 22:03:14.804] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: go [20Apr2024 22:03:16.681] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Withering Heights] [20Apr2024 22:03:16.681] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Withering Heights] [20Apr2024 22:03:23.618] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait WHERE [20Apr2024 22:03:28.014] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: you will see [20Apr2024 22:03:33.238] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: quick revert the backup [20Apr2024 22:03:51.185] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: i forgot arrows btw [20Apr2024 22:04:01.543] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [Console/]: ok im gonna finish mgsv now see ya [20Apr2024 22:04:02.217] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor lost connection: Disconnected [20Apr2024 22:04:02.217] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client Cobblemperor [20Apr2024 22:04:02.277] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor left the game [20Apr2024 22:04:05.067] [Async Chat Thread - #103/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: o h m y g o d [20Apr2024 22:04:59.918] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga was doomed to fall by Wither [20Apr2024 22:06:00.299] [User Authenticator #10/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player Cobblemperor is 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [20Apr2024 22:06:10.032] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@3346c11b [20Apr2024 22:06:10.069] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: Cobblemperor[] logged in with entity id 177562 at (-14.482566614781941, 70.0, -65.67715551739627) [20Apr2024 22:06:10.135] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor joined the game [20Apr2024 22:06:13.288] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of Cobblemperor (18) [20Apr2024 22:06:13.288] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to Cobblemperor [20Apr2024 22:06:28.324] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: all that hard work......... [20Apr2024 22:06:31.314] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: wow fighting the wither was actaully kinda fun in this tower [20Apr2024 22:06:35.171] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: the power of magnetism [20Apr2024 22:06:35.542] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: it was a good arena [20Apr2024 22:06:40.937] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [20Apr2024 22:06:41.951] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [20Apr2024 22:06:41.951] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player Cobblemperor (8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 22:06:49.155] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: the windmill of friendship is in PIECES [20Apr2024 22:07:01.089] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: wow you already beat him haha [20Apr2024 22:07:06.570] [Async Chat Thread - #105/INFO] [Console/]: where is my loot [20Apr2024 22:07:16.400] [Async Chat Thread - #105/INFO] [Console/]: i got the killing blow and received no loot [20Apr2024 22:07:18.899] [Async Chat Thread - #105/INFO] [Console/]: all me btw [20Apr2024 22:07:21.166] [Async Chat Thread - #105/INFO] [Console/]: i have the nether star [20Apr2024 22:07:33.610] [Async Chat Thread - #105/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE THE FARM [20Apr2024 22:07:43.960] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: A WHOLE TWO BLOCKS HAVE BEEN RUINED [20Apr2024 22:07:47.744] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: AAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE [20Apr2024 22:07:54.177] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: okay i have enough skulls to summon another wither [20Apr2024 22:07:55.242] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: ok go rebuild the windmill now [20Apr2024 22:08:02.088] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: i don't know what to do with it but i'll figure it out [20Apr2024 22:08:18.866] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: "go rebuild the windmill" fuck naw i'm gonna go sulk in my wank shack [20Apr2024 22:08:19.815] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: oh i got a rose [20Apr2024 22:08:44.723] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: okay i gotta go so i'm gonna give the nether star to the person who did all the work besides me [20Apr2024 22:08:50.477] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: me [20Apr2024 22:09:03.353] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [Console/]: stomping the farm [20Apr2024 22:09:14.158] [Async Chat Thread - #104/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aie [20Apr2024 22:09:14.510] [Async Chat Thread - #106/INFO] [Console/]: all me btw [20Apr2024 22:09:31.449] [Async Chat Thread - #106/INFO] [Console/]: okay i might be back in 2 hours maybe [20Apr2024 22:09:33.270] [Async Chat Thread - #106/INFO] [Console/]: obsidian status [20Apr2024 22:09:35.757] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: NumberCruncher lost connection: Disconnected [20Apr2024 22:09:35.757] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 22:09:35.795] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher left the game [20Apr2024 22:09:50.614] [Async Chat Thread - #106/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: forgot how good enma's oath is, goddamn [20Apr2024 22:09:58.000] [Async Chat Thread - #106/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: kuze really had the best fight themes in 0 [20Apr2024 22:10:28.400] [Async Chat Thread - #106/INFO] [Console/]: i am going to put mgsv essays into cytube for brain damage [20Apr2024 22:10:47.609] [Async Chat Thread - #106/INFO] [Console/]: do you have the one where the guy says that the whole story is romance between venom and quiet and everything else is irrelevant [20Apr2024 22:10:58.861] [Async Chat Thread - #106/INFO] [Console/]: no [20Apr2024 22:11:17.658] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: cobble if i'm gonna be rebuilding this shit you're gonna make more scaffolding [20Apr2024 22:11:23.130] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: how [20Apr2024 22:11:26.312] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: oh lol the guy has been doing fnaf video essays now [20Apr2024 22:11:34.433] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlGPPEHeMjs [20Apr2024 22:11:45.715] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: i like this guy's mgs2 video he shits on that game hard [20Apr2024 22:12:02.160] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: >Video is blocked in the following countries: RU [20Apr2024 22:12:16.075] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: this is because of that rape scene [20Apr2024 22:12:27.199] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee [20Apr2024 22:12:56.366] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: there should be more games where you can pinpoint the exact second the development went to shit and they had to rush it out [20Apr2024 22:13:05.854] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: what point was this in mgs5 [20Apr2024 22:13:24.875] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: when code talker cures aids [20Apr2024 22:13:46.856] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: more exactly when ocelot manifests in the chopper out of nowhere right before that [20Apr2024 22:14:06.533] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: i think kojima has brain damage [20Apr2024 22:15:00.072] [Async Chat Thread - #107/INFO] [Console/]: the schizo theory that mgs1 had ghost writer got confirmed by mgsv interview where kojima said that solid snake is not human [20Apr2024 22:16:10.765] [Async Chat Thread - #108/INFO] [Console/]: this guy points out how mgs2's snake tales ending is written like a shitty creepypasta [20Apr2024 22:16:22.501] [Async Chat Thread - #108/INFO] [Console/]: do you know how that ends? [20Apr2024 22:16:30.798] [Async Chat Thread - #108/INFO] [Console/]: solidus fucks mei ling? [20Apr2024 22:16:49.764] [Async Chat Thread - #108/INFO] [Console/]: no they reveal that every time you retry a level in VR missions, you are committing genocide on an entire universe [20Apr2024 22:17:07.361] [Async Chat Thread - #109/INFO] [Console/]: that too but solidus fucking mei ling is more important [20Apr2024 22:17:18.160] [Async Chat Thread - #109/INFO] [Console/]: snake tales in it's entirety was a parody of mgs2 [20Apr2024 22:17:33.221] [Async Chat Thread - #109/INFO] [Console/]: how do you parody a schizo game like mgs2 [20Apr2024 22:17:44.049] [Async Chat Thread - #109/INFO] [Console/]: besides making everything intentionally retarded and misleading [20Apr2024 22:17:45.227] [Async Chat Thread - #109/INFO] [Console/]: like snake tales [20Apr2024 22:18:03.056] [Async Chat Thread - #109/INFO] [Console/]: isn't mgs2 kind of a parody of mgs1 [20Apr2024 22:18:13.504] [Async Chat Thread - #109/INFO] [Console/]: this metafaggotry is going too far [20Apr2024 22:19:42.296] [Async Chat Thread - #110/INFO] [Console/]: >xtal by aphex twin [20Apr2024 22:21:18.627] [Async Chat Thread - #111/INFO] [Console/]: >peace walker [20Apr2024 22:21:19.760] [Async Chat Thread - #111/INFO] [Console/]: >bad [20Apr2024 22:21:35.079] [Async Chat Thread - #111/INFO] [Console/]: FIND ZADORNOV [20Apr2024 22:21:48.551] [Async Chat Thread - #111/INFO] [Console/]: is half the playtime [20Apr2024 22:21:51.404] [Async Chat Thread - #111/INFO] [Console/]: i played peace walker like 10 years ago on an emulator and spent hours on the fucking button tapping torture minigame [20Apr2024 22:21:54.640] [Async Chat Thread - #111/INFO] [Console/]: kill yourself kojima [20Apr2024 22:22:01.352] [Async Chat Thread - #111/INFO] [Console/]: i used the spoon [20Apr2024 22:22:45.925] [Async Chat Thread - #111/INFO] [Console/]: lol i will make player breaku finger in 2 of gameus... i am auteur! [20Apr2024 22:22:50.328] [Async Chat Thread - #111/INFO] [Console/]: also mgs pw bosses are aids single player because you are supposed to fight them in 4 player co-op [20Apr2024 22:24:13.460] [Async Chat Thread - #112/INFO] [Console/]: no kojima is just a hack [20Apr2024 22:25:26.462] [Async Chat Thread - #113/INFO] [Console/]: komani could continue making metal gear without kojima if they just made platinum make mgr2 that acknowledges portable ops because it's based [20Apr2024 22:26:13.415] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Take Aim] [20Apr2024 22:27:41.014] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: >it's not unfinished if you just ignore that eli and niglets completely [20Apr2024 22:27:51.064] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: the* [20Apr2024 22:28:01.937] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: eli is liquid, right [20Apr2024 22:28:05.367] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 