[13Apr2024 19:55:10.362] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer/]: Done (39.504s)! For help, type "help" [13Apr2024 19:55:10.364] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer/]: Starting remote control listener [13Apr2024 19:55:10.371] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.rcon.thread.GenericThread/]: Thread RCON Listener started [13Apr2024 19:55:10.371] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.rcon.thread.RconThread/]: RCON running on [13Apr2024 19:55:10.675] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.server.permission.PermissionAPI/]: Successfully initialized permission handler forge:default_handler [13Apr2024 19:55:10.677] [Server thread/INFO] [Arclight/]: Forwarding forge permission[forge:default_handler] to bukkit [13Apr2024 19:55:10.983] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering saplings 26 [13Apr2024 19:55:10.985] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering Ores 41 44 [13Apr2024 19:55:10.985] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering plantables 19 [13Apr2024 19:55:11.001] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering food 188 218 [13Apr2024 19:55:11.056] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering fuel 728 [13Apr2024 19:55:11.059] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering compostables 363 [13Apr2024 19:55:11.061] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering lucky oreBlocks 6 [13Apr2024 19:55:11.061] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering recruitment costs [13Apr2024 19:55:11.063] [Server thread/INFO] [minecolonies/]: Finished discovering diseases [13Apr2024 19:55:11.407] [Server thread/WARN] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Running in offline mode - Voice chat encryption is not secure! [13Apr2024 19:55:11.434] [Server thread/INFO] [patchouli/]: Sending reload packet to clients [13Apr2024 19:55:11.434] [VoiceChatServerThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Using server-ip as bind address: [13Apr2024 19:55:11.465] [VoiceChatServerThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Voice chat server started at [13Apr2024 19:55:11.615] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_boots, missing knowledge for {1 diamond_boots=1.0, 1 cloud_armor_boots=2.0} [13Apr2024 19:55:11.615] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 radiator, missing knowledge for {1 water_bucket=0.25} [13Apr2024 19:55:11.615] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 enhanced_shadowgem_sword, missing knowledge for {1 shadowgemsword=1.0} [13Apr2024 19:55:11.615] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_helmet, missing knowledge for {1 diamond_helmet=1.0, 1 cloud_armor_helmet=2.0} [13Apr2024 19:55:11.615] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 free_runners_armored, missing knowledge for {1 free_runners=1.0} [13Apr2024 19:55:11.615] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_leggings, missing knowledge for {1 cloud_armor_leggings=2.0, 1 diamond_leggings=1.0} [13Apr2024 19:55:11.615] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Couldn't fully analyze 1 purity_armor_chestplate, missing knowledge for {1 cloud_armor_chestplate=2.0, 1 diamond_chestplate=1.0} [13Apr2024 19:55:11.616] [Server thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Finished recipe profiler for Arc Recycling, took 172 milliseconds [13Apr2024 19:55:17.510] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/INFO] [mixin/]: Mixing server.MixinServerboundChatPacket from nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ServerboundChatPacket [13Apr2024 19:55:17.628] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/INFO] [mixin/]: Mixing common.MixinServerStatusSerializer from nochatreports.mixins.json into net.minecraft.network.protocol.status.ServerStatus$Serializer [13Apr2024 19:55:20.813] [User Authenticator #1/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player buganon is a2e4cdb1-da27-3bc7-a9ba-b903ed3df394 [13Apr2024 19:55:29.032] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@7d13cde4 [13Apr2024 19:55:29.183] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: buganon logged in with entity id 268 at (-71.32451861801934, 63.0, 23.507396921470537) [13Apr2024 19:55:29.503] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon joined the game [13Apr2024 19:55:29.641] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/INFO] [immersiveengineering/]: Recipes for potions: minecraft:long_strength, minecraft:strong_swiftness, minecraft:water, minecraft:strong_leaping, minecraft:long_turtle_master, minecraft:long_poison, minecraft:strong_turtle_master, cyclic:attack_range, cyclic:swimspeed, cyclic:strong_hunger, cyclic:gravity, minecraft:long_regeneration, minecraft:night_vision, cyclic:resistance, minecraft:strong_healing, minecraft:slow_falling, cyclic:stun, minecraft:long_night_vision, minecraft:turtle_master, quark:long_resilience, cyclic:waterwalk, minecraft:invisibility, cyclic:levitation, minecraft:strong_poison, cyclic:butter, minecraft:weakness, minecraft:long_slowness, minecraft:long_weakness, cyclic:flight, quark:strong_resilience, minecraft:long_invisibility, minecraft:strong_slowness, minecraft:awkward, cyclic:reach_distance, minecraft:strong_regeneration, minecraft:long_swiftness, minecraft:long_water_breathing, minecraft:long_fire_resistance, minecraft:regeneration, minecraft:water_breathing, cyclic:magnetic, cyclic:frost_walker, cyclic:wither, minecraft:strength, minecraft:swiftness, minecraft:harming, quark:resilience, cyclic:antigravity, cyclic:haste, minecraft:slowness, cyclic:blind, cyclic:hunger, cyclic:snowwalk, minecraft:leaping, minecraft:strong_strength, minecraft:long_slow_falling, cyclic:strong_haste, minecraft:healing, minecraft:long_leaping, minecraft:poison, minecraft:fire_resistance, minecraft:strong_harming [13Apr2024 19:55:29.764] [Server thread/INFO] [structurize/]: New Server UUID c2fb99a7-1762-4c1b-9745-5ee69ac35ace [13Apr2024 19:55:31.148] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of buganon (18) [13Apr2024 19:55:31.153] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to buganon [13Apr2024 19:55:45.518] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player a2e4cdb1-da27-3bc7-a9ba-b903ed3df394 [13Apr2024 19:55:46.536] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player a2e4cdb1-da27-3bc7-a9ba-b903ed3df394 [13Apr2024 19:55:46.544] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player buganon (a2e4cdb1-da27-3bc7-a9ba-b903ed3df394) successfully connected to voice chat [13Apr2024 19:56:38.179] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [13Apr2024 19:58:21.344] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: :) [13Apr2024 20:00:11.656] [Server thread/WARN] [minecolonies/]: Writing Recipe Manager: 0 recipes! [13Apr2024 20:01:22.242] [Netty Epoll Server IO #4/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.network.NetworkRegistry/NETREGISTRY]: Channels [minecraft:treechop-channel,sonic_and_his_adventures:sonic_and_his_adventures,everycomp:network,forge:tier_sorting,immersiveengineering:main,mekanism:mekanism,ic_ip:main,createarmory:createarmory,shadowlands:shadowlands,create:main,moonlight:channel,nochatreports:main,minecraft_creepypastas_universe:minecraft_creepypastas_universe,createaddition:main,mekanismgenerators:mekanismgenerators,structurize:net-channel,minecolonies:net-channel,quark:main,the_classics:the_classics,sonicmod_halloween:sonicmod_halloween,patchouli:main,cyclic:main_channel,multipiston:net-channel,the_scp_containment:the_scp_containment,ironchest:network,delightful:main,geckolib3:main,twilightforest:channel,tmted:tmted,refinedstorage:main_channel] rejected vanilla connections [13Apr2024 20:01:22.242] [Netty Epoll Server IO #4/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.server.ServerLifecycleHooks/SERVERHOOKS]: Disconnecting VANILLA connection attempt: This server has mods that require Forge to be installed on the client. Contact your server admin for more details. [13Apr2024 20:01:45.631] [User Authenticator #2/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player yokuboSTAR_ is 495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff [13Apr2024 20:01:54.329] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@67c11c88 [13Apr2024 20:01:54.662] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: yokuboSTAR_ logged in with entity id 1484 at (7.5, 68.0, 8.5) [13Apr2024 20:01:54.704] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ joined the game [13Apr2024 20:01:58.134] [Async Chat Thread - #1/INFO] [Console/]: yo [13Apr2024 20:02:01.481] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of yokuboSTAR_ (18) [13Apr2024 20:02:01.482] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to yokuboSTAR_ [13Apr2024 20:02:33.982] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff [13Apr2024 20:02:34.989] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff [13Apr2024 20:02:34.989] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player yokuboSTAR_ (495a053e-0b7a-370d-82c8-ed36ffd57aff) successfully connected to voice chat [13Apr2024 20:02:46.813] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.network.NetworkRegistry/NETREGISTRY]: Channels [minecraft:treechop-channel,sonic_and_his_adventures:sonic_and_his_adventures,everycomp:network,forge:tier_sorting,immersiveengineering:main,mekanism:mekanism,ic_ip:main,createarmory:createarmory,shadowlands:shadowlands,create:main,moonlight:channel,nochatreports:main,minecraft_creepypastas_universe:minecraft_creepypastas_universe,createaddition:main,mekanismgenerators:mekanismgenerators,structurize:net-channel,minecolonies:net-channel,quark:main,the_classics:the_classics,sonicmod_halloween:sonicmod_halloween,patchouli:main,cyclic:main_channel,multipiston:net-channel,the_scp_containment:the_scp_containment,ironchest:network,delightful:main,geckolib3:main,twilightforest:channel,tmted:tmted,refinedstorage:main_channel] rejected vanilla connections [13Apr2024 20:02:46.813] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.server.ServerLifecycleHooks/SERVERHOOKS]: Disconnecting VANILLA connection attempt: This server has mods that require Forge to be installed on the client. Contact your server admin for more details. [13Apr2024 20:03:05.087] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: fuck forgot to disable spawn protection [13Apr2024 20:03:06.576] [Async Chat Thread - #2/INFO] [Console/]: oh well [13Apr2024 20:03:27.954] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ issued server command: /skin [13Apr2024 20:04:02.510] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ issued server command: /skin set web slim https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/470444250488766486/1219109389718388787/Sarah-Needlemouse-VHS-on-planetminecraft-com.png?ex=6625ca98&is=66135598&hm=54ad36fbef476ac9a33b76cf71ce9eba1c193bb8624eef3d0e2b54ffded39745& [13Apr2024 20:04:27.232] [Async Chat Thread - #3/INFO] [Console/]: how the fuck do you do skins again [13Apr2024 20:04:54.528] [Async Chat Thread - #3/INFO] [Console/]: ./skin set web classic "inserturl.here/skin.png" [13Apr2024 20:04:58.955] [Async Chat Thread - #3/INFO] [Console/]: assuming you're using a 4px skin [13Apr2024 20:05:24.102] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ issued server command: /skin set web slim https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/470444250488766486/1219109389718388787/Sarah-Needlemouse-VHS-on-planetminecraft-com.png [13Apr2024 20:05:56.979] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ issued server command: /skin set web slim cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/470444250488766486/1219109389718388787/Sarah-Needlemouse-VHS-on-planetminecraft-com.png?ex=6625ca98&is=66135598&hm=54ad36fbef476ac9a33b76cf71ce9eba1c193bb8624eef3d0e2b54ffded39745& [13Apr2024 20:06:23.210] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: is it not working or smth? [13Apr2024 20:06:29.956] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: im doing a slim skin [13Apr2024 20:06:32.256] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: the sarah one [13Apr2024 20:06:37.132] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: replace classic with slim [13Apr2024 20:06:41.455] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: its showing me an error and red text when im pasting in the url [13Apr2024 20:06:44.008] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: i did [13Apr2024 20:06:51.877] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: are you enclosing the url in double quotes? [13Apr2024 20:07:08.828] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ issued server command: /skin set web slim "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/470444250488766486/1219109389718388787/Sarah-Needlemouse-VHS-on-planetminecraft-com.png?ex=6625ca98&is=66135598&hm=54ad36fbef476ac9a33b76cf71ce9eba1c193bb8624eef3d0e2b54ffded39745&" [13Apr2024 20:07:09.505] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: it would be like "https://exegarbage.lol/skin.png", not just the bare url [13Apr2024 20:07:10.176] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ moved too quickly! -1.0309132340423022,6.0,26.511384166448952 [13Apr2024 20:07:11.213] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: there [13Apr2024 20:07:14.104] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: there ya go [13Apr2024 20:07:16.142] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: FUCKING FINALLY [13Apr2024 20:07:32.456] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: I HAVE BECOME SARAH NEEDLEMOUSE AFTER LIKE A MONTH AND A HALF OF THIS SHIT [13Apr2024 20:07:40.728] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: autism is a powerful thing [13Apr2024 20:07:43.094] [User Authenticator #3/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [13Apr2024 20:07:49.479] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@5a4041b [13Apr2024 20:07:49.923] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: JimmyT logged in with entity id 2504 at (4.5, 68.0, -6.5) [13Apr2024 20:07:49.978] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT joined the game [13Apr2024 20:07:51.023] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of JimmyT (18) [13Apr2024 20:07:51.024] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to JimmyT [13Apr2024 20:08:00.605] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: AIE [13Apr2024 20:08:01.087] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [13Apr2024 20:08:02.082] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: HEROBRINE [13Apr2024 20:08:02.084] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [13Apr2024 20:08:02.084] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player JimmyT (76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df) successfully connected to voice chat [13Apr2024 20:08:52.146] [Async Chat Thread - #4/INFO] [Console/]: fuckin wraiths [13Apr2024 20:09:15.878] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [13Apr2024 20:09:29.829] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT lost connection: Disconnected [13Apr2024 20:09:29.834] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client JimmyT [13Apr2024 20:09:29.900] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT left the game [13Apr2024 20:10:19.723] [Async Chat Thread - #5/INFO] [Console/]: damn, guess we could build base around here [13Apr2024 20:10:50.888] [User Authenticator #4/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player JimmyT is 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [13Apr2024 20:10:57.183] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@7e850c6a [13Apr2024 20:10:57.238] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: JimmyT logged in with entity id 3088 at (9.660046047743483, 69.0, -2.300000011920929) [13Apr2024 20:10:57.281] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT joined the game [13Apr2024 20:10:58.409] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of JimmyT (18) [13Apr2024 20:10:58.409] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to JimmyT [13Apr2024 20:11:08.374] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [13Apr2024 20:11:09.378] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df [13Apr2024 20:11:09.379] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player JimmyT (76788c70-811a-3712-b5d4-71e23455e4df) successfully connected to voice chat [13Apr2024 20:11:24.736] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: i saw torch light for a second and it just disappeared [13Apr2024 20:11:32.899] [Async Chat Thread - #6/INFO] [Console/]: i think that was herobrine........ [13Apr2024 20:12:07.897] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon was slain by Phantom [13Apr2024 20:12:56.798] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin [13Apr2024 20:13:01.486] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /s [13Apr2024 20:13:23.810] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: holy shit when does night end [13Apr2024 20:13:32.529] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Expected float [13Apr2024 20:13:32.529] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: time set morning<--[HERE] [13Apr2024 20:13:38.179] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Set the time to 1000 [13Apr2024 20:13:42.258] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: now lmao [13Apr2024 20:13:43.800] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: that's one way to do it [13Apr2024 20:13:49.426] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: was that cheating [13Apr2024 20:13:52.827] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: btw have we got the skins plugin or am i stuck as gay spiderman [13Apr2024 20:13:54.658] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: nah it was herobrine [13Apr2024 20:14:00.326] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: we have a skin plugin, yeah [13Apr2024 20:14:11.929] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: its a different one but it actually fucking works in this [13Apr2024 20:14:25.413] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: ./skin set web [classic/slim] "https://url.here/skin.png" [13Apr2024 20:14:32.912] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: don't forget the quotes, classic for 4px, slim for 3px [13Apr2024 20:15:09.005] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: im off to get stone i guess [13Apr2024 20:15:20.411] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: ight, i guess i'll get base building [13Apr2024 20:15:24.180] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: and farming [13Apr2024 20:15:25.295] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: nevermind i need food FUCK [13Apr2024 20:15:53.532] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: hmmmmm maybe ill find food in this suspicious looking convenience store just west of is [13Apr2024 20:15:54.835] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: us [13Apr2024 20:16:02.254] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: i am muting the cytube this video is fucking annoying [13Apr2024 20:16:26.855] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: it sounds like an agp trying to pass while autism dumping on boring shit [13Apr2024 20:16:27.084] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2024/03/02/clown-with-cool-sunglasses-22372429.png?v637 [13Apr2024 20:16:49.934] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2024/03/02/clown-with-cool-sunglasses-22372429.png?v637" [13Apr2024 20:17:04.486] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: i dont know what the fuck a salmonberry is but at least its foo [13Apr2024 20:17:05.335] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: d [13Apr2024 20:17:30.184] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: i had to draw the line at "toddler woman" [13Apr2024 20:17:47.619] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: fuck it epic rap battles of pokepasta [13Apr2024 20:17:54.233] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: do you guys know enough about scp to tell me what the fuck scp 500 is [13Apr2024 20:18:04.435] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: isn't that the red pill one [13Apr2024 20:18:09.619] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: like the one that cures all ailments [13Apr2024 20:18:11.459] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: it is in fact a pill bottle of some kind [13Apr2024 20:18:24.700] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: it was in containment breach iirc [13Apr2024 20:18:33.581] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Stone Age] [13Apr2024 20:18:44.035] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: are dogs supposed to be a slightly darker gray [13Apr2024 20:18:56.914] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: i seem to remember smile dog looking like a darker gray dog in the original creepypasta mod [13Apr2024 20:19:05.532] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: i think that's just because they're in the rain [13Apr2024 20:19:25.106] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade] [13Apr2024 20:20:02.963] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: is there a way to turn off these tooltips, i do not need an icon of a axe to show up when i look at trees [13Apr2024 20:20:18.092] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: not that i know of, that's part of the base game [13Apr2024 20:20:25.773] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: alright NOW im off to get stone [13Apr2024 20:20:41.559] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: i hate how these fuckin chicks are referring to 4chan as a forum [13Apr2024 20:21:28.876] [Async Chat Thread - #7/INFO] [Console/]: yeah this should be enough room for a house [13Apr2024 20:22:05.151] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Stone Age] [13Apr2024 20:22:56.922] [Async Chat Thread - #9/INFO] [Console/]: i found a ravine [13Apr2024 20:23:09.146] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: cooking charcoal for torches [13Apr2024 20:23:14.559] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set [13Apr2024 20:23:16.820] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: this video is saved there's sh3 gameplay [13Apr2024 20:23:20.641] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set classic [13Apr2024 20:23:21.335] [Async Chat Thread - #8/INFO] [Console/]: AIE [13Apr2024 20:23:25.233] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set classic web a [13Apr2024 20:23:57.659] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2024/03/02/clown-with-cool-sunglasses-22372429.png?v637" [13Apr2024 20:24:10.586] [User Authenticator #5/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player Cobblemperor is 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [13Apr2024 20:24:21.011] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.stats.ServerStatsCounter/]: Invalid statistic in ./world/stats/8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8.json: Don't know what creepypasta_pokemon:strangledred is [13Apr2024 20:24:21.011] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.stats.ServerStatsCounter/]: Invalid statistic in ./world/stats/8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8.json: Don't know what creepypasta_pokemon:decapitedharizard is [13Apr2024 20:24:21.043] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@5dc4739c [13Apr2024 20:24:21.301] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList/]: Cobblemperor logged in with entity id 7757 at (2.5, 73.0, -9.289860015354217) [13Apr2024 20:24:21.393] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [Console/]: i found a shitton of enchantment books [13Apr2024 20:24:21.415] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor joined the game [13Apr2024 20:24:26.157] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Received secret request of Cobblemperor (18) [13Apr2024 20:24:26.158] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to Cobblemperor [13Apr2024 20:24:31.872] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [Console/]: wait did i fuck up the.... [13Apr2024 20:24:32.759] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [Console/]: GOD [13Apr2024 20:24:33.718] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [Console/]: DAMN IT [13Apr2024 20:24:33.790] [Async Chat Thread - #10/INFO] [Console/]: were you the one who picked htis shitty video [13Apr2024 20:24:50.544] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully authenticated player 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [13Apr2024 20:24:51.550] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Successfully validated connection of player 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 [13Apr2024 20:24:51.551] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player Cobblemperor (8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8) successfully connected to voice chat [13Apr2024 20:25:37.565] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: for the REGULAR BRAINED [13Apr2024 20:25:53.147] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: how much stone you got so far, yokubo? [13Apr2024 20:26:02.148] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: i have a stack and a half [13Apr2024 20:26:06.415] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: I like how the chat box jumps along with me. [13Apr2024 20:26:06.780] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: 10 because i got distracted with the books [13Apr2024 20:26:10.561] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: and now my inventory is full [13Apr2024 20:26:58.861] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: >terminally british [13Apr2024 20:27:17.545] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: wait is this video gonna be a crow 64 situation where it turns into an ARG or some retarded shit [13Apr2024 20:27:22.657] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: because that will not excuse how gay it's been so far [13Apr2024 20:27:31.263] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: unless the narrator gets decapitated [13Apr2024 20:27:32.498] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade] [13Apr2024 20:27:35.077] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: how the fuck did you get all this shit already wtf [13Apr2024 20:27:43.437] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: i found it [13Apr2024 20:28:00.949] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: there was a library [13Apr2024 20:28:02.880] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: theres more [13Apr2024 20:28:07.206] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: oh hella [13Apr2024 20:28:16.168] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: there was also an scp i picked up [13Apr2024 20:28:17.763] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: oh yeah happy homosuck day, faggots [13Apr2024 20:28:18.848] [Async Chat Thread - #11/INFO] [Console/]: the how to book [13Apr2024 20:28:55.681] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: >collective pokemon brainrot [13Apr2024 20:28:58.212] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: i think people who talk like this should be killed [13Apr2024 20:29:02.855] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: OH GOD THAT ANTHRO ART [13Apr2024 20:29:06.760] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: the what [13Apr2024 20:29:16.495] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: go back like 30s there was pokemon anthro art [13Apr2024 20:29:22.078] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: like ass early 2000s anthro art [13Apr2024 20:29:40.500] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: yokubo is ravinemaxxing while i'm tunnelcoping like a ngmi [13Apr2024 20:29:58.943] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: did you guys build a moving swastika with create yet? [13Apr2024 20:30:08.706] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: no i have to dig for 3 hours first [13Apr2024 20:30:31.507] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: i'll build a moving star of david [13Apr2024 20:30:33.582] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: i would rather listen to druaga1 videos over this shit... [13Apr2024 20:30:46.213] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: oh man i had to learn what HEXADECIMAL was... [13Apr2024 20:30:53.373] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: holy SHIT... [13Apr2024 20:30:56.030] [Async Chat Thread - #13/INFO] [Console/]: i have honey [13Apr2024 20:31:08.663] [Async Chat Thread - #13/INFO] [Console/]: i dont know why i have honey but its decent food at least [13Apr2024 20:31:22.279] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Stone Age] [13Apr2024 20:31:43.332] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: damn these 3d skins look nice [13Apr2024 20:31:53.568] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: my skin has not loaded for some reason [13Apr2024 20:31:54.199] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: i forgot to add DISTANT HORIZONS MOD [13Apr2024 20:31:58.380] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: i am still a spiderverse OC [13Apr2024 20:32:03.395] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: what skin [13Apr2024 20:32:06.779] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: clown man [13Apr2024 20:32:08.901] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: jimmy did you use the skin command [13Apr2024 20:32:10.785] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 20:32:13.060] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: ./skin set [13Apr2024 20:32:15.614] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set [13Apr2024 20:32:17.567] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: then it said loading [13Apr2024 20:32:26.567] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: send me the command you used [13Apr2024 20:32:27.506] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2024/03/02/clown-with-cool-sunglasses-22372429.png" [13Apr2024 20:32:32.532] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: try setting your skin as mine: /skin set mojang buganon [13Apr2024 20:32:34.307] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade] [13Apr2024 20:32:37.047] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set mojang buganon [13Apr2024 20:32:37.586] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT moved too quickly! 13.811383473116024,29.0,83.31572217710513 [13Apr2024 20:32:43.153] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: if it sets to sniper then it's working and minecraft just hates you [13Apr2024 20:32:46.433] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: it did [13Apr2024 20:33:09.257] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: THE FUCKING NEKO NEKO SUGAR GIRLS REFERENCE [13Apr2024 20:33:11.996] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: i'm gonna hang myself brb [13Apr2024 20:33:13.056] [Async Chat Thread - #12/INFO] [Console/]: ok let's look up "clowncore weirdcore" on minecraft skins and see what i get [13Apr2024 20:33:24.534] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: it links to namemc [13Apr2024 20:33:37.556] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2022/08/08/weird---clowncore-character-20698092.png?v637" [13Apr2024 20:33:47.379] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set web classic 'https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2022/08/08/weird---clowncore-character-20698092.png?v637' [13Apr2024 20:34:07.229] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set random [13Apr2024 20:34:08.830] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT moved too quickly! 14.120515818346554,28.0,79.67629498275218 [13Apr2024 20:34:14.499] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: wtf i turned into an anime girl [13Apr2024 20:34:14.507] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: i'm so used to hearing this kevin macleod track with mutahar's play-by-play football pasta narration [13Apr2024 20:34:33.056] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /skin set web classic "Weird / Clowncore Character
Weird / Clowncore Character
why not [13Apr2024 20:35:04.279] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: fuck it steve is an improvement from spiderverse [13Apr2024 20:35:08.626] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: i forgot the microphone [13Apr2024 20:35:12.158] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: lol [13Apr2024 20:35:50.509] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: i've listened to true crime podcasts with this same sort of narration style that was more interesting than this [13Apr2024 20:36:09.110] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: where did create guide go [13Apr2024 20:36:13.397] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: there used to be create guide [13Apr2024 20:36:15.315] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: if the true crime video doesn't have a grown man with a stern sounding voice narrating then it's shit [13Apr2024 20:36:18.108] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: somebody mash the keyboard to find it [13Apr2024 20:36:21.056] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: i didn't remove it...? [13Apr2024 20:36:23.979] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: i know [13Apr2024 20:36:37.650] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: AHHHH [13Apr2024 20:36:39.492] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: LOOK AT IT [13Apr2024 20:36:45.468] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: HON [13Apr2024 20:36:49.913] [Async Chat Thread - #14/INFO] [Console/]: this is a biological woman? [13Apr2024 20:38:00.654] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: i wanna fuckin queue up a druaga1 video just to clean my palate after this vid [13Apr2024 20:38:03.047] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: eeeegh [13Apr2024 20:38:12.306] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: the ferality fag was a chad compared to this [13Apr2024 20:38:14.506] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: can we put in the real bad egg video i found [13Apr2024 20:38:19.898] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: sure [13Apr2024 20:38:36.203] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: sh3 soundtrack noticed [13Apr2024 20:39:20.605] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: why did these trannies insert so many 4chan references into their gay ARG [13Apr2024 20:39:28.379] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: 4chan is that scary darkweb site [13Apr2024 20:39:33.868] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: because they wanna prove they're heckin' edgy and cool!!!! [13Apr2024 20:39:56.323] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: yet these trannies won't even say faggot or nigger for fear of the xitter crowd [13Apr2024 20:40:21.207] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: actually only election tourists say faggot and nigger, real 4chan oldfaggots are true allies and despite bigotry [13Apr2024 20:40:27.467] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: faggot has been reclaimed by valid lgbtkde community CHUD [13Apr2024 20:40:42.873] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: good thing i use xfce like a true retard [13Apr2024 20:41:03.401] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: i think screen tearing is comfy too [13Apr2024 20:41:15.853] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: i have never used a compositor [13Apr2024 20:41:18.799] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: >screen tearing [13Apr2024 20:41:21.809] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: >what is a compositor [13Apr2024 20:41:32.769] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: makes screen tearing go away or some shit [13Apr2024 20:41:41.852] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: comes with most DEs [13Apr2024 20:41:53.008] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: thatsthejoke.png [13Apr2024 20:42:01.207] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: i am not familiar with this joke [13Apr2024 20:42:03.331] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: oh [13Apr2024 20:42:04.177] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: speaking of steamos-compositor is pretty good and lightweight [13Apr2024 20:42:06.497] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: reading comprehension check failed [13Apr2024 20:42:16.713] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: i bought 'eck for steamos [13Apr2024 20:42:43.976] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: it has 20 minute battery life which is sovl and kino because it's like game gear [13Apr2024 20:42:57.312] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: i wanna get a deck just to see how fast it can compile gentoo [13Apr2024 20:43:07.171] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: THE SONIC.EXE MUSIC [13Apr2024 20:43:19.043] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: i played osf on 'eck also [13Apr2024 20:43:19.184] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: holy fuck there's another 30 minutes left in this garbage [13Apr2024 20:43:19.930] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: "SONIC.EXE MUSIC" IT'S EARTHBOUND YOU DOUBLE FAGGOT [13Apr2024 20:43:37.560] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: fuck i need to play earthbound again [13Apr2024 20:43:37.811] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: did you use the linux binary or WINE [13Apr2024 20:43:38.573] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: brb need more coffee [13Apr2024 20:43:40.876] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: ive been wanting to for a while [13Apr2024 