22:28:20.084] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: so the reasoning is probably "liquid appears later therefore the plot point is resolved in those games" [20Apr2024 22:29:00.065] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: he steals sahelanthropus with baby mantis which is foreshadowed for a few hours and it never gets acknowledged after that [20Apr2024 22:29:48.945] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: is this really kojima's logic behind the disarmament ending [20Apr2024 22:30:20.092] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: i mean it'd make sense but i feel like kojima would go by the same kind of retarded idealistic humanism that lots of japs adhere to [20Apr2024 22:30:26.779] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: ps3 got disarmament ending and literally nothing happened [20Apr2024 22:30:54.619] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.world.entity.npc.Villager/]: Villager Villager['Villager'/183982, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=43.83, y=62.00, z=-93.35] died, message: 'Villager suffocated in a wall' [20Apr2024 22:31:17.901] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: what is the point if the big distinction between the player and snake [20Apr2024 22:31:26.044] [Async Chat Thread - #114/INFO] [Console/]: is not the protagonist of a video game meant to be the player's avatar in the game's world [20Apr2024 22:32:53.952] [Async Chat Thread - #115/INFO] [Console/]: i remember when they removed playable battle gear because it "broke balance" but having quiet genocide the entire map with you having to do nothing is ok [20Apr2024 22:33:23.544] [Async Chat Thread - #115/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i don't know anything about mgsv i just know people wanna fuck quiet [20Apr2024 22:34:13.052] [Async Chat Thread - #115/INFO] [Console/]: i killed quiet on my first playthrough [20Apr2024 22:34:41.516] [Async Chat Thread - #115/INFO] [Console/]: i killed quiet because i thought it was like gray fox in mgs1 and you literally can't shoot her [20Apr2024 22:35:27.925] [Async Chat Thread - #115/INFO] [Console/]: this guy's interpretation of mgs5's story is a little shaky when you are allowed to kill quiet, i don't know how he addresses that [20Apr2024 22:35:58.111] [Async Chat Thread - #115/INFO] [Console/]: help i fucked up the scaffolding [20Apr2024 22:36:07.934] [Async Chat Thread - #115/INFO] [Console/]: i feel like mgs games are like evangelion where the story itself is so unclear that you can read whatever you want into it [20Apr2024 22:36:19.401] [Async Chat Thread - #115/INFO] [Console/]: and people make up some amazing story in their own heads, project it into the game, and say that the game is genius [20Apr2024 22:38:20.207] [Async Chat Thread - #116/INFO] [Console/]: i remember when mgs3 explained that liquid possessed ocelot because his father was a psychic and then mgs4 just retcons it [20Apr2024 22:38:53.272] [Async Chat Thread - #116/INFO] [Console/]: despite showing that ocelot cut off liquid's arm [20Apr2024 22:39:10.031] [Async Chat Thread - #116/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: all fixed [20Apr2024 22:39:55.038] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge] [20Apr2024 22:39:56.826] [Async Chat Thread - #116/INFO] [Console/]: nooooo [20Apr2024 22:40:06.333] [Async Chat Thread - #116/INFO] [Console/]: i have to miss out on the characters talking about how great fidel castro was [20Apr2024 22:40:08.328] [Async Chat Thread - #116/INFO] [Console/]: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [20Apr2024 22:41:17.657] [Async Chat Thread - #117/INFO] [Console/]: castro shilling in pw made sense thoughever you literally play as the bad g uy [20Apr2024 22:41:37.770] [Async Chat Thread - #117/INFO] [Console/]: isn't kaz supposed to be a good guy [20Apr2024 22:41:46.821] [Async Chat Thread - #117/INFO] [Console/]: no he's a cianigger [20Apr2024 22:42:53.505] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: >muh avtism [20Apr2024 22:43:33.780] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: bb has low functioning autism while venom is legally braindead [20Apr2024 22:43:57.471] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: canonically who would be the one most likely to make a second life account [20Apr2024 22:44:14.624] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: solid [20Apr2024 22:44:19.513] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: "you've got a great butt" [20Apr2024 22:45:04.164] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: >essay [20Apr2024 22:45:11.324] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: >just reading of the plot from the wiki [20Apr2024 22:45:12.304] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: sasuga [20Apr2024 22:45:27.965] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: that's how most white boy video essays work, chud [20Apr2024 22:46:02.207] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: i appreciate mgs story summaries because i never know what's going on while playing the game myself [20Apr2024 22:46:12.429] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: except for mgs1 [20Apr2024 22:46:27.554] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: mgs2 becomes less comprehensible the more you know the plot [20Apr2024 22:46:42.852] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: that's why you ignore all story until you play mgr:r [20Apr2024 22:47:24.381] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: if you remove mgs4 and skip straight to pw the plot unironically improves [20Apr2024 22:47:33.503] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: we can make a music disc for hill act 1??? [20Apr2024 22:47:55.896] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: metal gear - metal gear solid is a perfectly fine timeline [20Apr2024 22:48:39.064] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: big boss became less comprehensible the more games they made about him also [20Apr2024 22:48:49.181] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: no they just made him DEEPER [20Apr2024 22:48:56.812] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Bring Home the Beacon] [20Apr2024 22:49:04.718] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh my god real [20Apr2024 22:49:18.810] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: >noteblocks [20Apr2024 22:49:20.055] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: niggers [20Apr2024 22:49:24.440] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm upset [20Apr2024 22:49:28.564] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i was expecting the real thing [20Apr2024 22:49:51.513] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: in a good world everyone who believes that noteblocks = minecraft music would get killed [20Apr2024 22:50:16.429] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: so true all the good remixes are made with sm64 soundfonts [20Apr2024 22:50:38.251] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: no they all use the fucking bob omb battlefield instruments exclusively [20Apr2024 22:51:02.061] [Async Chat Thread - #118/INFO] [Console/]: ironically minecraft sm64 cover is the only good one i heard [20Apr2024 22:51:31.614] [Async Chat Thread - #119/INFO] [Console/]: https://youtu.be/xLR8ZsCahHc&t=588 [20Apr2024 22:51:32.914] [Async Chat Thread - #119/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: there was a really good mix of weird fishes by radiohead i heard a while back [20Apr2024 22:53:46.228] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: ok did you do any create autism [20Apr2024 22:53:56.076] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: i need excuses to get the windmill going [20Apr2024 22:53:58.916] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: i'm making a steam engine down in the cave [20Apr2024 22:54:02.602] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i haven't [20Apr2024 22:54:09.578] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: ok we don't need the windmill [20Apr2024 22:54:10.022] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: random speed buff? [20Apr2024 22:54:20.709] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: where is the cave [20Apr2024 22:54:30.250] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: down the rail [20Apr2024 22:54:40.879] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: the windmill could still be used for shit like a press or crusher or whatever [20Apr2024 22:54:52.760] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: not enough power for crusher [20Apr2024 22:54:56.257] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: steam engine has enough though [20Apr2024 22:55:10.905] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: i thought using windmill for create structures [20Apr2024 22:55:13.899] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: the steam engine is still not that strong without blaze heaters [20Apr2024 22:55:20.136] [Async Chat Thread - #120/INFO] [Console/]: and having gears on walls power them [20Apr2024 22:56:31.183] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait isn't the patient that saves you literally big boss in tpp [20Apr2024 22:56:33.974] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: how much energy does the windmill generate [20Apr2024 22:56:35.951] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 22:56:37.605] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: and then you take over as punished snake [20Apr2024 22:56:38.816] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh my god [20Apr2024 22:56:59.364] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: venom snake is literally medic that cuts open paz in gz [20Apr2024 22:57:11.076] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: tf2 reference [20Apr2024 22:57:38.705] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: venom snake is actually a retarded retcon explaining how big boss survived the final boss fight of metal gear 1 on the msx [20Apr2024 22:58:21.350] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: >he doesn't know about vermon cattafy [20Apr2024 22:58:51.196] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: imogen heap out of left field... [20Apr2024 22:59:11.703] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: big medic twist was so obvious it shouldn't even been the twist and they should've doubled down on playing as a legally braindead larper [20Apr2024 22:59:13.696] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: ahhhh japanese video games and surface level references to american literature [20Apr2024 22:59:20.072] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: an iconic duo [20Apr2024 22:59:28.574] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: *western literature [20Apr2024 22:59:57.416] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: when are we gonna get the kinosovl kojima sonic.exe game featuring dante from dmc [20Apr2024 23:00:05.873] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: the closest mgsv got to schizo shit it showed in trailers was when venom imagined showing his hand in paz's pussy [20Apr2024 23:00:32.470] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i wonder what kojima thinks of the fallout show [20Apr2024 23:00:47.063] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: he loves it because it is american [20Apr2024 23:00:49.298] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: >venom running away from horns that look like his that appear from the ground and chase him is in universe btw [20Apr2024 23:01:29.966] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: kojima shills the fallout show because he wants to fuck some actor in it [20Apr2024 23:01:32.624] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: unironically [20Apr2024 23:01:43.420] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: as i said [20Apr2024 23:01:45.203] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i shill it because it pisses off nvtroons so it's based [20Apr2024 23:01:53.357] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: i can predict all of kojima's actions before he does them [20Apr2024 23:02:16.662] [Async Chat Thread - #121/INFO] [Console/]: that is one way in which kojima is not like kanye [20Apr2024 23:02:22.865] [Async Chat Thread - #122/INFO] [Console/]: you shilled nv in the tixati chat die [20Apr2024 23:02:30.401] [Async Chat Thread - #122/INFO] [Console/]: i could not have predicted kanye having black students in his academy pick cotton [20Apr2024 23:03:42.616] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [Console/]: oops [20Apr2024 23:03:48.469] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: artificially increasing the wild chicken population because we have too many fucking eggs [20Apr2024 23:04:43.271] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [Console/]: miller screaming in mgsv catches me off guard because the tf2 medic slips in [20Apr2024 23:04:54.495] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [Console/]: i just hear travis touchdown [20Apr2024 23:05:16.298] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh god i'm reminded of the kaz/medic covid thing robin atkin downes did [20Apr2024 23:05:32.477] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [Console/]: i am not aware of tihs [20Apr2024 23:06:00.463] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [Console/]: tf2 released before nmh so its tf2 medic [20Apr2024 23:06:00.512] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzVWUGx0v-4 [20Apr2024 23:06:11.376] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [Console/]: i cant open this [20Apr2024 23:06:16.122] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: skill issue [20Apr2024 23:07:08.970] [Async Chat Thread - #123/INFO] [Console/]: i know more people who somehow died from cold than people who died from covid [20Apr2024 23:08:16.914] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: there should be a way to exit rails here instead of minecart driving to the end [20Apr2024 23:08:19.668] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: this is why we need trains [20Apr2024 23:08:33.980] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: yes i was originally going to have this contraption down where the rail ends [20Apr2024 23:08:47.705] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: and it would've been powered by water wheels in that water flowing down [20Apr2024 23:08:53.807] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: it looked very cool but water wheels are shit for power [20Apr2024 23:09:07.702] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: he is just reading the metal gear wiki when does he start rambling about quiet [20Apr2024 23:09:24.205] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: in 10 minutes judging from the chapters [20Apr2024 23:09:46.943] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: >not reading quiet x reader fanfiction for his sources [20Apr2024 23:10:24.659] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: so mgsv? venom is le you except not really because he has a gf [20Apr2024 23:10:52.042] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: is it true that most of kojima's career has been dedicated to owning le otaku [20Apr2024 23:11:23.457] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: yes it's like somethingawful and 4chan oldfags trooned out because of le guilt [20Apr2024 23:11:31.304] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: this is boring. alexa, play jetstream sam r34 [20Apr2024 23:11:42.322] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: like hbomberguy? [20Apr2024 23:12:12.815] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: there was some shitty netflix documentary about 4chan that photoshopped gore into /m/ screenshots [20Apr2024 23:12:20.012] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: kek [20Apr2024 23:12:39.904] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aren't they making another 4chan netflix documentary? the antisocial network or some shit like that? [20Apr2024 23:12:51.559] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: yes that's what i'm talking about [20Apr2024 23:12:55.432] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh lmao [20Apr2024 23:13:45.045] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: jimmyt did you try walking on the windmill [20Apr2024 23:13:49.009] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: no [20Apr2024 23:13:54.155] [Async Chat Thread - #124/INFO] [Console/]: come up [20Apr2024 23:15:25.310] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: stand [20Apr2024 23:15:37.394] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: nvm [20Apr2024 23:15:39.039] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: stand here [20Apr2024 23:15:46.486] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: leave it [20Apr2024 23:15:48.451] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: you'll fall [20Apr2024 23:15:55.356] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: ok get [20Apr2024 23:16:07.904] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: i see potential uses [20Apr2024 23:16:23.037] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT fell from a high place [20Apr2024 23:16:25.157] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: rip [20Apr2024 23:16:26.656] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i failed [20Apr2024 23:16:29.123] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor moved wrongly! [20Apr2024 23:16:37.669] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT lost connection: Disconnected [20Apr2024 23:16:37.669] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client JimmyT [20Apr2024 23:16:37.722] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT left the game [20Apr2024 23:16:40.745] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: rip [20Apr2024 23:16:42.302] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aie.... [20Apr2024 23:16:43.119] [User Authenticator #11/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:16:46.169] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: MOVE TWILIGHT PORTAL CLOSER [20Apr2024 23:16:49.412] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@2083bc3c[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Disconnected [20Apr2024 23:16:50.506] [User Authenticator #12/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:16:53.663] [Async Chat Thread - #125/INFO] [Console/]: I WANT TO FALL INTO IT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS [20Apr2024 23:17:20.521] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@7b602fa6[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:17:20.523] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@7b602fa6[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:17:20.573] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.network.Connection/]: handleDisconnection() called twice [20Apr2024 23:17:23.051] [User Authenticator #13/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:17:53.065] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@19d2faea[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:17:53.066] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@19d2faea[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:17:53.116] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.network.Connection/]: handleDisconnection() called twice [20Apr2024 23:18:02.013] [User Authenticator #14/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:18:32.025] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@54fb601d[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:18:32.026] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@54fb601d[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:18:32.072] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.network.Connection/]: handleDisconnection() called twice [20Apr2024 23:18:42.863] [Async Chat Thread - #126/INFO] [Console/]: the diamond [20Apr2024 23:18:53.902] [Async Chat Thread - #126/INFO] [Console/]: tossing it in [20Apr2024 23:19:06.011] [Async Chat Thread - #126/INFO] [Console/]: i just saw a chick get nuked by lightning [20Apr2024 23:19:14.799] [Async Chat Thread - #126/INFO] [Console/]: DO A FLIP FAGGOT [20Apr2024 23:19:30.205] [User Authenticator #15/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:19:36.977] [Async Chat Thread - #126/INFO] [Console/]: wut [20Apr2024 23:19:39.233] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 4334ms or 86 ticks behind [20Apr2024 23:19:41.101] [Async Chat Thread - #126/INFO] [Console/]: ah [20Apr2024 23:19:58.309] [Async Chat Thread - #126/INFO] [Console/]: lol [20Apr2024 23:20:03.927] [Async Chat Thread - #126/INFO] [Console/]: it got me out of here [20Apr2024 23:20:04.516] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@32d1f6a0[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:20:04.517] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@32d1f6a0[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:20:04.568] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.network.Connection/]: handleDisconnection() called twice [20Apr2024 23:20:15.201] [Async Chat Thread - #126/INFO] [Console/]: huh [20Apr2024 23:20:20.949] [User Authenticator #16/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:20:50.961] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@132c2e87[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:20:50.962] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@132c2e87[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:20:51.055] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.network.Connection/]: handleDisconnection() called twice [20Apr2024 23:21:08.386] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 3787ms or 75 ticks behind [20Apr2024 23:21:24.653] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: jump [20Apr2024 23:21:25.553] [User