20:43:43.473] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: wine [13Apr2024 20:43:49.688] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: then linux binary when you released it [13Apr2024 20:44:04.302] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: wine worked better actually [13Apr2024 20:44:05.004] [Async Chat Thread - #15/INFO] [Console/]: what more dumb scp shit can i find out here [13Apr2024 20:44:10.080] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: and is it all overpowered [13Apr2024 20:44:13.842] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: i think this is a divine sign that you should remove the linux binary [13Apr2024 20:44:14.013] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: sonic.sh [13Apr2024 20:44:19.736] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: to make it sonic.exe [13Apr2024 20:44:45.467] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: this video is so gay [13Apr2024 20:44:50.616] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: >not having an extensionless executable [13Apr2024 20:44:57.842] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: it was extensionless [13Apr2024 20:45:01.190] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: i think [13Apr2024 20:45:03.069] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: it was yes [13Apr2024 20:45:08.941] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: that was a big mistake [13Apr2024 20:45:14.725] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: you can't have creepypasta without file extensions [13Apr2024 20:45:24.157] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: did you know that sonic.exe was originally called sonic.avi [13Apr2024 20:45:29.289] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: and also cosbydaf edited it [13Apr2024 20:45:31.263] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: yes i read this in the thread once [13Apr2024 20:45:37.687] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: i hate how often this vid uses various silent hill ost tracks without playing them for more than like five seconds [13Apr2024 20:45:39.471] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: i saw that on the wiki once [13Apr2024 20:46:00.983] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: hmmm i should make a second floor and a staircase... [13Apr2024 20:46:02.220] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 20:46:05.620] [Async Chat Thread - #17/INFO] [Console/]: ok i finally dug into a big cave [13Apr2024 20:46:42.093] [Async Chat Thread - #17/INFO] [Console/]: holy fuck i fucking hate trannies [13Apr2024 20:46:48.072] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: me too [13Apr2024 20:46:50.116] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: i dont but i hate this video [13Apr2024 20:47:08.863] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: how is /ourjew/ joedoughboi gonna implement ngc into extended pc port universe???? [13Apr2024 20:47:31.653] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: i watched godzilla x kong in an empty theatre yesterday and godzilla had like 6 minutes of screentime [13Apr2024 20:47:36.484] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: i think false advertising is based [13Apr2024 20:47:46.515] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: youre shitting me [13Apr2024 20:48:20.978] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware] [13Apr2024 20:48:22.340] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: what in the absolute shit [13Apr2024 20:48:28.703] [Async Chat Thread - #16/INFO] [Console/]: underwater pyramid [13Apr2024 20:48:37.572] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: its a big fucker too what the fuck [13Apr2024 20:48:39.621] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: rip [13Apr2024 20:48:46.478] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick] [13Apr2024 20:49:07.808] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: ahh the danganronpa footage that's a requirement [13Apr2024 20:49:22.613] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [13Apr2024 20:49:32.850] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: is there a herobrine mod in the modpack [13Apr2024 20:49:36.334] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: maybe [13Apr2024 20:50:03.528] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: vaguely twink shaped [13Apr2024 20:50:12.559] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: oh fuck off theres nothing in this pyramid [13Apr2024 20:50:13.104] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon has made the advancement [Stone Age] [13Apr2024 20:51:00.721] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: what [13Apr2024 20:51:02.480] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: >getting filtered by creepypasta yaoi/yuri [13Apr2024 20:51:17.997] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: what the fuck was that [13Apr2024 20:51:20.833] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: woahhh a youtube link [13Apr2024 20:51:26.000] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: the arg we have to solve it sisters [13Apr2024 20:51:32.091] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: alright fuck me i guess im looking this up [13Apr2024 20:51:47.266] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: cat lady gameplay footage [13Apr2024 20:51:49.058] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: godzilla x kong (actually kong ft. godzilla) was just ok i liked the part where kong grabs a child and beats up monkeys with him [13Apr2024 20:51:51.150] [Async Chat Thread - #19/INFO] [Console/]: this video is SAVED [13Apr2024 20:52:16.504] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware] [13Apr2024 20:52:23.056] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: theres shit here on this marciesss channel [13Apr2024 20:52:53.780] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: an hour and a half long gmod video a 45 second video called "(eleanor forte lite) ghoulsly [13Apr2024 20:52:57.266] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: i just think ARGs are a gay fucking gimmick now this shit stopped being novel years ago [13Apr2024 20:53:05.372] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: and a 3 minute one called redmans lament [13Apr2024 20:53:11.148] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: i do not give enough of a shit to watch any of these [13Apr2024 20:53:15.537] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: args have to be done right, not whatever the fuck this is [13Apr2024 20:53:16.478] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: this video sucks [13Apr2024 20:53:49.801] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: i found a mineral that i apparently need TNT to mine [13Apr2024 20:53:56.753] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: ok i figured out the create guide [13Apr2024 20:54:05.052] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: pause menu then googles [13Apr2024 20:54:14.246] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: then ponder index [13Apr2024 20:54:32.720] [Async Chat Thread - #18/INFO] [Console/]: ew can start getting diamonds and shit since i breached a cave [13Apr2024 20:55:33.314] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: wtf [13Apr2024 20:55:39.620] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: this deep ass cave is actually just a deep ass ravine [13Apr2024 20:55:42.212] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: its' raining down here [13Apr2024 20:56:17.609] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: is copper worth getting with these mods? [13Apr2024 20:56:20.431] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: ye [13Apr2024 20:56:21.458] [Async Chat Thread - #20/INFO] [Console/]: s [13Apr2024 20:56:23.577] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: hopefully [13Apr2024 20:56:51.082] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: create works along with redstone [13Apr2024 20:57:32.896] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: thanks [13Apr2024 20:57:33.716] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: watch out [13Apr2024 20:57:35.768] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: baby zombie behind you [13Apr2024 20:57:53.230] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Monster Hunter] [13Apr2024 20:57:59.504] [Async Chat Thread - #21/INFO] [Console/]: hey wait a minute THATS LIKE THE THING FROM 1999 [13Apr2024 20:59:00.552] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: >block of raw iron [13Apr2024 20:59:01.499] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: lol [13Apr2024 20:59:09.159] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: wait what [13Apr2024 20:59:19.076] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: this doesn't generate in vanilla [13Apr2024 20:59:20.763] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: it' [13Apr2024 20:59:25.276] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: s a vanilla block though [13Apr2024 21:00:23.372] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: wtf [13Apr2024 21:00:25.097] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: copper turtle [13Apr2024 21:00:47.831] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: so whats the point of this room down here [13Apr2024 21:00:53.968] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: tnt [13Apr2024 21:01:12.079] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: oh yknow what [13Apr2024 21:01:18.280] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: we should make this room down here our machinery shit room [13Apr2024 21:01:22.747] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: LOL [13Apr2024 21:01:24.852] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: not enough spot [13Apr2024 21:01:26.326] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: i was thinking it'd be good for storage [13Apr2024 21:01:32.449] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: maybe [13Apr2024 21:01:38.073] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: could make a big ass machinery warehouse tho [13Apr2024 21:01:45.753] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: create would need the entire area of the house for a basic generator [13Apr2024 21:02:01.730] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Not Today, Thank You] [13Apr2024 21:02:12.238] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: i bought sony headphones and they are shit [13Apr2024 21:02:14.716] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: snoy has fallen [13Apr2024 21:02:38.565] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: i remember playing puyo puyo on some walkman it was 4 fps and it was awesome [13Apr2024 21:02:53.949] [Async Chat Thread - #22/INFO] [Console/]: i miss my snoyphone......... [13Apr2024 21:02:59.497] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: 48 iron [13Apr2024 21:03:06.210] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT DUDE [13Apr2024 21:03:08.028] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [13Apr2024 21:03:10.922] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: lol [13Apr2024 21:03:13.169] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: whats what dude [13Apr2024 21:03:14.581] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: average breadtuber [13Apr2024 21:03:28.965] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: the dude with fuckin dyed blond hair, shitty eyeshadow, dark lipstick and lip piercings in a discord call [13Apr2024 21:03:30.878] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: oh yeah i have a golden apple [13Apr2024 21:03:31.102] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: peak groomer [13Apr2024 21:03:38.505] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick] [13Apr2024 21:04:10.743] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: buganon do you know how to micspam via vlc [13Apr2024 21:04:15.581] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: no [13Apr2024 21:04:20.183] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Suit Up] [13Apr2024 21:04:40.295] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: where is our farm [13Apr2024 21:04:50.574] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: nonexistent (yet) [13Apr2024 21:04:56.508] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: i've been housemaxxing not farmmaxxing [13Apr2024 21:05:43.728] [Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO] [Console/]: oh man journalists are so good at ethics [13Apr2024 21:05:49.858] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: lmao [13Apr2024 21:05:56.103] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor issued server command: /skin set [13Apr2024 21:06:05.800] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor issued server command: /skin set mojang JimmyT https://s.namemc.com/i/b84ac9a32c374ef1.png [13Apr2024 21:06:11.380] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: wow this skin mod is gay [13Apr2024 21:06:16.582] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: should've installed the plugin [13Apr2024 21:06:21.930] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware] [13Apr2024 21:06:22.633] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: the plugin didn't work, remember? [13Apr2024 21:06:25.965] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: no [13Apr2024 21:06:37.579] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick] [13Apr2024 21:06:47.172] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: what nigger stole my iron [13Apr2024 21:06:58.953] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: dude [13Apr2024 21:07:01.955] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: is there a name for this inflection [13Apr2024 21:07:04.433] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: there has to be [13Apr2024 21:07:15.352] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: just call it gay [13Apr2024 21:07:20.791] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: it's gay in a very specific way [13Apr2024 21:08:03.032] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: all trannies have the exact same voice once you realize this you never unhear it [13Apr2024 21:08:15.000] [Async Chat Thread - #24/INFO] [Console/]: it is indistinguishable from keffals [13Apr2024 21:09:17.190] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: this video makes me want to kill myself [13Apr2024 21:09:28.502] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: just 10 more minutes [13Apr2024 21:09:35.482] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: >it gets good trust me [13Apr2024 21:09:49.530] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: if its doing this shit it wouldve been better if it took the form of like [13Apr2024 21:09:51.264] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: a livestream [13Apr2024 21:09:52.758] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: when the tranny has to exit his typical range of vague smug retardation you can immediately hear the harsh maleness of the voice [13Apr2024 21:10:17.010] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: >range of vague smug retardation [13Apr2024 21:10:19.311] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: it's called falsetto [13Apr2024 21:10:27.765] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: suitable synonym thoughever [13Apr2024 21:10:35.731] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: the falsetto cannot be maintained outside of the keffals inflection [13Apr2024 21:10:41.083] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: not without practice [13Apr2024 21:11:08.791] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: why do we not have a bed [13Apr2024 21:11:15.279] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: did you set the gamerule [13Apr2024 21:11:21.667] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: no :) [13Apr2024 21:11:37.863] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: ok i am pushing the bitcoin miner to site [13Apr2024 21:11:48.121] [Async Chat Thread - #25/INFO] [Console/]: anti sonic.dll [13Apr2024 21:11:55.234] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: >git commit -m "bitcoin miner" [13Apr2024 21:11:58.164] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: >git push [13Apr2024 21:12:02.222] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: >server crashes instantly [13Apr2024 21:12:02.718] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: jesus christ this actually is anti sonic.dll isnt it [13Apr2024 21:12:33.331] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: the creepypasta is real because we are talking about it and we must stop talking abou tit [13Apr2024 21:12:35.810] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: imagine the sub 100 IQ retard who only realized the bit at this point [13Apr2024 21:12:37.682] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: so fucking stupid [13Apr2024 21:12:44.021] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: why ace attorney music [13Apr2024 21:12:48.025] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [The Parrots and the Bats] [13Apr2024 21:12:56.832] [Async Chat Thread - #26/INFO] [Console/]: chickens being bred over here [13Apr2024 21:13:30.502] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: wow thank you for the lesson in keeping things in perspective tranny-kun [13Apr2024 21:13:32.310] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: check this out i can do a salute [13Apr2024 21:13:39.708] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: woah [13Apr2024 21:13:56.536] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: based chud quark developer [13Apr2024 21:14:20.023] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: i refused to install quark for years because on boot up it made you wait 8 minutes because of some blm bullshit [13Apr2024 21:14:25.741] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: lmao really [13Apr2024 21:14:28.031] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 21:14:32.090] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: let me find a screenshot [13Apr2024 21:15:11.689] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: https://files.catbox.moe/bizqs8.png [13Apr2024 21:15:12.538] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: WORKING IS SO HARD AIEEEEEE [13Apr2024 21:15:14.372] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: oh right i gotta add the lacey shit to the archive [13Apr2024 21:15:19.732] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: you can click links now btw [13Apr2024 21:15:25.885] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: it's not worth archiving [13Apr2024 21:15:26.618] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: lol [13Apr2024 21:15:35.179] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: I DONT GET IT WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT OF ANY OF THIS [13Apr2024 21:15:40.139] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: neither is jojo's shit but i did anyways because i could [13Apr2024 21:16:04.881] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade] [13Apr2024 21:16:27.363] [Async Chat Thread - #28/INFO] [Console/]: communist occupied usa government is killing white supremacists (blacks) [13Apr2024 21:16:31.028] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: these retards have not mentioned sonic.exe at any point because sonic.exe is too mapphobic to be included [13Apr2024 21:16:35.331] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: sonic.exe wins again! [13Apr2024 21:17:15.320] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: where are strings [13Apr2024 21:17:16.892] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: fire arrow? [13Apr2024 21:17:21.860] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: why is the directional sound so fucked in this game [13Apr2024 21:17:22.049] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: we have no strings yet [13Apr2024 21:17:31.812] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: did you enable it in sound settings [13Apr2024 21:17:40.647] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: why do you have to enable that [13Apr2024 21:17:41.235] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: wtf [13Apr2024 21:17:43.292] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: bloody rose [13Apr2024 21:17:58.812] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: abacus.... i have to do math now!?!?!?!?!?!?!? [13Apr2024 21:18:02.204] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE [13Apr2024 21:18:30.419] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: okay this is a useful ass tool ngl [13Apr2024 21:18:41.001] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: thanks i made it from a diamond [13Apr2024 21:18:48.236] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS [13Apr2024 21:18:50.272] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: i would rather watch 3 hour long FNF sonic.exe drama video essays than watch this again [13Apr2024 21:18:51.387] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT [13Apr2024 21:18:54.365] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: WHY [13Apr2024 21:19:18.568] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: WHO SKIPPED BAD EGG [13Apr2024 21:19:25.195] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: herobrine [13Apr2024 21:19:28.112] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: FUCK YOU THE BAD EGG THING I PUT IN WAS LEGIT IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS [13Apr2024 21:19:36.701] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Hunt and Gather] [13Apr2024 21:19:44.034] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: that said i'm down for an audio drama based around i have no mouth [13Apr2024 21:19:48.534] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: aie.... [13Apr2024 21:19:53.489] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon has made the advancement [Hunt and Gather] [13Apr2024 21:19:54.187] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: the game is better than the story [13Apr2024 21:20:01.552] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: woah, jeff the killer knife [13Apr2024 21:20:02.624] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: you are forced to use overcomplicated farm mods [13Apr2024 21:20:07.084] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: all of the adaptations of ellison's work are better than his originals and this made him seethe [13Apr2024 21:20:07.518] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: okay [13Apr2024 21:20:20.462] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: ellison worked on the game thoughever [13Apr2024 21:20:24.526] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: true [13Apr2024 21:20:46.822] [Async Chat Thread - #27/INFO] [Console/]: iirc there was a tf2 pasta that took the premise of i have no mouth and rolled with it [13Apr2024 21:20:53.805] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: tf2 plus i have no mouth [13Apr2024 21:20:55.261] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: sounds kino [13Apr2024 21:20:56.183] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: where did iron go [13Apr2024 21:21:00.813] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: i ate it [13Apr2024 21:21:01.489] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: it was kinda neat, but also soldier masturbated using his shovel and heavy/medic had sex [13Apr2024 21:21:07.528] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ moved too quickly! -3.3474878848300023,1.0,11.66759032239375 [13Apr2024 21:21:07.541] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2775ms or 55 ticks behind [13Apr2024 21:21:20.096] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: is this glass worth wasting iron on [13Apr2024 21:21:22.152] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: look [13Apr2024 21:21:30.173] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: OW [13Apr2024 21:21:36.320] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: what the fuck is this [13Apr2024 21:21:37.313] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: is this glass worth wasting iron on [13Apr2024 21:21:40.065] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: scp 002 [13Apr2024 21:21:40.771] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: oh that's bretty kino [13Apr2024 21:21:42.510] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: oh this is a radio drama [13Apr2024 21:21:45.264] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: keep it [13Apr2024 21:21:47.692] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: thought it was just a reading of the original story [13Apr2024 21:22:20.666] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: i wish i could find that tf2xihnm pasta, problem is it was on fucking GAMEJOLT [13Apr2024 21:22:29.912] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: not gamejolt, gamebanana [13Apr2024 21:22:30.832] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: mb [13Apr2024 21:22:36.158] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: this radio drama is unique because it has AM seething about not having sex [13Apr2024 21:22:52.021] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: that sounds in character [13Apr2024 21:22:54.765] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: i wonder if somebody could make an entire tf2 horror map based on play dead [13Apr2024 21:23:00.120] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: no [13Apr2024 21:23:11.673] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: probably [13Apr2024 21:23:19.895] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: even without vscript i could see it being done [13Apr2024 21:23:48.663] [Async Chat Thread - #29/INFO] [Console/]: vscript was based because it killed vsh [13Apr2024 21:24:35.092] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Not Today, Thank You] [13Apr2024 21:24:58.313] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: eh i'll leave this chest upstairs as a "hot chest" [13Apr2024 21:25:05.804] [Async Chat Thread - #30/INFO] [Console/]: speaking of tf2 that sounded like the spy for a second [13Apr2024 21:26:24.765] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: cooking glass [13Apr2024 21:26:32.764] [Async Chat Thread - #31/INFO] [Console/]: ill bring iron [13Apr2024 21:27:34.603] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: put stars into cave [13Apr2024 21:27:36.678] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: entrance [13Apr2024 21:27:40.510] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: stairs [13Apr2024 21:28:07.099] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: gonna put down rails for this cave soon [13Apr2024 21:28:10.538] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams] [13Apr2024 21:28:14.206] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: no stairs, then? [13Apr2024 21:28:20.399] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: just one row, not all 3 [13Apr2024 21:28:21.144] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: put in the gamerule you jew [13Apr2024 21:28:24.578] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams] [13Apr2024 21:28:42.152] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: i'm a faggot not a jew get it right [13Apr2024 21:28:49.351] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: yeah you use voidlinux [13Apr2024 21:28:54.079] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Gamerule doInsomnia is now set to: false [13Apr2024 21:28:56.603] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams] [13Apr2024 21:29:01.759] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: wrong gamerule [13Apr2024 21:29:03.900] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: doInsomnia is now set to false [13Apr2024 21:29:08.081] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: WRONG GAMERULE [13Apr2024 21:29:08.429] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: WHADDYA MEAN WRONG GAMERULE [13Apr2024 21:29:15.807] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: that disables phantoms, doesn't it? [13Apr2024 21:29:16.430] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: YOU DISABLED PHANTOMS [13Apr2024 21:29:18.298] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: does anybody need a door [13Apr2024 21:29:21.855] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: aie.......... [13Apr2024 21:29:22.564] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: (good riddance but we need their drops) [13Apr2024 21:29:25.204] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: what fuckin gamerule [13Apr2024 21:29:32.529] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Gamerule doInsomnia is now set to: true [13Apr2024 21:29:44.554] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor issued server command: //gamerule playersSleepingPercentage [13Apr2024 21:29:47.159] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: op me [13Apr2024 21:29:58.680] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Nothing changed. The player already is an operator [13Apr2024 21:30:08.629] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: >Nothing changed. The player already is an operator. [13Apr2024 21:30:14.227] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: you double slashed [13Apr2024 21:30:15.135] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: lmao [13Apr2024 21:30:16.579] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor issued server command: /gamerule playersSleepingPercentage [13Apr2024 21:30:19.428] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor issued server command: /gamerule playersSleepingPercentage 1 [13Apr2024 21:30:19.429] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: [Cobblemperor: Gamerule playersSleepingPercentage is now set to: 1] [13Apr2024 21:30:20.166] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: i have a bloody rose [13Apr2024 21:30:23.254] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: it says to rightclick it [13Apr2024 21:30:23.806] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: ok [13Apr2024 21:30:28.483] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon hit the ground too hard [13Apr2024 21:30:35.219] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: im scared to rightclick it it might summon MAN, 2018 [13Apr2024 21:30:45.344] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: we have iron chests [13Apr2024 21:30:51.606] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: use it [13Apr2024 21:30:55.626] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: nuke the whole storage [13Apr2024 21:30:57.789] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: we don't need it [13Apr2024 21:31:04.980] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: can we double up iron chests? [13Apr2024 21:31:07.411] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: no [13Apr2024 21:31:25.579] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i like kino storage cellar............. [13Apr2024 21:31:33.748] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: i will say this this radio drama is immediately way more interesting than the arg shit earlier [13Apr2024 21:31:36.421] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: we have universal storage mod [13Apr2024 21:31:43.399] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: it's like storage but tech autism [13Apr2024 21:32:36.082] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: lemme get a farm going first and then i'll rework the fuckin storage [13Apr2024 21:32:49.000] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: if it summons MAN, 2018 then oops [13Apr2024 21:32:58.347] [Async Chat Thread - #32/INFO] [Console/]: what [13Apr2024 21:33:20.979] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: "tell me where you live so we can be together forever" i dont know if that showed for you guys [13Apr2024 21:33:29.116] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: i think it wants my bed [13Apr2024 21:33:37.659] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: gold chest [13Apr2024 21:33:50.769] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: buganon i dont like this rose you have it [13Apr2024 21:33:56.101] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: what rose [13Apr2024 21:34:00.907] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: the rose scares me [13Apr2024 21:34:13.119] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: lame [13Apr2024 21:34:33.947] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: gonna leave it outside the house so maybe one of us has a chance of getting buttraped by snoic [13Apr2024 21:35:19.513] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: does anybody have redstone [13Apr2024 21:35:26.180] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: 1 redstone [13Apr2024 21:35:26.416] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: should be some in the chest, i got it ealrier [13Apr2024 21:35:26.751] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: we should have some in the cellar [13Apr2024 21:35:39.335] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: we can make a good-ass weapon with this check it [13Apr2024 21:35:48.370] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: the motherfucker sword [13Apr2024 21:36:01.418] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: its the motherfucker sword because it has blood on it [13Apr2024 21:36:09.660] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: it does 8 hearts [13Apr2024 21:36:15.072] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: berserk sword [13Apr2024 21:36:17.838] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: dragon slayer [13Apr2024 21:36:28.729] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: no this sword isnt a giant fucking hunk of raw iron [13Apr2024 21:36:37.482] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: its not nearly as cool but it works [13Apr2024 21:36:37.707] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: ok [13Apr2024 21:36:46.584] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: is this the farm [13Apr2024 21:36:57.456] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: if any of you guys have iron swords give me them [13Apr2024 21:37:06.376] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i have an iron knife [13Apr2024 21:37:16.303] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: thats not a sword [13Apr2024 21:37:16.930] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Hunt and Gather] [13Apr2024 21:37:21.405] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: : ) [13Apr2024 21:37:25.761] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: it is if you're an edgy teen murderer [13Apr2024 21:37:29.260] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: i cant make that into the motherfucker sword [13Apr2024 21:38:00.710] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: this is the part [13Apr2024 21:38:07.233] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: am is an incel........... [13Apr2024 21:38:15.758] [Async Chat Thread - #33/INFO] [Console/]: if he can make them immortal then can't he make himself a body [13Apr2024 21:41:43.387] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: i wanna test the motherfucker sword on something [13Apr2024 21:41:58.405] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: cmere and test it on me [13Apr2024 21:42:01.808] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm not doing much important [13Apr2024 21:42:03.651] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: also how many hearts does a netherite sword do [13Apr2024 21:42:10.406] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: 8 [13Apr2024 21:42:36.065] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: yep [13Apr2024 21:42:36.137] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: there's a lava pool not far from here [13Apr2024 21:43:34.756] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: what the fuck is happening [13Apr2024 21:43:40.083] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: benny tard rag [13Apr2024 21:43:41.017] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: e [13Apr2024 21:43:41.438] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: is a guys face being eaten [13Apr2024 21:43:49.829] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: AIE DOOM SFX [13Apr2024 21:43:50.963] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: doom door noises [13Apr2024 21:44:24.126] [Async Chat Thread - #34/INFO] [Console/]: daikatana is better [13Apr2024 21:44:47.225] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: salt [13Apr2024 21:45:02.282] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: we need huge mechanized create farms [13Apr2024 21:45:06.169] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: to make potato knishes [13Apr2024 21:45:22.319] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: rapp snitch knishes [13Apr2024 21:45:36.676] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: RAP SNITCHES, TELLIN ALL THEY BUSINESS [13Apr2024 21:45:42.210] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: SIT IN THE COURT AND BE THEIR OWN STAR WITNESS [13Apr2024 21:45:56.821] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: FUCK AROUND, GET THE WHOLE LABEL SENT UP FOR YEARS [13Apr2024 21:46:56.227] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: theoretically we can make a stack of tnts and then free space for mechanisms [13Apr2024 21:47:05.484] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: yeah okay i dont know what the fuck that was or what happened [13Apr2024 21:47:07.814] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: but that was great [13Apr2024 21:47:19.261] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: gotta play the game [13Apr2024 21:47:20.434] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: top tier, on the level of fuckin' morgue files [13Apr2024 21:47:28.364] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-124, y=-53, z=62} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.367] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-123, y=-58, z=53} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.368] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-128, y=-58, z=58} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.368] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-128, y=-53, z=57} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.368] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-128, y=-53, z=63} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.368] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-127, y=-51, z=53} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.368] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-122, y=-53, z=53} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.369] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-123, y=-53, z=62} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.369] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-122, y=-57, z=65} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.369] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-121, y=-52, z=65} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.369] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-127, y=-54, z=65} [13Apr2024 21:47:28.369] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-126, y=-52, z=65} [13Apr2024 21:47:30.813] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Best Friends Forever] [13Apr2024 21:47:36.079] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Cobweb Entanglement] [13Apr2024 21:47:37.410] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.minecraft.world.entity.decoration.HangingEntity/]: Hanging entity at invalid position: BlockPos{x=-20, y=-59, z=-51} [13Apr2024 21:47:45.077] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: kino inbound [13Apr2024 21:47:54.566] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: i found a big ass spider cave [13Apr2024 21:47:58.632] [Async Chat Thread - #35/INFO] [Console/]: blow it up [13Apr2024 21:47:58.688] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: i need torches [13Apr2024 21:48:08.415] [Async Chat Thread - #36/INFO] [Console/]: get coal [13Apr2024 21:49:16.538] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: UHCAKIP???? [13Apr2024 21:49:24.001] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: brvr [13Apr2024 21:49:30.268] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: also what the fuck is this did i just find the killer bunny [13Apr2024 21:49:41.181] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: creepypasta and rapping were always inseparable [13Apr2024 21:49:46.636] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: and raping [13Apr2024 21:49:54.306] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: yeah that too [13Apr2024 21:50:03.432] [Async Chat Thread - #37/INFO] [Console/]: its not the killer bunny its not attacking me [13Apr2024 21:51:23.066] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: i thought you meant you found jeff the killer as bunny art [13Apr2024 21:51:32.481] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: no i mean the monty python bunny [13Apr2024 21:51:39.062] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >jeff the killer as bunny art [13Apr2024 21:51:42.968] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: it's called springtrap plush [13Apr2024 21:51:48.038] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: because i know at some point or another that was a hidden enemy in this [13Apr2024 21:52:10.004] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: killer bunny had blood in early textures [13Apr2024 21:52:14.446] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: wtf [13Apr2024 21:52:16.128] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: baby creepers?? [13Apr2024 21:52:19.697] [Async Chat Thread - #38/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 21:53:24.629] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: who is rapping right now [13Apr2024 21:53:27.929] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: ashs coma [13Apr2024 21:53:35.695] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: i thought it was just normal ash for a second [13Apr2024 21:54:02.107] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: you guys know drawn to life [13Apr2024 21:54:05.139] [Async Chat Thread - #40/INFO] [Console/]: and how it ends in ash's coma [13Apr2024 21:54:05.720] [Async Chat Thread - #40/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: honestly the beat for ash's coma goes hard [13Apr2024 21:54:07.526] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: i don't understand why putting blood into stuff that's not 16+ is considered taboo [13Apr2024 21:54:09.787] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: am i autistic? [13Apr2024 21:54:23.854] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: you browse /exeg/ so yes [13Apr2024 21:54:25.866] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: planet of the apes was rated G in the 60s [13Apr2024 21:54:37.765] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: or 50s [13Apr2024 21:54:38.166] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: i watched the original planet of the apes a while back [13Apr2024 21:54:39.638] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: it was good [13Apr2024 21:54:41.879] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: it's kino [13Apr2024 21:54:54.918] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: i dont really watch movies i think the most recent one ive seen was like [13Apr2024 21:54:58.866] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: kids could watch movies with people getting lobotomized and whipped back then [13Apr2024 21:55:03.908] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: either something from cytube or hacksaw ridge on amazon prime [13Apr2024 21:55:15.457] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: ohhhhhh [13Apr2024 21:55:16.778] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: check this [13Apr2024 21:55:27.981] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: who's here [13Apr2024 21:55:32.973] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: where the fuck was that spider cave again [13Apr2024 21:55:40.923] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: there are waypoints retard [13Apr2024 21:55:43.817] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: check this [13Apr2024 21:55:45.521] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: what [13Apr2024 21:55:53.151] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: OH FUCKIN SICK [13Apr2024 21:55:58.224] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: and this [13Apr2024 21:56:13.189] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i figured torch arrows would do that but not place torches on blocks [13Apr2024 21:56:16.471] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: that's cool [13Apr2024 21:56:23.304] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: torch arrow meta [13Apr2024 21:56:27.761] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: start digging coal NOW [13Apr2024 21:56:32.889] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: and gravel [13Apr2024 21:57:02.645] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: what's this area for [13Apr2024 21:57:06.162] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: farm [13Apr2024 21:57:15.807] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: you better be using all 100 autistic mods for it [13Apr2024 21:57:22.407] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: you know it [13Apr2024 21:57:28.413] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: hold on i need a jefferey the kills people skin [13Apr2024 21:57:29.274] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: if not then what's the point in playing a modpack [13Apr2024 21:57:41.530] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: we need to start create autism too [13Apr2024 21:57:44.340] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2024/02/20/jeff-the-killer-22347296.png?v637" [13Apr2024 21:57:55.100] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2024/02/20/jeff-the-killer-22347296.png?v637" [13Apr2024 21:58:00.614] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: i wish i had found a mineshaft for free rails [13Apr2024 21:58:14.093] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2024/02/20/jeff-the-killer-22347296.png" [13Apr2024 21:58:20.316] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: i've been a pussy in the caves because i am just now getting armor [13Apr2024 21:58:27.644] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Suit Up] [13Apr2024 21:58:28.110] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: >autocrafter [13Apr2024 21:58:30.667] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: tutel [13Apr2024 21:58:43.269] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: >each block is a separate slot [13Apr2024 21:58:48.856] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: already loving this mopd [13Apr2024 21:58:51.953] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: mod [13Apr2024 21:59:03.363] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ss13 modpack when [13Apr2024 21:59:13.541] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: ss13 doesn't even work on linux [13Apr2024 21:59:21.049] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: yeah it's gay [13Apr2024 21:59:22.339] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: byond is gay [13Apr2024 21:59:31.473] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: there is ss14 but it's tranny shit [13Apr2024 21:59:32.029] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: waiting on lummox to hurry up and implement webview2 [13Apr2024 21:59:47.429] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: there's unitystation which isn't much better, but at least when you host your own server you won't get fuckin dinged for it [13Apr2024 21:59:58.030] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: and it's more in line with classic /tg/station [13Apr2024 22:00:16.051] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: i played on TG before it became 100% uber gay [13Apr2024 22:00:17.765] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: you CAN host your own server in ss14 [13Apr2024 22:00:19.117] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: it was only mostly gay back then [13Apr2024 22:00:22.828] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [Console/]: and even your master server [13Apr2024 22:00:26.763] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >host ss14 server [13Apr2024 22:00:32.997] [Async Chat Thread - #39/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >get blacklisted for muh hate speech [13Apr2024 22:00:42.130] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: thank you goon [13Apr2024 22:00:42.336] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: you can make your own master server [13Apr2024 22:00:51.471] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: but you shouldn't in the first place which is why it's tranny shit [13Apr2024 22:01:14.853] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: GARY COLEMAN [13Apr2024 22:01:27.307] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: guys we can make a water wheel to power a clock [13Apr2024 22:01:33.009] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: the most exciting gameplay addition of all [13Apr2024 22:01:36.682] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: gary coleman. [13Apr2024 22:01:47.617] [Async Chat Thread - #41/INFO] [Console/]: what minerals do you need for create autism [13Apr2024 22:03:02.511] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: i cannot take a bethesda pasta seriously [13Apr2024 22:03:07.464] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: ok i'm gonna try making a water wheel powered clock [13Apr2024 22:03:31.294] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: after that one fo3 pasta with the shadow man i can't listen to any fallout pasta without dismissing its seriousness [13Apr2024 22:03:50.790] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: where iron [13Apr2024 22:03:57.657] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: wow andesite is useful [13Apr2024 22:04:00.369] [Async Chat Thread - #42/INFO] [Console/]: i have 37 [13Apr2024 22:04:02.828] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [Console/]: START DIGGING ANDESITE [13Apr2024 22:04:10.461] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i just need 3 for a bucket [13Apr2024 22:04:22.517] [Async Chat Thread - #43/INFO] [Console/]: i need a bucket too [13Apr2024 22:05:23.214] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: holy shit the audio quality [13Apr2024 22:05:37.791] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: i never finished MoM, my interest in godzilla kinda tapered off [13Apr2024 22:05:39.225] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: the worse the mic quality, the better the video [13Apr2024 22:05:44.359] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: PORTAL [13Apr2024 22:05:47.844] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: RUINED PORTAL [13Apr2024 22:06:04.352] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: what the fuck the ponder mode is so good [13Apr2024 22:06:05.269] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: -320, 66, 136 [13Apr2024 22:06:11.745] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: you can check every individual block [13Apr2024 22:06:17.507] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: that appears in it [13Apr2024 22:07:05.897] [Async Chat Thread - #44/INFO] [Console/]: found a village [13Apr2024 22:07:12.004] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: somebody make a stonecutter please please please [13Apr2024 22:07:17.997] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2024/02/20/jeff-the-killer-22347296.png" [13Apr2024 22:07:25.896] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Crops of the Wild] [13Apr2024 22:07:45.369] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: hmmmmmm i wonder why mypermissions is bugging out [13Apr2024 22:07:51.915] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm sure nothing bad is happening :) [13Apr2024 22:07:54.258] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: you need to make the stonecuttre [13Apr2024 22:08:05.584] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i found rice and cabbage [13Apr2024 22:08:27.053] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: ok i will [13Apr2024 22:09:07.437] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: >iron ladder [13Apr2024 22:09:08.617] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: what for [13Apr2024 22:09:51.917] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: this is kickass [13Apr2024 22:09:53.204] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: check this [13Apr2024 22:09:55.183] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: NO FUCKIN WAY [13Apr2024 22:09:57.169] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: what [13Apr2024 22:10:01.553] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge] [13Apr2024 22:10:05.468] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: it's a scaffolding [13Apr2024 22:10:09.704] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: that is so fuckin useful [13Apr2024 22:10:11.599] [Async Chat Thread - #46/INFO] [Console/]: made of andesite [13Apr2024 22:10:14.489] [Async Chat Thread - #46/INFO] [Console/]: but [13Apr2024 22:10:16.797] [Async Chat Thread - #46/INFO] [Console/]: this is a vanilla object [13Apr2024 22:10:18.930] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: and iron bits [13Apr2024 22:10:29.423] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: so stop throwing away andesite [13Apr2024 22:10:31.549] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: it's useful here [13Apr2024 22:10:41.391] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: thanks for the iron jimmy [13Apr2024 22:10:43.217] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware] [13Apr2024 22:10:43.461] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: also i need a bucket [13Apr2024 22:11:05.089] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i am using most of this iron to make rails [13Apr2024 22:11:13.549] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: give me the bucket [13Apr2024 22:11:18.165] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: thanks [13Apr2024 22:11:27.741] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wow rude not letting the farmer do his farming [13Apr2024 22:11:40.728] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: cuckoo clock is more important [13Apr2024 22:12:10.561] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: titties in my ngc pasta? [13Apr2024 22:12:11.408] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: AIE [13Apr2024 22:12:22.817] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: CONTROLLER RAILS [13Apr2024 22:12:24.165] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: this is based [13Apr2024 22:12:39.159] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: you can build trains out of blocks too [13Apr2024 22:12:49.182] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i found kitchenware [13Apr2024 22:13:04.084] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: finally you can do branching railways without fucking with the messed up junctions [13Apr2024 22:13:39.769] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: oh yeah shit i also found obsidian [13Apr2024 22:13:44.458] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: so we can fill out the ruined portal [13Apr2024 22:13:53.769] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: it'sworking [13Apr2024 22:14:48.250] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: i need 1 redstone [13Apr2024 22:14:52.890] [Async Chat Thread - #45/INFO] [Console/]: check chest [13Apr2024 22:15:33.233] [Async Chat Thread - #47/INFO] [Console/]: okay thats fucking funny [13Apr2024 22:16:06.211] [Async Chat Thread - #47/INFO] [Console/]: >a deployer can imitate player interactions [13Apr2024 22:17:03.169] [Async Chat Thread - #47/INFO] [Console/]: i made mutton chops [13Apr2024 22:17:55.863] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [The Andesite Age] [13Apr2024 22:18:09.278] [Async Chat Thread - #48/INFO] [Console/]: r [13Apr2024 22:18:11.777] [Async Chat Thread - #48/INFO] [Console/]: oops [13Apr2024 22:18:18.721] [Async Chat Thread - #48/INFO] [Console/]: FUCK [13Apr2024 22:18:25.178] [Async Chat Thread - #48/INFO] [Console/]: PILLAGERS [13Apr2024 22:18:31.049] [Async Chat Thread - #48/INFO] [Console/]: DO I KILL THEM WILL THAT CAUSE A RAID [13Apr2024 22:18:37.761] [Async Chat Thread - #48/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 22:18:46.921] [Async Chat Thread - #48/INFO] [Console/]: im running fuck this [13Apr2024 22:20:02.471] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: oh yeah i forgot to say but when i was playing this on my own i saw a bee with a pride flag [13Apr2024 22:20:08.695] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: wtf [13Apr2024 22:20:13.185] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: you're joking right? [13Apr2024 22:20:15.481] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: no [13Apr2024 22:20:16.089] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: quark [13Apr2024 22:20:23.692] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: you can disable it in config [13Apr2024 22:20:27.054] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: it's disabled [13Apr2024 22:20:36.417] [Async Chat Thread - #50/INFO] [Console/]: i don't even remember why i added quark [13Apr2024 22:20:43.965] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i didn't touch any of the quark config shit [13Apr2024 22:20:51.498] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: sad! [13Apr2024 22:20:55.662] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: btw rail system is working now [13Apr2024 22:21:04.100] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: ok how do i fuck with create [13Apr2024 22:21:05.189] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: okay i need lava or flint and steel or something [13Apr2024 22:21:07.666] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon has made the advancement [A Seedy Place] [13Apr2024 22:21:11.949] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: now [13Apr2024 22:21:22.433] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: now we wait to noon [13Apr2024 22:21:22.570] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: ok but what is the purpose of this clock [13Apr2024 22:21:26.783] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [Hot Stuff] [13Apr2024 22:21:31.416] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: looks cool [13Apr2024 22:21:41.190] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: can the clock be configured to trigger certain actions at certain times? [13Apr2024 22:21:56.956] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ight i'll let this fanpasta play out and fingerbones [13Apr2024 22:22:04.707] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: maybe queue up some bad exeshit [13Apr2024 22:22:06.448] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: probably no [13Apr2024 22:22:10.762] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: actually wait a minute [13Apr2024 22:22:14.020] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: the portal is complete [13Apr2024 22:22:19.608] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: it plays sound the second you can go to sleep [13Apr2024 22:22:23.388] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon issued server command: /time [13Apr2024 22:22:26.100] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: and you then can use sculk sensor to register it [13Apr2024 22:22:33.499] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: woah [13Apr2024 22:22:53.093] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: okay can we not just make a teleporter or something [13Apr2024 22:22:55.257] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: this is agonizing [13Apr2024 22:23:01.174] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: no [13Apr2024 22:23:02.089] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: a teleporter for what [13Apr2024 22:23:04.917] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: the portal [13Apr2024 22:23:11.171] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: why [13Apr2024 22:23:18.836] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: we have a fucking train mod [13Apr2024 22:23:19.031] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: because its fucking miles away from spawn [13Apr2024 22:23:22.852] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: WE HAVE A TRAIN MOD [13Apr2024 22:23:25.688] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: buddy that's what trains are rails are for [13Apr2024 22:23:30.195] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: let's do it [13Apr2024 22:23:35.969] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: set a waypoin for that bitch [13Apr2024 22:23:40.517] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: it's time for TRAINS [13Apr2024 22:23:42.379] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: YOU CAN BUILD A SWASTIKA AND HAVE IT MOVE ON RAILS [13Apr2024 22:24:20.449] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: jimmyt did you check out ponder index [13Apr2024 22:24:25.121] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: yeah a little [13Apr2024 22:24:34.631] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: it has item transportation shit [13Apr2024 22:24:43.421] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: yeah i see that [13Apr2024 22:25:18.149] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: how can you have a patreon for a minecraft mod [13Apr2024 22:25:27.275] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: could i unironically have a patreon for OSF it'd be the same thing [13Apr2024 22:25:35.644] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: you could [13Apr2024 22:25:40.440] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: no because sonic omens [13Apr2024 22:25:43.529] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i think [13Apr2024 22:25:44.359] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i would deserve to be raped by sega [13Apr2024 22:25:45.712] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: since you're not directly selling it you'd be able to open one up under the context of donations [13Apr2024 22:26:00.704] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: sonic omens is russian i don't even think they have copyright laws in there [13Apr2024 22:26:18.877] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: sonic omens was fine, sega never responded, it was just people on twitter who sperged about it [13Apr2024 22:26:24.172] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: got a waypoint to the portal [13Apr2024 22:26:38.112] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i only remember sonic omens for maria panties [13Apr2024 22:26:48.361] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: that was funny [13Apr2024 22:26:52.982] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i cant think of maria without thinking of fucking marias revenge [13Apr2024 22:26:58.018] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: or that shitty tails level [13Apr2024 22:26:58.159] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: reminded me of hl2 cinematic mod or what was it called [13Apr2024 22:27:03.789] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: in sonic omens i mean [13Apr2024 22:27:21.696] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: theres this level where youre tails in a ship and the stage sucks my fucking dick i couldnt finish it [13Apr2024 22:27:35.822] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: monke [13Apr2024 22:27:38.438] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: you can make a giant fucking drill with this mod [13Apr2024 22:27:40.664] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: this is based [13Apr2024 22:27:42.159] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 22:27:47.687] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: gurren lagann moment [13Apr2024 22:27:52.449] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM [13Apr2024 22:27:56.536] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Is It Time?] [13Apr2024 22:28:22.097] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: >need to make a structure to make train tracks [13Apr2024 22:28:22.853] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: based [13Apr2024 22:28:33.699] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i don't think we have enough place for it though [13Apr2024 22:28:43.117] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: obsidian tnt [13Apr2024 22:28:43.981] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: bingo [13Apr2024 22:28:45.840] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i know it [13Apr2024 22:28:48.066] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: it's very strong [13Apr2024 22:28:50.589] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh hell yeah [13Apr2024 22:28:55.973] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: please tell me we can cook eggs and bacon [13Apr2024 22:29:00.045] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 22:29:04.834] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: B A S E D [13Apr2024 22:29:13.091] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: we can cook eggs and bacon AUTOMATICALLY [13Apr2024 22:29:16.278] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: when it's morning [13Apr2024 22:29:17.384] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: we need a furnace for a stovetop? [13Apr2024 22:29:30.881] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: YEAH [13Apr2024 22:29:34.857] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: YEAH BABEYYYYYYY [13Apr2024 22:29:35.683] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: LETS GO BITCH [13Apr2024 22:29:40.781] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: we can make a megastructure that kills pigs and chicken when it's morning and then makes eggs and bacon [13Apr2024 22:29:46.980] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i can finally rp as a botanist/chef [13Apr2024 22:29:53.336] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: my ss13 dreams are finally coming trve..... [13Apr2024 22:30:08.131] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: BACON BITCH [13Apr2024 22:30:15.211] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: GET ON THAT PAN BITCH [13Apr2024 22:30:15.773] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ight we need to get pigs over here asap [13Apr2024 22:30:17.496] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: this is why it's urgent we make obsidian tnts and nuke everything [13Apr2024 22:30:24.849] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: COOKED MOTHERFUCKING BACON BITCH [13Apr2024 22:31:00.428] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Saving the game (this may take a moment!) [13Apr2024 22:31:00.701] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Saved the game [13Apr2024 22:31:04.709] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: how do i get train casing [13Apr2024 22:31:17.332] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: i need raw beef\ [13Apr2024 22:31:18.998] [Async Chat Thread - #49/INFO] [Console/]: two [13Apr2024 22:32:24.831] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: so what the fuck was fingerbones anyways? some sort of scp type pasta? [13Apr2024 22:32:33.565] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ik it's based off of ngc (loosely) [13Apr2024 22:33:13.469] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: brb coffee [13Apr2024 22:33:35.781] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: jimmyt [13Apr2024 22:33:37.118] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: guy plays a fictional NES survival horror game with some SCP shit thrown in [13Apr2024 22:33:38.428] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: use nei [13Apr2024 22:33:39.595] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: wassup [13Apr2024 22:33:44.801] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: for recipes [13Apr2024 22:33:52.907] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: yeah i got it already [13Apr2024 22:33:56.598] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: need brass by mixing zinc and copper [13Apr2024 22:34:04.849] [Async Chat Thread - #51/INFO] [Console/]: then right click [13Apr2024 22:35:20.282] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: zero does not look like ghidorah what is he talking about [13Apr2024 22:35:53.868] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: we can fight herobrine in this [13Apr2024 22:36:08.537] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: 3 gold blocks 3 netherrack two torches and a nether star [13Apr2024 22:36:21.460] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: >nether star [13Apr2024 22:36:27.365] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: better used on beacon [13Apr2024 22:36:38.555] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: probably some really late late game shit [13Apr2024 22:36:51.630] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: there is no late game in minecraft [13Apr2024 22:36:53.293] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: i need cows i need beef [13Apr2024 22:36:54.523] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: need andesite [13Apr2024 22:37:17.051] [Async Chat Thread - #52/INFO] [Console/]: here [13Apr2024 22:39:52.788] [Async Chat Thread - #53/INFO] [Console/]: create shit in chest [13Apr2024 22:39:56.541] [Async Chat Thread - #53/INFO] [Console/]: outside [13Apr2024 22:41:45.818] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: btw we can automate farming [13Apr2024 22:42:15.065] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: back [13Apr2024 22:42:17.862] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: btw we can automate farming [13Apr2024 22:42:23.985] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: orly? [13Apr2024 22:42:32.411] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [HAMMAH!] [13Apr2024 22:42:44.815] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: fucking christ finally [13Apr2024 22:42:46.146] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: beef [13Apr2024 22:42:46.167] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: god all the brainrot made me misread that as "hamas" [13Apr2024 22:42:48.061] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: yeah you will be spinning the hand crank 24/7 [13Apr2024 22:42:54.207] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: for energy [13Apr2024 22:42:54.420] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: okay [13Apr2024 22:43:09.855] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: this will be worth it trust me [13Apr2024 22:43:18.438] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: i am doing something legendary [13Apr2024 22:44:04.102] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [Console/]: >smart observer can detect stuff happening in chests [13Apr2024 22:44:14.608] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: so what's the hemp for? kevlar? [13Apr2024 22:44:19.980] [Async Chat Thread - #54/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: er not kevlar, but yknow what i mean [13Apr2024 22:44:27.780] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: no i dont [13Apr2024 22:44:31.680] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: "theoretical tech guy" [13Apr2024 22:44:34.408] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: sounds like a fake job [13Apr2024 22:44:49.734] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [The Andesite Age] [13Apr2024 22:44:51.788] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: MY EARS [13Apr2024 22:44:52.705] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: my ears [13Apr2024 22:45:18.610] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: CABBAGE LESGOOOOO [13Apr2024 22:45:18.773] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: i need bone meal [13Apr2024 22:45:22.205] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: >theoretical tech guy [13Apr2024 22:45:22.660] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: hold on [13Apr2024 22:45:25.660] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: that's just a scientist [13Apr2024 22:45:40.863] [Async Chat Thread - #55/INFO] [Console/]: add a greentext plugin [13Apr2024 22:45:46.139] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: WHERE DID OUR FUCKIN BONES GO [13Apr2024 22:45:54.941] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: you see the flowers [13Apr2024 22:46:13.982] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yeah? [13Apr2024 22:46:31.849] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: actually no this is where the bones went [13Apr2024 22:46:41.212] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i see [13Apr2024 22:46:52.498] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: i cant say it wasnt worth it but GODDAMN IT I NEED BOENS [13Apr2024 22:46:54.718] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: BONES [13Apr2024 22:46:55.560] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: FUCK [13Apr2024 22:46:59.965] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: kill skeleniggers [13Apr2024 22:47:04.147] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >minecraftbones [13Apr2024 22:47:37.857] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: mixer [13Apr2024 22:47:48.948] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: bukkitgreentext is 1.19.2 compatible [13Apr2024 22:47:52.509] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 22:47:57.650] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: can we cheat the time to night briefly [13Apr2024 22:48:00.463] [Async Chat Thread - #56/INFO] [Console/]: just a shaft [13Apr2024 22:48:03.508] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: no [13Apr2024 22:48:37.042] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: just a shaft [13Apr2024 22:48:41.518] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: how do i make this shit vertical [13Apr2024 22:48:52.381] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: hold on [13Apr2024 22:49:02.405] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: gearbox [13Apr2024 22:49:12.995] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: make a gearbox [13Apr2024 22:49:24.785] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: actually no give me 4 cogs [13Apr2024 22:50:00.059] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: MoM's movement is ass [13Apr2024 22:50:05.263] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: here [13Apr2024 22:50:52.313] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: cookin more charcoal [13Apr2024 22:50:56.757] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: we need more speed [13Apr2024 22:51:05.004] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: a better energy source [13Apr2024 22:51:17.967] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: gibs me crack and i'll run on a treadmill [13Apr2024 