Authenticator #17/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:21:52.816] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: i'll jump and then i gotta restart, godotanon's having connection issues and the server is acting like nothing's wrong [20Apr2024 23:21:55.563] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@7bd75429[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:21:55.564] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@7bd75429[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:21:55.613] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.network.Connection/]: handleDisconnection() called twice [20Apr2024 23:21:56.652] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: ok [20Apr2024 23:21:58.496] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: jump [20Apr2024 23:22:04.910] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: wait how do you talk [20Apr2024 23:22:17.440] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: oh, lame [20Apr2024 23:22:23.918] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: wdym? like over vc? [20Apr2024 23:22:24.965] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: no look [20Apr2024 23:22:28.519] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 23:22:29.395] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: weird [20Apr2024 23:22:32.789] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: how do you talk [20Apr2024 23:22:49.431] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: press v to open the voice chat settings, and then set it to voice activation [20Apr2024 23:22:54.251] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: aie [20Apr2024 23:22:59.443] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: alright, restarting server [20Apr2024 23:22:59.973] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: no how do you talk outside the game [20Apr2024 23:23:07.029] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: o h [20Apr2024 23:23:27.320] [Async Chat Thread - #127/INFO] [Console/]: uh, usually either over discord whenever some fag needs pc help or ig over ts3/mumble or matrix now [20Apr2024 23:23:28.755] [User Authenticator #18/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:23:33.474] [Async Chat Thread - #128/INFO] [Console/]: you mean [20Apr2024 23:23:39.352] [Async Chat Thread - #128/INFO] [Console/]: you had a discord account [20Apr2024 23:23:43.816] [Async Chat Thread - #128/INFO] [Console/]: and we didn't have to use matrix [20Apr2024 23:23:58.811] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@328c5069[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:23:58.812] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@328c5069[id=76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df,name=JimmyT,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Took too long to log in [20Apr2024 23:23:58.827] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.network.Connection/]: handleDisconnection() called twice [20Apr2024 23:24:01.445] [Async Chat Thread - #128/INFO] [Console/]: in my defense number asked for matrix first [20Apr2024 23:24:05.770] [Async Chat Thread - #128/INFO] [Console/]: anyways restarting the server [20Apr2024 23:24:11.726] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Stopping the server [20Apr2024 23:24:11.754] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Stopping server (after the server restart) [20Apr2024 23:27:35.823] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer/]: Done (37.488s)! For help, type "help" [20Apr2024 23:27:35.825] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer/]: Starting remote control listener [20Apr2024 23:27:35.831] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.rcon.thread.GenericThread/]: Thread RCON Listener started [20Apr2024 23:27:35.831] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.rcon.thread.RconThread/]: RCON running on [20Apr2024 23:27:36.112] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.server.permission.PermissionAPI/]: Successfully initialized permission handler forge:default_handler [20Apr2024 23:27:36.113] [Server thread/INFO] [Arclight/]: Forwarding forge permission[forge:default_handler] to bukkit [20Apr2024 23:27:36.576] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering saplings 26 [20Apr2024 23:27:36.579] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering Ores 41 44 [20Apr2024 23:27:36.579] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering plantables 19 [20Apr2024 23:27:36.598] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering food 188 218 [20Apr2024 23:27:36.663] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering fuel 728 [20Apr2024 23:27:36.667] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering compostables 363 [20Apr2024 23:27:36.669] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering lucky oreBlocks 6 [20Apr2024 23:27:36.669] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering recruitment costs [20Apr2024 23:27:36.671] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering diseases [20Apr2024 23:27:37.112] [Server thread/WARN] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Running in offline mode - Voice chat encryption is not secure! [20Apr2024 23:27:37.150] [VoiceChatServerThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Using server-ip as bind address: [20Apr2024 23:27:37.151] [Server thread/INFO] [patchouli/]: Sending reload packet to clients [20Apr2024 23:27:37.183] [VoiceChatServerThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Voice chat server started at [20Apr2024 23:27:37.416] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_chestplate, missing knowledge for {1 diamond_chestplate=1.0, 1 cloud_armor_chestplate=2.0} [20Apr2024 23:27:37.416] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_helmet, missing knowledge for {1 cloud_armor_helmet=2.0, 1 diamond_helmet=1.0} [20Apr2024 23:27:37.416] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 enhanced_shadowgem_sword, missing knowledge for {1 shadowgemsword=1.0} [20Apr2024 23:27:37.416] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_boots, missing knowledge for {1 diamond_boots=1.0, 1 cloud_armor_boots=2.0} [20Apr2024 23:27:37.416] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_leggings, missing knowledge for {1 diamond_leggings=1.0, 1 cloud_armor_leggings=2.0} [20Apr2024 23:27:37.416] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 free_runners_armored, missing knowledge for {1 free_runners=1.0} [20Apr2024 23:27:37.416] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 radiator, missing knowledge for {1 water_bucket=0.25} [20Apr2024 23:27:37.417] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Finished recipe profiler for Arc Recycling, took 251 milliseconds [20Apr2024 23:27:47.894] [Server thread/INFO] [BukkitGreentext/]: New version 3.1.5 found (currently on 3.1.4); download at: [20Apr2024 23:28:17.180] [Netty Epoll Server IO #5/INFO] [mixin/]: Mixing common.MixinServerStatusSerializer from nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.network.protocol.status.ServerStatus$Serializer [20Apr2024 23:28:18.795] [User Authenticator #1/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player snugLilBugga is 04f0bdc1-bf74-36cf-999b-a5b4bc1f824b [20Apr2024 23:28:27.405] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@741cffab [20Apr2024 23:28:27.483] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: snugLilBugga[] logged in with entity id 1290 at (-0.9333428652926058, 66.0, -68.8196585349659) [20Apr2024 23:28:27.677] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga joined the game [20Apr2024 23:28:27.934] [Server thread/INFO] [structurize/]: New Server UUID 770cb44f-2ad6-4134-af72-3d2ed53a73a1 [20Apr2024 23:28:27.952] [Netty Epoll Server IO #6/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Recipes for potions: minecraft:long_night_vision, minecraft:long_invisibility, minecraft:long_strength, cyclic:reach_distance, minecraft:regeneration, minecraft:strong_strength, minecraft:fire_resistance, minecraft:water, cyclic:resistance, quark:long_resilience, minecraft:strong_healing, minecraft:long_poison, cyclic:waterwalk, minecraft:strong_harming, minecraft:strong_slowness, cyclic:butter, cyclic:flight, minecraft:swiftness, minecraft:long_swiftness, minecraft:turtle_master, minecraft:strength, cyclic:swimspeed, minecraft:awkward, minecraft:invisibility, minecraft:slow_falling, minecraft:leaping, minecraft:long_leaping, cyclic:strong_haste, quark:strong_resilience, minecraft:night_vision, cyclic:magnetic, cyclic:attack_range, minecraft:poison, cyclic:wither, cyclic:snowwalk, minecraft:strong_swiftness, minecraft:long_water_breathing, minecraft:long_slowness, cyclic:stun, cyclic:antigravity, minecraft:healing, minecraft:long_regeneration, minecraft:harming, minecraft:strong_poison, cyclic:haste, minecraft:long_fire_resistance, minecraft:long_weakness, minecraft:strong_regeneration, quark:resilience, cyclic:strong_hunger, minecraft:long_slow_falling, cyclic:hunger, minecraft:water_breathing, cyclic:blind, cyclic:frost_walker, minecraft:weakness, minecraft:strong_leaping, minecraft:slowness, cyclic:levitation, cyclic:gravity, minecraft:strong_turtle_master, minecraft:long_turtle_master [20Apr2024 23:28:28.525] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of snugLilBugga (18) [20Apr2024 23:28:28.531] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to snugLilBugga [20Apr2024 23:28:32.892] [User Authenticator #2/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player Cobblemperor is 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [20Apr2024 23:28:39.997] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 04f0bdc1-bf74-36cf-999b-a5b4bc1f824b [20Apr2024 23:28:40.989] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 04f0bdc1-bf74-36cf-999b-a5b4bc1f824b [20Apr2024 23:28:40.999] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player snugLilBugga (04f0bdc1-bf74-36cf-999b-a5b4bc1f824b) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 23:28:42.566] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@60b6cc52 [20Apr2024 23:28:42.615] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: Cobblemperor[] logged in with entity id 1564 at (5.329071690699279, 66.0, -72.6265237557463) [20Apr2024 23:28:42.742] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor joined the game [20Apr2024 23:28:43.158] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of Cobblemperor (18) [20Apr2024 23:28:43.158] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to Cobblemperor [20Apr2024 23:28:55.306] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [20Apr2024 23:28:56.272] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [20Apr2024 23:28:56.272] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player Cobblemperor (8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 23:28:57.086] [User Authenticator #3/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:29:03.213] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@2c7a4e66 [20Apr2024 23:29:03.269] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: JimmyT[] logged in with entity id 1678 at (4.270083517220226, 64.0, -54.61748186140207) [20Apr2024 23:29:03.334] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT joined the game [20Apr2024 23:29:03.726] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of JimmyT (18) [20Apr2024 23:29:03.726] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to JimmyT [20Apr2024 23:29:09.747] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO] [Console/]: ohhh you spoke through cytube [20Apr2024 23:29:13.825] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:29:14.825] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [20Apr2024 23:29:14.826] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player JimmyT (76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 23:29:21.437] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO] [Console/]: oh, you mean... [20Apr2024 23:29:21.983] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO] [Console/]: wow [20Apr2024 23:29:23.043] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO] [Console/]: O H [20Apr2024 23:29:23.931] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO] [Console/]: lmao [20Apr2024 23:29:24.669] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO] [Console/]: what a drop [20Apr2024 23:30:16.425] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO] [Console/]: all i'm getting from this video is that kojima is an uncollected faggot [20Apr2024 23:30:40.576] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO] [Console/]: when i first played mgs5 i thought huey was tleling the truth [20Apr2024 23:30:48.113] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO] [Console/]: and that the others were just really salty at him for some reason [20Apr2024 23:31:32.773] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO] [Console/]: i'm only gonna leave this up for about another hour, i gotta be up fairly early [20Apr2024 23:31:57.889] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO] [Console/]: some of it was truth though [20Apr2024 23:32:28.275] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO] [Console/]: quiet has an ugly face [20Apr2024 23:32:37.583] [Server thread/WARN] [minecolonies/]: Writing Recipe Manager: 0 recipes! [20Apr2024 23:33:55.674] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: what do i need to do for the engine [20Apr2024 23:33:58.107] [User Authenticator #4/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player NumberCruncher is f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 23:34:03.144] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@1493e2ed [20Apr2024 23:34:03.193] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: NumberCruncher[] logged in with entity id 3071 at (-5.188640386724591, 64.0, -56.01223905924821) [20Apr2024 23:34:03.248] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher joined the game [20Apr2024 23:34:04.652] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of NumberCruncher (18) [20Apr2024 23:34:04.653] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to NumberCruncher [20Apr2024 23:34:14.060] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 23:34:15.064] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4 [20Apr2024 23:34:15.065] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player NumberCruncher (f9dc4528-60a1-3005-af64-eb77c5d664f4) successfully connected to voice chat [20Apr2024 23:34:20.168] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: i'm basically done with it for now unless you want to connect it to something on the surface [20Apr2024 23:34:30.390] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: i'm just thinking of how to get a big ass drill going [20Apr2024 23:34:41.188] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: I heard I was being talked about in the matrix [20Apr2024 23:35:04.333] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: I know I am a very influential, very powerful, niche micro e-celeb [20Apr2024 23:35:06.087] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: how do i connect it to the surface [20Apr2024 23:35:15.341] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: vertical shafts? [20Apr2024 23:35:24.356] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: yeah [20Apr2024 23:35:24.903] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: >captions in-game: THIS IS CP-UNDERSTOOD [20Apr2024 23:35:31.447] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: we'll need a bunch of those [20Apr2024 23:35:35.914] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: there has to be a better way [20Apr2024 23:35:42.469] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: that's hte only way [20Apr2024 23:35:45.234] [Async Chat Thread - #3/INFO] [Console/]: shafts are cheap anyway [20Apr2024 23:37:44.134] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: eeeewwwwwww [20Apr2024 23:37:55.869] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: JANNY SORT MY ITEMS [20Apr2024 23:38:14.812] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: it's in the random chest [20Apr2024 23:38:32.727] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: i might as well be a fucking janny with your messy asses [20Apr2024 23:38:55.491] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: gibs me iron so i can make iron chests [20Apr2024 23:39:16.552] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: wtf i got a shitload of iron [20Apr2024 23:39:18.725] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: what did you all do with it [20Apr2024 23:39:19.181] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: Don't worry, with enough advances in technology we can get rid of the human slave and replace him with a robot one [20Apr2024 23:39:37.300] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: wait is that chico? [20Apr2024 23:39:46.886] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: it's liquid snake [20Apr2024 23:40:04.554] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: watching children get beat up is funny, best parts of lost judgement [20Apr2024 23:40:38.810] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: they cut a mission where you nuked liquid's base with niglers [20Apr2024 23:41:40.954] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: i think i found out where all the iron went [20Apr2024 23:41:46.280] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: no regrets [20Apr2024 23:42:53.682] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: venom snake turns all his men into trannies [20Apr2024 23:42:58.069] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: >the answer is giving the parasites hrt [20Apr2024 23:44:12.763] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: mgsv is bigoted code talker says later that people can't change their sex and their dicks just don't work [20Apr2024 23:44:32.493] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: this is a subtle nod to real life [20Apr2024 23:45:09.592] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: didn't expect the philosophers to be brought back up [20Apr2024 23:45:24.721] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: what are the philosophers? [20Apr2024 23:45:27.487] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: is this a term for blacks? [20Apr2024 23:45:31.922] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: no it's a term for jews [20Apr2024 23:45:45.741] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: we are watching some retarded mgs essay [20Apr2024 23:46:33.587] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: this guy is the gayest villain ever [20Apr2024 23:46:38.592] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: >I'LL SHOW YOU MY DEMON [20Apr2024 23:46:47.969] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: and i hear mgsfags tell me that he is supposed to be a pathetic retard [20Apr2024 23:46:51.948] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: but that sounds like cope for bad writing [20Apr2024 23:47:12.122] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: he said it [20Apr2024 23:47:17.155] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: bravo kojima [20Apr2024 23:47:30.589] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [An Interesing Stone...] [20Apr2024 23:47:33.020] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: this is funnier when you realize that he is talking about volgin who gets killed off 5 seconds later [20Apr2024 23:48:26.132] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: i have never listened to mgs lore this sounds really retarded [20Apr2024 23:48:26.278] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: i like how the comic relief british colonel from mgs3 is supposed to be the main villain [20Apr2024 23:48:30.199] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: it is [20Apr2024 23:48:34.372] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: it is [20Apr2024 23:48:46.854] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga has made the advancement [Into Fire] [20Apr2024 23:49:03.073] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: kojima always has the main theme song play at the most retarded moments in his games [20Apr2024 23:49:15.960] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: it was cool in pw [20Apr2024 23:49:24.805] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: when it played when you were being hunted by choppers [20Apr2024 23:49:46.133] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: the math tells us we should give everyone nukes [20Apr2024 23:50:13.146] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: imagine in sonic adventure 2, live and learn starts playing in a single room in death chamber as knuckles [20Apr2024 23:50:58.513] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: thats xof though [20Apr2024 23:51:27.317] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: faggot essay creator didn't spend 90% the playtime in customization menu [20Apr2024 23:53:07.011] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [Console/]: snake no turn around [20Apr2024 23:53:12.935] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [Console/]: i like how baby mantis stealing aids never gets elaborated upon [20Apr2024 23:53:13.229] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [Console/]: oh god oh fuck he has airpods in [20Apr2024 23:54:22.057] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: based huey [20Apr2024 23:54:22.344] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: if kojima was smart he wouldn't show bb's face in this scene because you can wear the sneaking suit as random guys in pw [20Apr2024 23:55:04.546] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: is this set in the same universe as the football senator guy [20Apr2024 23:55:11.290] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: yes but also no [20Apr2024 23:55:21.720] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 