22:51:35.902] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: we can make a windmill [13Apr2024 22:51:47.900] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: can't power this shit with redstone presumably [13Apr2024 22:51:48.500] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: and make it a shape of swastika [13Apr2024 22:51:55.768] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: what do you think? [13Apr2024 22:52:00.884] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: it's a windmill of friendship wdym [13Apr2024 22:52:18.007] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: ALRIGHT BRING IT ON YOU FAGGOT SKELETONS [13Apr2024 22:52:35.808] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: go to caves [13Apr2024 22:53:33.546] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: tbdesu i might host a cytube instance on the box once i give it a hardware upgrade, just so i can scrape logs from it [13Apr2024 22:53:45.209] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: windmill t ime [13Apr2024 22:54:28.994] [Async Chat Thread - #57/INFO] [Console/]: found herobrine [13Apr2024 22:55:34.796] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: fuck me all this shit for a train [13Apr2024 22:55:38.938] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: mod's a little bloated [13Apr2024 22:55:48.885] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: better than bta [13Apr2024 22:55:53.503] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: true [13Apr2024 22:55:55.516] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: trye [13Apr2024 22:55:57.872] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: we need slime [13Apr2024 22:56:18.651] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: i like how the dogs target hostiles even if you havent tamed them [13Apr2024 22:56:26.230] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: just skeletons [13Apr2024 22:56:28.345] [Async Chat Thread - #58/INFO] [Console/]: because bones [13Apr2024 22:56:34.028] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: makes enough sense [13Apr2024 22:56:37.501] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: not even if you attack a hostile? [13Apr2024 22:56:39.259] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [Console/]: and sheep [13Apr2024 22:56:48.626] [Async Chat Thread - #59/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: dogs should attack anything you hit [13Apr2024 22:59:21.260] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait we haven't found cows yet have we [13Apr2024 22:59:31.117] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: i killed them [13Apr2024 22:59:42.449] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon issued server command: /skin set mojang Notch [13Apr2024 22:59:43.008] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon moved too quickly! -13.826351291814985,8.0,65.59312746643587 [13Apr2024 22:59:43.973] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: we need slimes [13Apr2024 22:59:58.097] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://www.minecraftskins.com/uploads/skins/2024/02/20/jeff-the-killer-22347296.png" [13Apr2024 23:00:12.622] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: oh son of a bitch i need milk [13Apr2024 23:00:13.957] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: FUCK [13Apr2024 23:00:40.033] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: well [13Apr2024 23:00:46.286] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: we have to go to the nether to make a train [13Apr2024 23:00:55.110] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: what for [13Apr2024 23:01:01.459] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: baby enderman [13Apr2024 23:01:08.670] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: brass needs to be mixed in a blaze burner [13Apr2024 23:01:13.471] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: you need netherrack to craft a blaze burner [13Apr2024 23:01:15.884] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: wow nether is useful now [13Apr2024 23:01:41.717] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: do you have andesite [13Apr2024 23:01:46.710] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 23:02:15.570] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: how do i open this minimap [13Apr2024 23:02:26.741] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon issued server command: /skin set web classic "https://exegarbage.lol/jeff.png" [13Apr2024 23:02:28.631] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon moved too quickly! -13.826351291814985,8.0,65.59312746643587 [13Apr2024 23:02:31.369] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: there we go [13Apr2024 23:02:41.586] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [Console/]: rebind it [13Apr2024 23:02:42.233] [Async Chat Thread - #60/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: so if you're using skins from the skindex lemme know, i'll just upload them to the shitbox [13Apr2024 23:03:04.488] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon has made the advancement [Crops of the Wild] [13Apr2024 23:03:50.045] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO] [Console/]: can you craft leads [13Apr2024 23:03:53.641] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 23:03:58.441] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO] [Console/]: go find slime chunk [13Apr2024 23:03:59.751] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO] [Console/]: i need to bring two cows back home [13Apr2024 23:04:10.330] [Async Chat Thread - #61/INFO] [Console/]: mojang should kill themselves for how slimes are handled in this game [13Apr2024 23:04:12.957] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: speak of the devil [13Apr2024 23:04:55.565] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: who got iron [13Apr2024 23:05:07.786] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: isn't there a way to filter by mod in jei? [13Apr2024 23:05:33.907] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: maybe [13Apr2024 23:05:58.673] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: wtf are these mod keybinds there are like 50 different conflicting binds [13Apr2024 23:06:04.057] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [Console/]: its called sovl [13Apr2024 23:06:07.947] [Async Chat Thread - #62/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: certified modpack moment [13Apr2024 23:07:09.200] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [Console/]: mojang shilled create in some trailer just remembered this [13Apr2024 23:07:19.403] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [Console/]: dude this minimap is fucking garbage [13Apr2024 23:07:19.554] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [Console/]: didn't name it though [13Apr2024 23:07:24.746] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [Console/]: how do i just open it and look at the map like a normal game [13Apr2024 23:08:15.563] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [Console/]: FREE BONE MEAL WHAT THE FUCK [13Apr2024 23:08:23.452] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [Console/]: YOU CAN CUT CHICKEN AND GET BONE MEAL [13Apr2024 23:08:27.883] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: based [13Apr2024 23:08:38.553] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: like my jeffery the kills people skin? [13Apr2024 23:08:44.622] [Async Chat Thread - #63/INFO] [Console/]: yes [13Apr2024 23:08:54.173] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aie accidentally unmuted my mic [13Apr2024 23:09:00.896] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: i didnt hear anything [13Apr2024 23:09:04.965] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: i didnt either [13Apr2024 23:09:07.615] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: phew [13Apr2024 23:09:11.908] [Server thread/ERROR] [STDERR/]: Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug! [13Apr2024 23:09:16.762] [Async Chat Thread - #64/INFO] [Console/]: i disabled microphones bios level [13Apr2024 23:09:17.295] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5429ms or 108 ticks behind [13Apr2024 23:09:17.319] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: buganon moved too quickly! -9.988239338791253,0.0,-0.8998204750841907 [13Apr2024 23:10:41.984] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >look up sonic shitpasta [13Apr2024 23:10:44.421] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: i need two iron [13Apr2024 23:10:46.283] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: first mistake [13Apr2024 23:10:52.966] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: i need a second bucket [13Apr2024 23:10:59.787] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-1RQfikAHM [13Apr2024 23:11:05.518] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: i cant open that [13Apr2024 23:11:07.608] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >>>>>>two fucking hours [13Apr2024 23:11:23.756] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokubo are you making a cooking pot [13Apr2024 23:11:26.822] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: no [13Apr2024 23:11:29.088] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh [13Apr2024 23:11:34.536] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: i need a bucket so i can get a second thing of milk [13Apr2024 23:11:41.650] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: come here [13Apr2024 23:11:46.222] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: i have one now [13Apr2024 23:12:01.518] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [Console/]: right, off to find another cow [13Apr2024 23:12:08.225] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: get some wheat [13Apr2024 23:12:12.524] [Async Chat Thread - #65/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: lure them fuckin cows back here [13Apr2024 23:12:44.536] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [A Seedy Place] [13Apr2024 23:13:51.714] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: we got five iron? [13Apr2024 23:13:56.507] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: no [13Apr2024 23:14:02.997] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: damn, brb gonna go mining [13Apr2024 23:14:05.802] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: i'm gonna go mine too [13Apr2024 23:14:06.092] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: get [13Apr2024 23:14:07.000] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: get [13Apr2024 23:14:12.003] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: wool [13Apr2024 23:14:34.426] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: augh guess i'll go sheep finding then [13Apr2024 23:14:39.743] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: nvm we have it [13Apr2024 23:15:31.421] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i remember xaero's minimap being better wtf [13Apr2024 23:15:34.519] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: when did it get shitty [13Apr2024 23:15:45.165] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: you are confusing it with journey's map [13Apr2024 23:15:51.071] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: i did too which is why this is installed [13Apr2024 23:16:07.717] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: based yokubo [13Apr2024 23:16:48.767] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: berries fuck yeah [13Apr2024 23:17:01.774] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has made the advancement [The Parrots and the Bats] [13Apr2024 23:17:11.443] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: yeah we need slime [13Apr2024 23:17:12.573] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: herobrine has appeared to me [13Apr2024 23:17:13.257] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: damn [13Apr2024 23:17:25.821] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [Console/]: twice ina row [13Apr2024 23:17:40.633] [Async Chat Thread - #66/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: found sheep [13Apr2024 23:17:41.233] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: herobrine is going to rape me in this cave [13Apr2024 23:17:56.736] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: but that's not canon to vibingleaf wholesome sovl.... [13Apr2024 23:19:00.928] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon was slain by Wolf [13Apr2024 23:19:05.389] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: fuckin wolves [13Apr2024 23:19:16.071] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: ALRIGHT [13Apr2024 23:19:18.361] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: FUCKING FINALLY [13Apr2024 23:19:23.849] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: I CAN PUT MY BURGER BASED PLAN INTO MOTION [13Apr2024 23:19:40.004] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: that wolf almost killed all the sheep i was bringing over [13Apr2024 23:19:51.732] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: we need slime [13Apr2024 23:20:14.847] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: surely one of these chunks in this giant cave is bound to be a slime chunk [13Apr2024 23:20:21.514] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: WE CAN MAKE SLIME OUT OF DOUGH [13Apr2024 23:20:31.881] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: mojang btfo [13Apr2024 23:20:34.411] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: AT LONG LAST [13Apr2024 23:20:35.625] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: BURGER [13Apr2024 23:20:44.476] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: finally, we can be americans [13Apr2024 23:20:52.074] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: start making dough [13Apr2024 23:20:56.529] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: hold tf on [13Apr2024 23:21:09.419] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >rick astley reference [13Apr2024 23:21:39.219] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: it says we need a crusher for dough [13Apr2024 23:21:41.527] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: do we have that [13Apr2024 23:21:46.152] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: these fucking chickens [13Apr2024 23:21:52.828] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: no we dont need a crusher for dough [13Apr2024 23:21:57.770] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: nvm [13Apr2024 23:22:05.760] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: wheat dough [13Apr2024 23:22:12.378] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: there's 2 dough [13Apr2024 23:22:15.486] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: this means this modpack is good [13Apr2024 23:22:30.630] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: hey someone hold some wheat near the fence adjacent to the gate [13Apr2024 23:22:33.700] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: just wheat for that [13Apr2024 23:22:46.865] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: 3 wheat 1 water bucket [13Apr2024 23:22:59.925] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon has made the advancement [The Parrots and the Bats] [13Apr2024 23:23:21.916] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: perfect [13Apr2024 23:23:33.039] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aie [13Apr2024 23:23:55.239] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: 3 wheat, 1 water bucket, 1 bonemeal [13Apr2024 23:24:13.725] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: i dont know what i did but i used the how to book [13Apr2024 23:24:14.699] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: + green dye (cactus) [13Apr2024 23:24:15.889] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: its gone now [13Apr2024 23:24:16.764] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: = cactus [13Apr2024 23:24:25.401] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: = slime [13Apr2024 23:24:50.568] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: go make dough i'll search cactus [13Apr2024 23:24:59.852] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: aye aye, cap'n [13Apr2024 23:25:21.320] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: i made bacon and eggs [13Apr2024 23:25:30.569] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: somebody make a waypoint to home and share it in chat [13Apr2024 23:25:40.726] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: via u button [13Apr2024 23:25:41.333] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: how [13Apr2024 23:25:42.967] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: U [13Apr2024 23:25:42.970] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: wait, the global waypoint isn't showing for you? [13Apr2024 23:25:47.531] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: xaero-waypoint:home base:H:0:64:-55:9:false:0:Internal-overworld-waypoints [13Apr2024 23:25:51.882] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: good [13Apr2024 23:26:03.765] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: JimmyT issued server command: /tp @s 0 64.5 -55 [13Apr2024 23:26:04.262] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: xaero-waypoint:fuck you:F:-329:67:128:13:false:0:Internal-overworld-waypoints [13Apr2024 23:26:06.776] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: theres the portal [13Apr2024 23:26:19.265] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: did you find desert? [13Apr2024 23:26:40.114] [Async Chat Thread - #67/INFO] [Console/]: uh oh [13Apr2024 23:26:41.537] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [Console/]: go to sleep [13Apr2024 23:26:48.894] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: buganon has made the advancement [Sweet Dreams] [13Apr2024 23:26:50.084] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [Console/]: please [13Apr2024 23:26:51.516] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [Console/]: thanks [13Apr2024 23:27:07.312] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [Console/]: sdamos [13Apr2024 23:27:08.216] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: jeffy went to sleep..................... just like the pasta..... [13Apr2024 23:27:19.417] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [Console/]: mini melon [13Apr2024 23:27:35.213] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [Console/]: ok we got melon [13Apr2024 23:27:44.076] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: pog [13Apr2024 23:27:56.391] [Async Chat Thread - #68/INFO] [Console/]: found cows [13Apr2024 23:28:20.179] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ight, we have 6 dough rn [13Apr2024 23:28:27.220] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: just need the lime dye [13Apr2024 23:28:37.631] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: and bonemeal [13Apr2024 