23:55:37.572] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Industrial Revolution] [20Apr2024 23:55:53.672] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: mgr being "not canon" is kojima cope [20Apr2024 23:56:11.860] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: lol i didn't even know he said that [20Apr2024 23:56:30.435] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: >the one game that makes the most sense story wise, and is also fucking cool [20Apr2024 23:56:34.248] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: >"not canon" [20Apr2024 23:56:36.102] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: hahahahahahah [20Apr2024 23:56:37.286] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: portable ops? [20Apr2024 23:56:45.642] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: destroying the english language to unite people? [20Apr2024 23:56:49.373] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: yes [20Apr2024 23:56:54.968] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: how? [20Apr2024 23:57:02.135] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: it would unite canada [20Apr2024 23:57:26.202] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: THE FUCKING PIANO RENDITION OF BONETROUSLE [20Apr2024 23:57:29.030] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: i hate this essay [20Apr2024 23:57:36.557] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: somethingsomething if we nuke america and russia third worlders will be united in having their own culture or something [20Apr2024 23:58:04.112] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: that's an actual plot point [20Apr2024 23:58:08.630] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: i like this guy because he shat on mgs2 [20Apr2024 23:58:13.743] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: that video essays are dumb? [20Apr2024 23:58:34.908] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: no the nuking english language [20Apr2024 23:58:49.423] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: tpp would have been better if it had the nirvana cover of the man who sold the world instead [20Apr2024 23:58:59.830] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: mgs has a worse story than some creepypastas [21Apr2024 00:01:03.701] [Async Chat Thread - #13/INFO] [Console/]: shoutouts to mgsv pre release hyping up "words that kill" as metaphorical thing but the actual game revealing that it's literally words that give you aids [21Apr2024 00:01:31.278] [Async Chat Thread - #13/INFO] [Console/]: have we just kidnapped the roaming trader [21Apr2024 00:01:35.938] [Async Chat Thread - #13/INFO] [Console/]: no i killed him [21Apr2024 00:01:42.930] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: nuh uh [21Apr2024 00:01:49.221] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: see? [21Apr2024 00:03:29.749] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: also mgs2 is good because it's the last game that built off mg2 formula while all games after it have some retarded unfinished gimmick attached that you must pay attention to every 6 seconds [21Apr2024 00:03:51.049] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: i agree i do not like crawling around like a faggot in mgs3 [21Apr2024 00:03:53.216] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [The Alloy That Started it All] [21Apr2024 00:04:12.619] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: and the survival shit is a gimmick that they don't commit to [21Apr2024 00:04:36.590] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: wow i could never expect the fire man to be volgin even though ocelot says it right before this [21Apr2024 00:04:46.670] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: and he has the soviet trenchcoat [21Apr2024 00:05:42.777] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: ight i'm gonna go to bed, i'll leave the server up for you all though [21Apr2024 00:05:45.741] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: snugLilBugga lost connection: Disconnected [21Apr2024 00:05:45.747] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client snugLilBugga [21Apr2024 00:05:45.798] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: snugLilBugga left the game [21Apr2024 00:05:46.573] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: ok [21Apr2024 00:05:47.684] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: bye [21Apr2024 00:06:00.556] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: what are you doing here [21Apr2024 00:06:18.613] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [The Perfect Foundation] [21Apr2024 00:08:25.501] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: THE FLUORIDE IN THE WATER IS KILLING HER [21Apr2024 00:08:46.308] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: faggot [21Apr2024 00:11:34.161] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [A Simple Circuit] [21Apr2024 00:12:36.332] [Async Chat Thread - #17/INFO] [Console/]: can't rely too much on this ponder menu [21Apr2024 00:12:58.369] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: didn't even have linear chassis listed [21Apr2024 00:13:04.592] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: i like how this never gets elaborated upon either [21Apr2024 00:13:52.564] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: are you using slime [21Apr2024 00:14:03.259] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: you can coat these chassis in slime without consuming slimeballs [21Apr2024 00:14:19.321] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: what are you guys doing [21Apr2024 00:14:25.218] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: making a drill [21Apr2024 00:14:26.227] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: bdsm machine [21Apr2024 00:14:34.492] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: i am doubling my ore output [21Apr2024 00:14:48.272] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: we need to automate farming [21Apr2024 00:16:14.569] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: here we go [21Apr2024 00:16:17.047] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: it's operating [21Apr2024 00:16:25.475] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: buganon will spin the crank to power machines so that he isn't left jobless [21Apr2024 00:16:51.021] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: ok [21Apr2024 00:16:55.719] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: now we just add sticks to the back here [21Apr2024 00:16:59.221] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: and it will go further [21Apr2024 00:17:01.442] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Getting More From Less] [21Apr2024 00:17:17.612] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: pull back [21Apr2024 00:17:21.531] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: i wanna see something [21Apr2024 00:17:24.495] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: good [21Apr2024 00:17:33.775] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: 1 step closer to trains [21Apr2024 00:17:42.389] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: create aeronautics when [21Apr2024 00:17:58.664] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: ok [21Apr2024 00:18:05.511] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: we could make the drill bigger [21Apr2024 00:18:07.467] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: and make a big ass hole [21Apr2024 00:18:13.060] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: this will do something [21Apr2024 00:18:30.860] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: what do we need for trains [21Apr2024 00:18:35.080] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: blazes [21Apr2024 00:18:46.121] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: cruncher go find blazes [21Apr2024 00:18:53.359] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: specifically they need to be captured [21Apr2024 00:18:55.413] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: in a blaze mixer [21Apr2024 00:19:01.520] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: i'm automatic my own systems [21Apr2024 00:19:06.372] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: autoMATING [21Apr2024 00:19:49.932] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: i wonder [21Apr2024 00:19:51.362] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: >solidus was lab grown [21Apr2024 00:19:53.325] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: my president [21Apr2024 00:19:57.560] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: also i have like 15 blaze rods [21Apr2024 00:20:07.618] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: blaze rods are irrelevant it needs live blazes captured [21Apr2024 00:20:14.408] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: does it? [21Apr2024 00:20:17.764] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: yup [21Apr2024 00:20:20.694] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: that's what powers the blaze mixer [21Apr2024 00:20:52.055] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: oh you just right click the blaze [21Apr2024 00:20:55.816] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: with it in hand [21Apr2024 00:21:09.415] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: why does he show volgin again [21Apr2024 00:22:11.681] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: what happened to brevity? why's this 4 hours long? [21Apr2024 00:22:15.885] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: liquid is literally the only character from "future" entries that makes sense in mgsv [21Apr2024 00:22:25.783] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: he is monetizationmaxxing [21Apr2024 00:22:32.817] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Infusing Efficiency] [21Apr2024 00:24:06.081] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: >the fact that venom has half his brain destroyed is finally brought up [21Apr2024 00:24:08.207] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: >it's cut [21Apr2024 00:24:09.390] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: sasuga [21Apr2024 00:25:01.769] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: this is where all those college creative writing classes lead to [21Apr2024 00:25:21.463] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: he is just reading the wiki [21Apr2024 00:25:31.394] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: based monetizationmaxxer [21Apr2024 00:25:31.773] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: i remember him talking about quiet [21Apr2024 00:25:55.944] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: the bdsm machine is killing the turtle [21Apr2024 00:26:02.788] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: okay my output is now 33% more efficient [21Apr2024 