23:28:49.071] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: six creepers [13Apr2024 23:28:50.065] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: wow [13Apr2024 23:28:58.631] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: im good on the bonemeal just cut a chicken [13Apr2024 23:29:06.931] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: i have a knife for that [13Apr2024 23:29:11.769] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: why do we need bonemeal for slimeballs? the recipes i see don't require it [13Apr2024 23:29:13.717] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: apparently you can cook a sea pickle for lime dye [13Apr2024 23:29:19.054] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: lime dye [13Apr2024 23:29:24.129] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: r [13Apr2024 23:29:27.543] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: fuck [13Apr2024 23:29:29.901] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh, for white dye.... [13Apr2024 23:29:30.581] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ah [13Apr2024 23:29:54.898] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: herobrine jumpscared me for the first time [13Apr2024 23:30:18.556] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: what the fuck [13Apr2024 23:30:21.450] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: i found a red orb [13Apr2024 23:30:39.393] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: scp [13Apr2024 23:30:42.556] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: looks like shit [13Apr2024 23:30:57.163] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: that's the mod soul [13Apr2024 23:31:05.205] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: scp-002 [13Apr2024 23:31:38.841] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: posted in threa [13Apr2024 23:31:46.554] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: i cant find any pickles [13Apr2024 23:31:49.672] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: OH [13Apr2024 23:31:51.920] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [Console/]: lol [13Apr2024 23:31:54.669] [Async Chat Thread - #69/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: that's the living room scp isn't it? [13Apr2024 23:32:08.639] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: where people just straight up fuckin disappear in there and more "human" furniture is made [13Apr2024 23:32:31.595] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: do we need canes [13Apr2024 23:32:41.080] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: sugarcane? wouldn't hurt to have [13Apr2024 23:32:44.690] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: every time i see a story like that i'm reminded of this cartoon that was on disney channel as a kid [13Apr2024 23:32:47.096] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: kick buttowski [13Apr2024 23:32:48.541] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: found onions [13Apr2024 23:32:50.250] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: do we have that [13Apr2024 23:32:54.570] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: nope [13Apr2024 23:32:55.246] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: and there's an episode where they're stuck in an attic and they tell scary stories [13Apr2024 23:32:55.846] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor has made the advancement [Crops of the Wild] [13Apr2024 23:32:59.009] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: no they would be nice [13Apr2024 23:32:59.455] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: onions get [13Apr2024 23:33:10.693] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: and one of them is about a port-a-potty that turns people who use it into other port-a-potties [13Apr2024 23:33:32.129] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: found a house [13Apr2024 23:34:03.263] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: it's deserted [13Apr2024 23:34:10.255] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: has scp 632 [13Apr2024 23:34:14.502] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: SCP 622 [13Apr2024 23:34:17.550] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: desert in a can [13Apr2024 23:34:32.834] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: where is trans space station SCP [13Apr2024 23:34:32.941] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: hmmm [13Apr2024 23:34:40.815] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >trans space station SCP [13Apr2024 23:34:42.954] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: it's called ss14 [13Apr2024 23:34:49.471] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: got me there [13Apr2024 23:34:55.447] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: TUMBLR SATTELITE [13Apr2024 23:35:04.381] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: what else can i make [13Apr2024 23:35:11.757] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: what about ronald reagan dies of AIDS scp [13Apr2024 23:35:12.501] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: can i build a deep fryer [13Apr2024 23:35:22.114] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: i am going to test out this scp called desert in a can on our base [13Apr2024 23:35:25.969] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: no deep fryer [13Apr2024 23:36:08.963] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: i accidentally left in immersive engineering oops [13Apr2024 23:36:24.512] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: eh, let's just leave it in [13Apr2024 23:36:30.267] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm sure hemp has a use for something besides decor [13Apr2024 23:36:36.406] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: what about the scp that turns you into a furry [13Apr2024 23:36:47.100] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: e621 already exists [13Apr2024 23:36:48.670] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: what about the scary ones [13Apr2024 23:36:56.061] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: or the hot one [13Apr2024 23:36:58.502] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: the deer girl [13Apr2024 23:37:19.954] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: there was an /x/ greentext about anon fucking a deer girl in the woods [13Apr2024 23:37:25.764] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: it seems there are many /x/ greentexts of that sort [13Apr2024 23:37:29.634] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: based monsterfucker [13Apr2024 23:37:31.849] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: sounds like a /k/ greentext [13Apr2024 23:37:44.949] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: dough is in the foodstuffs chest btw [13Apr2024 23:37:50.954] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: found another house [13Apr2024 23:38:04.969] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: go to sleep [13Apr2024 23:38:06.389] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: be happy like the /x/schizo who believes he is having sex with his anime girl tulpa every day [13Apr2024 23:38:24.043] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: bookshelve [13Apr2024 23:38:27.381] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: and end rod [13Apr2024 23:38:34.521] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: it used LOOMS FOR WALLS [13Apr2024 23:39:01.465] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: 27 books [13Apr2024 23:39:12.632] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Take Aim] [13Apr2024 23:39:41.747] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: have you guys seen herobrine or is he just targeting me [13Apr2024 23:39:47.751] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: i have [13Apr2024 23:39:48.704] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: take your meds schizo [13Apr2024 23:39:51.013] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i saw him a ton when the server first started up [13Apr2024 23:39:56.899] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: he actually changed my view [13Apr2024 23:40:02.070] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: oh [13Apr2024 23:40:02.983] [Async Chat Thread - #70/INFO] [Console/]: i need suggestions for shit to make [13Apr2024 23:40:05.115] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: i bumped into him while backing from monsters and he forcefully turned me around [13Apr2024 23:40:06.323] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: it's literally [13Apr2024 23:40:06.764] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: like food [13Apr2024 23:40:08.388] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: desert in a can [13Apr2024 23:40:16.752] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: wow so much effort [13Apr2024 23:40:17.548] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: look [13Apr2024 23:40:25.730] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: i want to be our home chef, i am after all sarah needlemouse who is in fact a woman [13Apr2024 23:40:31.143] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: the joke is that women. [13Apr2024 23:40:35.906] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: look at this [13Apr2024 23:40:50.455] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: so much quality in this mod [13Apr2024 23:40:56.505] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: wow [13Apr2024 23:41:06.160] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: 9 spruce bookshelf get [13Apr2024 23:41:07.302] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: wait can we just put sugarcane by our house [13Apr2024 23:41:09.437] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: i have some i think [13Apr2024 23:41:21.821] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: foodstuffs chest [13Apr2024 23:41:50.783] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: cool [13Apr2024 23:41:52.586] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: no cactus [13Apr2024 23:41:59.931] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: you can make marshmallows in this too [13Apr2024 23:42:06.921] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: take this [13Apr2024 23:42:13.459] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [Console/]: take this farmslave [13Apr2024 23:42:24.679] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: hella [13Apr2024 23:42:29.165] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: gibsmedat massa [13Apr2024 23:42:31.099] [Async Chat Thread - #71/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i grows good [13Apr2024 23:44:15.505] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh BOY [13Apr2024 23:44:18.217] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: what [13Apr2024 23:44:21.469] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: TWO HOUR MINECRAFT PASTA INCOMING [13Apr2024 23:44:25.148] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: hey can ferns drop? [13Apr2024 23:44:33.469] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: only with shears iirc [13Apr2024 23:45:08.456] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: got one and 1/2 stacks of iron, surely we will not burn through it instantly [13Apr2024 23:45:12.481] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: if we had better power we could make crushers [13Apr2024 23:45:46.373] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: FOUND A MINESHAFT [13Apr2024 23:45:51.636] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: get them rails [13Apr2024 23:45:56.241] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: how do you bricks [13Apr2024 23:45:58.293] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: i need bricks [13Apr2024 23:46:01.738] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: dude [13Apr2024 23:46:03.641] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: inventory [13Apr2024 23:46:05.213] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: search [13Apr2024 23:46:07.900] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: hover over item [13Apr2024 23:46:08.439] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: R [13Apr2024 23:46:29.172] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: hey [13Apr2024 23:46:29.832] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: that's no mineshaft [13Apr2024 23:46:32.454] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: can you guys see herobrine [13Apr2024 23:46:34.390] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: in front of the house [13Apr2024 23:46:35.506] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: oh he's gone [13Apr2024 23:47:04.065] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: this mineshaft is huge [13Apr2024 23:47:09.471] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: leaving it to somebody else [13Apr2024 23:47:39.292] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: son of a bitch [13Apr2024 23:48:31.891] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: xaero-waypoint:home base:H:0:64:-55:9:false:0:Internal-overworld-waypoints [13Apr2024 23:48:42.406] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: whoops [13Apr2024 23:48:45.194] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: xaero-waypoint:Surface entrance to mineshaft:S:371:77:-467:12:false:0:Internal-overworld-waypoints [13Apr2024 23:48:53.918] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: ding? [13Apr2024 23:48:56.173] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: bell? [13Apr2024 23:49:03.005] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: what [13Apr2024 23:49:10.127] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: i heard a bell what the fuck was that [13Apr2024 23:49:13.014] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: yokuboSTAR_ moved wrongly! [13Apr2024 23:49:13.512] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: ... [13Apr2024 23:49:13.873] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: oh [13Apr2024 23:49:14.521] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: look [13Apr2024 23:49:15.258] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: the clock [13Apr2024 23:49:21.892] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: cuckoo clock [13Apr2024 23:49:40.838] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: brb [13Apr2024 23:49:41.464] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: oh this is gonna be a fuckin awful video [13Apr2024 23:49:50.154] [Async Chat Thread - #72/INFO] [Console/]: 2 hour long minecraft sonic.exe [13Apr2024 23:50:12.900] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Player 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 timed out [13Apr2024 23:50:12.900] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Reconnecting player Cobblemperor [13Apr2024 23:50:12.901] [VoiceChatPacketProcessingThread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Sent secret to Cobblemperor [13Apr2024 23:50:24.895] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl/]: Cobblemperor lost connection: Timed out [13Apr2024 23:50:24.896] [Server thread/INFO] [voicechat/]: [voicechat] Disconnecting client Cobblemperor [13Apr2024 23:50:24.945] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Cobblemperor left the game. [13Apr2024 23:50:57.287] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: bro got scared by his friend in game [13Apr2024 23:51:01.924] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >gee gosh thanks [13Apr2024 23:51:05.086] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: why did i q this up [13Apr2024 23:51:19.021] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: can we skip this [13Apr2024 23:51:34.932] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: let's give it, like, 5 more minutes and i'll find something else [13Apr2024 23:51:44.666] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: unless you guys have any suggestions for an autoskip [13Apr2024 23:51:52.516] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: ive got something [13Apr2024 23:52:19.769] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: ngl i fuck with the house they built, looks cozy as fuck [13Apr2024 23:53:03.505] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: fuck [13Apr2024 23:53:23.565] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: do you have sonic.exe vs red in there [13Apr2024 23:53:28.814] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: no this is a playlist [13Apr2024 23:53:31.656] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: of another series [13Apr2024 23:53:33.929] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: def not listening to all four hours at once, but i'll let some of it play [13Apr2024 23:53:51.013] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: we can skip the ones that at least arent funny enough [13Apr2024 23:53:52.060] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: i put it in [13Apr2024 23:54:30.232] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: yokuboSTAR_ has reached the goal [Dinner's Served!] [13Apr2024 23:54:43.108] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >server protection plugin [13Apr2024 23:54:46.356] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: >what is a whitelist [13Apr2024 23:55:23.433] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: you cant make a pizza in this [13Apr2024 23:55:28.069] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: why live at that point [13Apr2024 23:55:57.579] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i can be a fatass amerimutt in this let's go [13Apr2024 23:56:26.628] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: i'm so upset we haven't seen one bit of sonic.exe yet [13Apr2024 23:57:11.818] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: sonic.exe the THIEF [13Apr2024 23:57:27.562] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: a i e e e e [13Apr2024 23:58:00.830] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: at what point does sonic.exe show up and throw his ass around just like in jc's art [13Apr2024 23:58:16.356] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: i need another magma thing [13Apr2024 23:58:44.626] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: fuck this i'm skipping this video [13Apr2024 23:59:25.689] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: K I N O [13Apr2024 23:59:42.616] [Async Chat Thread - #73/INFO] [Console/]: the cope of sonic.exe [13Apr2024 23:59:53.966] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: JimmyT has made the advancement [Crops of the Wild] [13Apr2024 23:59:55.157] [User Authenticator #6/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl/]: UUID of player Cobblemperor is 8b587725-b91a-3fc1-8feb-d6202fccf3b8 (end of file; for some reason the server didn't save the other log files... -bug)