00:26:23.117] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: ok i am going to make the drill comically large [21Apr2024 00:26:33.588] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: and it will mine into slime chunks someday [21Apr2024 00:29:01.724] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: where andesite [21Apr2024 00:29:09.379] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: alloy [21Apr2024 00:29:12.320] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: there's lots in the chest [21Apr2024 00:29:17.889] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: looking for iron for more alloys [21Apr2024 00:29:36.195] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: cruncher [21Apr2024 00:29:44.951] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: what [21Apr2024 00:29:46.262] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: make the universal storage or something [21Apr2024 00:29:50.584] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: i hate these chests [21Apr2024 00:30:01.172] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: okay i will make one for myself [21Apr2024 00:30:12.601] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: i will uplink it to the storage [21Apr2024 00:30:48.986] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: slime chunk [21Apr2024 00:30:56.429] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: what for [21Apr2024 00:31:26.277] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: xaero-waypoint:slimes:S:-131:-16:28:2:false:0:Internal-overworld-waypoints [21Apr2024 00:31:34.969] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: pistons [21Apr2024 00:31:47.526] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: we could make slime from dough and cactus [21Apr2024 00:31:53.607] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: forgot about that [21Apr2024 00:32:03.190] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: we can automate it probably too [21Apr2024 00:32:45.560] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: you can automate it easily actually but we need crusher [21Apr2024 00:32:58.425] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: and a bunch of different mechanisms [21Apr2024 00:32:58.830] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: do we have blast furnace [21Apr2024 00:33:08.272] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: no [21Apr2024 00:33:11.777] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: i found one [21Apr2024 00:33:15.828] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: I NEED SLIMEBALLS FUCK [21Apr2024 00:33:17.321] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: bring it [21Apr2024 00:33:23.928] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: there are in the chest in the cave [21Apr2024 00:33:24.779] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: there are slimeballs in the chest in the cave [21Apr2024 00:33:34.803] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: chestmind [21Apr2024 00:33:59.837] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: go to sleep [21Apr2024 00:34:40.759] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: words that kill is kino because it's literal [21Apr2024 00:34:46.929] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: it's like an evolution of anti humour [21Apr2024 00:35:04.550] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: that's from harry potter [21Apr2024 00:35:37.932] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 4265ms or 85 ticks behind [21Apr2024 00:36:32.700] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: i thought the woman couldn't talk because she was a plant not because she had a virus [21Apr2024 00:36:45.821] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: no her being a plant and not being able to talk are completely distinct [21Apr2024 00:36:50.312] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: she is very special [21Apr2024 00:37:00.655] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: give me all the slime balls [21Apr2024 00:37:32.811] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: where did i put the staircase to my base... [21Apr2024 00:38:18.829] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 3363ms or 67 ticks behind [21Apr2024 00:38:22.122] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: "the biggest wmd since nukes" what? [21Apr2024 00:38:32.088] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: word aids [21Apr2024 00:38:35.376] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: that's such a retarded way of wording that something is more powerful than a nuke [21Apr2024 00:38:49.707] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: unless it was meant to be a war on terror metaphor [21Apr2024 00:39:11.517] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: i guess it'd be an allegory actually [21Apr2024 00:40:09.677] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: can we automate fishing i need mending [21Apr2024 00:40:15.075] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: probably [21Apr2024 00:40:25.866] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: the biggest wmd since nukes is a line of dialogue i could see in an mgs game [21Apr2024 00:41:46.596] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: oh man [21Apr2024 00:41:51.810] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: you should see how this guy looks in his fnaf video [21Apr2024 00:41:57.361] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: he really looks like a video essayist [21Apr2024 00:42:05.718] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: gay? [21Apr2024 00:42:20.772] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: gay in the steven crowder way yeah [21Apr2024 00:42:24.869] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: fuck radial chasis [21Apr2024 00:42:26.965] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: this is bullshit [21Apr2024 00:43:09.861] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: what does "gay in the steven crowder way" mean? he's part of a jew controlled con inc. group? [21Apr2024 00:43:19.266] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Refined Storage] [21Apr2024 00:43:26.399] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: it's a subtle gayness that has been concealed [21Apr2024 00:43:55.334] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: don't you know that steven crowder literally sucked penis and that this is confirmed by his coworkers and himself [21Apr2024 00:44:16.831] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: i know he works for daily wire yes [21Apr2024 00:44:31.621] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: no ben shapiro is against him now iirc [21Apr2024 00:44:33.409] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: japanese autism about nukes is hilarious btw [21Apr2024 00:45:03.714] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: when i made a nuke in mgsv to stop niggers from killing my staff and got snake permacovered in blood i laughed [21Apr2024 00:45:46.000] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: mgs2 is good because it didn't have "nukes bad" as the main plot point [21Apr2024 00:46:11.588] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: okay so i remember that [21Apr2024 00:46:35.618] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: so what happened is that crowder called out shapiro for daily wire's contract being too restrictive [21Apr2024 00:46:54.934] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: this is true because daily wire is one of the worst conservative organizations and is basically meant to strangle anything that isn't extremely gay [21Apr2024 00:46:58.247] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: however [21Apr2024 00:47:10.881] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: i fucking hate radial chassing [21Apr2024 00:47:13.169] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: crowder was doing this because he is a homosexual faggot that was caught being a faggot, not because he's actually against them [21Apr2024 00:47:14.781] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: chassis [21Apr2024 00:47:30.614] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: "nooo you cannot just connect 3x3" [21Apr2024 00:47:36.578] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: with jews [21Apr2024 00:47:39.106] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: you win! [21Apr2024 00:48:04.706] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: i solved it [21Apr2024 00:48:06.802] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: america is saved [21Apr2024 00:49:10.715] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: sleep [21Apr2024 00:49:14.272] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: i like how they marketed this game as "how big boss became evil" but then he "becomes evil" off screen and you play as some other guy [21Apr2024 00:49:30.869] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: he becomes evil in pw when he shills castro [21Apr2024 00:50:15.423] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Drives] [21Apr2024 00:51:46.506] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: venom? spider-man? [21Apr2024 00:51:52.209] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: sonic.exe? [21Apr2024 00:53:11.629] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: >attached structure does not include enough sail-like blocks: 0 [21Apr2024 00:53:31.886] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: the fucking index showed me that i can attach logs to it [21Apr2024 00:54:33.112] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: strangelove deserved to die for being a lesbian [21Apr2024 00:54:36.174] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: huey is canonically jewish btw [21Apr2024 00:54:42.917] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: isn't strangelove a nazi? [21Apr2024 00:55:08.631] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: no they named a female scientist dr. strangelove in mgs despite dr. strangelove being a movie that exists in the mgs universe as confirmed by mgs3 codec calls [21Apr2024 00:55:16.786] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: nickname [21Apr2024 00:55:27.046] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: was it? [21Apr2024 00:55:27.125] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: dr. strangelove in the movie is a disabled nazi [21Apr2024 00:55:33.125] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: damn that was one of my favorite anti-mgs talking points [21Apr2024 00:55:36.361] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: you can't debunk it like that [21Apr2024 00:55:47.827] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: what? [21Apr2024 00:55:58.418] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: was strangelove her real name or a nickname [21Apr2024 00:56:00.817] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: >As her nickname implies, she had "a strange love"; a reference to her sexuality. [21Apr2024 00:56:04.825] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: dios mio... el genio japones [21Apr2024 00:56:05.202] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: wtf [21Apr2024 00:56:06.643] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: that's retarded [21Apr2024 00:56:15.635] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: that is even more retarded than it being her real name [21Apr2024 00:56:34.283] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: it works [21Apr2024 00:56:35.170] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: almost [21Apr2024 00:56:42.513] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: we need more wool [21Apr2024 00:56:54.254] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: and to figure out why it fucking cut offs [21Apr2024 00:57:12.035] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor fell from a high place [21Apr2024 00:57:19.377] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aie my items fell into twilight [21Apr2024 00:57:40.996] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: and disappeared [21Apr2024 00:57:56.318] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: it's this fucking chest mod [21Apr2024 00:58:43.013] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: jimmyt come up here [21Apr2024 00:58:48.025] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: wassup [21Apr2024 00:58:54.661] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Viewing items] [21Apr2024 00:59:31.317] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: where are you [21Apr2024 00:59:45.721] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: i need you to figure out why the wool cuts off [21Apr2024 00:59:53.833] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher has made the advancement [Storing items] [21Apr2024 01:01:04.201] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: hold on [21Apr2024 01:01:15.698] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: what kind of chassis are these [21Apr2024 01:01:26.713] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: radial [21Apr2024 01:02:02.005] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: okay i have made the storage system [21Apr2024 01:02:07.027] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: how do you switch it on [21Apr2024 01:02:20.929] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: right click [21Apr2024 01:04:00.118] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: got a wrench? [21Apr2024 01:04:04.586] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: nah [21Apr2024 01:04:10.025] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: gonna go ge tone [21Apr2024 01:04:49.565] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: they made huey evil because they remembered that the first time he is decribed in the games he is described as getting cucked to death [21Apr2024 01:05:41.887] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: herobrine appears too often [21Apr2024 01:06:13.170] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: ack [21Apr2024 01:06:23.466] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: this is create autism tower [21Apr2024 01:06:27.774] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: i dropped one [21Apr2024 01:06:29.660] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: build here as long as it doesn't explode [21Apr2024 01:06:31.147] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: where [21Apr2024 01:06:34.306] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: down [21Apr2024 01:06:44.478] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: >>>it fell into twilight [21Apr2024 01:06:50.322] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: nice [21Apr2024 01:06:52.086] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: anyway i fixed it [21Apr2024 01:06:54.386] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: i cant find it [21Apr2024 01:07:02.755] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: you can change the radius of chassis with a wrench [21Apr2024 01:07:12.072] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: the blocks that were dettaching were outside the default 8 block radius [21Apr2024 01:07:28.013] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: did you find the chassis [21Apr2024 01:07:32.914] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: ninth [21Apr2024 01:07:33.879] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: i caught it without noticing [21Apr2024 01:08:01.552] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: keep water for now [21Apr2024 01:08:40.806] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: you need to apply a slimeball to it [21Apr2024 01:08:46.956] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: i know [21Apr2024 01:08:52.275] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: but it works right now [21Apr2024 01:10:12.886] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: i will play death stranding for inspirations for my kino sonic.exe walking sim [21Apr2024 01:10:39.583] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: >the contraption was unable to assemble [21Apr2024 01:10:42.471] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: it doesn't work aiie [21Apr2024 01:10:47.926] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: what's not working [21Apr2024 01:11:02.165] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: it doesnt detect wool [21Apr2024 01:11:08.198] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: the windmill? [21Apr2024 01:11:11.691] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: yes [21Apr2024 01:11:19.377] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: i dropped 2 while mining them bring them too [21Apr2024 01:11:20.841] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: get a wrench and see if you can change the block settings [21Apr2024 01:11:25.610] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: ok [21Apr2024 01:11:38.370] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: its in the cave? [21Apr2024 01:11:54.245] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: one sec [21Apr2024 01:11:55.796] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: i've got it [21Apr2024 01:12:23.882] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: LOL [21Apr2024 01:12:29.658] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: ALL PIGS GOT CONVERTED TO ZOMBIE PIGMEN [21Apr2024 01:12:37.669] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: why [21Apr2024 01:12:44.344] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: lightning struck them [21Apr2024 01:12:48.812] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: all of them at once [21Apr2024 01:12:50.489] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: yes [21Apr2024 01:12:56.528] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: see for yourself [21Apr2024 01:12:57.337] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: nice [21Apr2024 01:13:25.222] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: dropped wool on the gravel road [21Apr2024 01:13:31.103] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: okay so this storage mod has some good and bed compared to the original we used [21Apr2024 01:13:34.661] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: bad* [21Apr2024 01:13:39.985] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: yes [21Apr2024 01:13:49.917] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: the good is that it takes up less physical space [21Apr2024 01:13:56.429] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: that's bad [21Apr2024 01:13:58.927] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: how [21Apr2024 01:14:14.909] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: mechanisms taking up physical space is the soul of minecraft tech mods [21Apr2024 01:14:37.425] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: okay well all of that space is now on a disc drive [21Apr2024 01:14:53.273] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: the bad is that it is more expensive to make those disc drives than to place down 100 chests [21Apr2024 01:15:45.897] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: why is the wall missing [21Apr2024 01:15:51.416] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: to put the wire [21Apr2024 01:15:57.061] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: ok [21Apr2024 01:16:10.921] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: this is eventually supposed to be turned into a plantation [21Apr2024 01:16:17.628] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: so i have walls set up [21Apr2024 01:16:18.820] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: ok [21Apr2024 01:16:24.183] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: brb [21Apr2024 01:16:25.785] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor lost connection: Disconnected [21Apr2024 01:16:25.786] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client Cobblemperor [21Apr2024 01:16:25.845] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor left the game [21Apr2024 01:26:53.058] [Async Chat Thread - #40/INFO] [Console/]: so why's he against english? [21Apr2024 01:27:05.370] [Async Chat Thread - #40/INFO] [Console/]: i dunno cause he hates a british guy [21Apr2024 01:27:09.418] [Async Chat Thread - #40/INFO] [Console/]: i stopped listening to that video awhile ago [21Apr2024 01:27:22.473] [Async Chat Thread - #40/INFO] [Console/]: i thought you played mgs [21Apr2024 01:27:36.264] [Async Chat Thread - #40/INFO] [Console/]: yeah the story is too retarded to follow when you play it [21Apr2024 01:27:47.061] [Async Chat Thread - #40/INFO] [Console/]: especially mgs5 i just started skipping the gay cutscenes [21Apr2024 01:29:31.633] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: okay he's going too much into his creative writing class i am getting sick [21Apr2024 02:01:45.788] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT lost connection: Disconnected [21Apr2024 02:01:45.788] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client JimmyT [21Apr2024 02:01:45.839] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT left the game [21Apr2024 02:01:50.772] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: IT'S OVER [21Apr2024 02:08:22.683] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: NumberCruncher lost connection: Disconnected [21Apr2024 02:08:22.683] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client NumberCruncher [21Apr2024 02:08:22.750] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NumberCruncher left the game [21Apr2024 04:30:24.220] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Stopping the server [21Apr2024 04:30:24.270] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Stopping server